Sigil Setting: Combat Tavern?


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Magi_Trelian said:
CageGolem is already a rogue modron, so initially I was thinking we wanted something different for the Hive. I'm reconsidering based on these posts. Maybe it's CageGolem's bigger badder "brother". ;-)
And besides, Beeg and Feeg are both stone golems. ;)

Rallden said:
How about this, as someone said, It be a warforge, HOW CARES IF THEY ARE NOT ON SIGIL! Or anywhere else, neither should werewolf/celestial/demonknigh/vampires... (all as on character)

Okay as I was saying, Warforge like someone said, or even a FEMALE looking clockwork, the new point of it being, there are no female looking bots? Could be the new look people are looking for. Yaya! Cheers.
I think you'll find quite a few who care. Warforged are a signature of a very insular, closed off setting built based on a cosmology that bears little resemblance to that of Sigil's Great Wheel. And a symbolic feature of a closed off setting is absolutely antithetical to the concept of Sigil, and to the concept of an open setting room.

As a player's character, sure, why not, freedom of choice and all that letting a player come up with their own personal reason as to just how a warforged managed to get out of the Eberron cosmology - it should be something that requires a unique take for each warforged, which is a bit too much history to load onto a bot who will simply be an AI function. A rogue modron, or any sort of non-inevitable (or sane modron) construct, won't have that kind of added weight, and can fit right in like a glove.

As for a feminine bot... I could see a modron gone rogue painting makeup lines on itself and deciding to only accept being referred to with female pronouns. Large, overdramatic eyelashes painted around the ocular orbs, and red lips painted around it's mouth. You could even call it a rouge modron, if so inclined.

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Okay I can agree with all that, but you can have any look you want, as they do look even similar to the shield gardian, and call it what you want, I will only assume with so many ideas and great minds in Sigil they can come up with something that looks like warforged 'ideas are transperant to any setting.' Then again I dont see why anyone would care. You of all people know what would happen if a resident just looked into the tavern at Fordkeep.. All of that blasphemy it holds and all of the Horrors, the place would be leveled by armies in I am sure short time. So what is the big deal of stealing a idea of a creature in a book and calling it your own?

Just my thought on it, not reenforcing my opinion, even though I like the idea, I do not think a soap box with eyelashes is going to be much fun, I honestly think modrons look very stupid.
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Since none seemed to like the outlandish idea of an inevitable, how about an effigy instead?

A few other ideas for a bar tender for the combat tavern:

Fang Dragon (in disguise; Draconomicon 159)
Ironwyrm Golem (Draconomicon 165)
Rust Dragon (in disguise; Draconomicon 186)
Demilich (you never know; Epic Level Handbook 174)
Force or Prismatic Dragon (in disgusie; ELH 182, 184)
Adamantine Golem (you want a durable bar-keep, though it would have to be reduced in size perhaps?; ELH 194)
Mithril Golem (Added from Rallden; ELH 194ish)

Or the favorite of some a Leshay (ELH 202)

That is just some more suggestions for somethings that could be unique

Though I do wonder if people in Eberron could get to Union via Gatecrashers (class) or even Planewalkers (I believe another class in Manual of the Planes), then from Union they could get to Sigil.

The main point of my post is for different bar-keeps for the combat tavern
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Tharivious said:
I think you'll find quite a few who care. Warforged are a signature of a very insular, closed off setting built based on a cosmology that bears little resemblance to that of Sigil's Great Wheel. And a symbolic feature of a closed off setting is absolutely antithetical to the concept of Sigil, and to the concept of an open setting room.
I think I disagree with this, especially the idea that pulling in something from Eberron is antithetical to the concept of an open setting room (agreed, it's antithetical to D&D's Sigil). If we did this, it wouldn't be turning the Hive into an Eberron room. The description would make that quite clear. If anything, I would think it would highlight that this Sigil isn't going to be exact to D&D's Sigil cosmology and make it more clear that the setting is open and free-form and that -anything- can show up here and make a permanent place for itself.

Having made that point, I'm still taking that as one of the opinions, and I'm still open to other suggestions. (Great list, Irthos!)

And remember, guys, we don't care that someone from Eberron can explain his/her/its presence on Sigil. If the player wants to do that, sure. If you can't possible play that char yourself without coming up with a justification, go ahead, be my guest! But don't worry about other people's explanations or lack thereof.


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*offers Magi a no bake cookie*

I would like to mmm add to that list Mithril Golem! and yeah downsized as its about 300ft tall!


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Magi_Trelian said:
I think I disagree with this, especially the idea that pulling in something from Eberron is antithetical to the concept of an open setting room (agreed, it's antithetical to D&D's Sigil). If we did this, it wouldn't be turning the Hive into an Eberron room. The description would make that quite clear. If anything, I would think it would highlight that this Sigil isn't going to be exact to D&D's Sigil cosmology and make it more clear that the setting is open and free-form and that -anything- can show up here and make a permanent place for itself.
I see your point here, but the idea of using a warforged at the core of the room still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Yes, it would highlight the open setting angle, but I posit this question: Why should we break from setting in the room's core aspects?

Sigil is already an open setting by its nature. The only settings not open to it by canon are so because of their own cosmologies, putting the onus on the player to break from their character's origins, rather than on the setting to accomodate them (the only minor exception being literal deities, but that's neither here nor there). And even then, by modern standards the Plane of Shadow can connect all worlds via the Deep Shadow in a matter of hours. Not that closed off at all.

Maybe I'm too much of a setting purist, but I think that the room should be built within the setting that it's placed in, and leave the more unusual things to the users. Using something that has history with Sigil brings more of the setting's heart to the room. Cagers know rogue modrons (iron golems/stone golems/flesh golems/etc...), they've gotten used to the idea, they feel like they're at home with them.

Similarly, the majority of visitors to the Cage will feel more comfortable around something that they recognize instantly. Even in a tavern known for violent incidents and bar fights, a bartender that puts the patrons at ease is something that's desirable.

And remember, guys, we don't care that someone from Eberron can explain his/her/its presence on Sigil. If the player wants to do that, sure. If you can't possible play that char yourself without coming up with a justification, go ahead, be my guest! But don't worry about other people's explanations or lack thereof.
Indeed. Though I see nothing wrong with encouraging having the history of a character in mind. ;)

Rallden said:
Just my thought on it, not reenforcing my opinion, even though I like the idea, I do not think a soap box with eyelashes is going to be much fun, I honestly think modrons look very stupid.
Well, it was more of a joke...

And it's a bit off topic, but... Sadly, the writers of 3E share that opinion, which is what led to the Formians and Inevitables stepping up. Personally, I think the concept is brilliance, geometrically based exemplars of ethical law and order, universally identical and effectively a neverending cyclical race that never changes numbers, never losing one of its own (unless it goes rogue). It's Planescape. It's vintage D&D.


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I was thinking about chains, I like chains and hooks also, what about decorationed of skulls of kill monsters also? Rusty suits of armor alien and not, clean and dented etc, just a thought.

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