Sigil Setting: Combat Tavern?

Just a rough write up of what I'm envisioning here. Kind of a blend of what's been said regarding the room itself thus far in this thread, hopefully it might make things easier for the Magi at work. ;)

You enter upon a large, open salloon, just off of the rough, refuse laden streets of the Hive Ward, lit by a blend of firelight and illumination from sources less identifiable. The smell of alcohol hangs strongly in the air, a potent, heady aroma of the strongest of liquors from around the planes, mixed with a hint of lingering smoke produced by both some of the patrons and the large cast iron blast furnace in back. The floor is the most noticeable change from your typical drinking establishment; a solid metal grate supported by dozens of girters with the sound of slowly sloshing water below. The tables and chairs are not much to speak of, looking to be the easily replaceable run-of-the-mill fare expected to have a high turnover rate.

The dented, gouged, and pitted hardwood counter at the bar is littered with empty glasses, several steel posts rising up toward the rafters above supporting crossbars between them forming a cage to keep unruly patrons away from the valuables. Above the salloon-proper are the aforementioned rafters, heavy beams of iron-wrapped hardwood that support several iron cages from thick chains. Held within these cages are all manner of unwanted vagrants, from mephits who banter irreverently at the patrons, to a few dreaded bootezu chomping at the bit to get free.

Just a rough idea/suggestion.

Now, as it is a Sigil room, I'd presume that there would indeed be a staff of mephits serving the owner and regular staff as minor day laborers as NPCs (it is there purpose in Sigil, after all). These could vary depending on the day, the mood of the room at the time, and even provide some fun for those familiar with the setting (The Mephit Code could come into play quite nicely with Planescape fans). They could even be a replacement for the bootezu/typo'ri if needed. :p

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Tharivious said:
Just a rough write up of what I'm envisioning here. Kind of a blend of what's been said regarding the room itself thus far in this thread, hopefully it might make things easier for the Magi at work. ;)

You enter upon a large, open salloon, just off of the rough, refuse laden streets of the Hive Ward, lit by a blend of firelight and illumination from sources less identifiable. The smell of alcohol hangs strongly in the air, a potent, heady aroma of the strongest of liquors from around the planes, mixed with a hint of lingering smoke produced by both some of the patrons and the large cast iron blast furnace in back. The floor is the most noticeable change from your typical drinking establishment; a solid metal grate supported by dozens of girters with the sound of slowly sloshing water below. The tables and chairs are not much to speak of, looking to be the easily replaceable run-of-the-mill fare expected to have a high turnover rate.

The dented, gouged, and pitted hardwood counter at the bar is littered with empty glasses, several steel posts rising up toward the rafters above supporting crossbars between them forming a cage to keep unruly patrons away from the valuables. Above the salloon-proper are the aforementioned rafters, heavy beams of iron-wrapped hardwood that support several iron cages from thick chains. Held within these cages are all manner of unwanted vagrants, from mephits who banter irreverently at the patrons, to a few dreaded bootezu chomping at the bit to get free.

Just a rough idea/suggestion.

Now, as it is a Sigil room, I'd presume that there would indeed be a staff of mephits serving the owner and regular staff as minor day laborers as NPCs (it is there purpose in Sigil, after all). These could vary depending on the day, the mood of the room at the time, and even provide some fun for those familiar with the setting (The Mephit Code could come into play quite nicely with Planescape fans). They could even be a replacement for the bootezu/typo'ri if needed. :p're my hero :lol:

Reply is belated, I know, but I think it sounds like an ultra-fantasmic idea! *finds herself dreaming of all the nasty fights one might be able to get themselves into* I say we go for it!

Magi_Trelian said:
*sigh* Life got busy. I'll try to talk to Gabe this week. Tentative opening date is now Friday, December 1st.
Just in time for the chirstmas season! everyone bring the one you love, sit down, have a nog, snuggle by the fire, then break your glass over someone's head and throw them on the fire to keep you that much warmer.

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