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Silverymoon Campaign - IC


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Alustriel to Willow

Thanee said:
I am Willow, sentinel of the High Forest and servitor of the Forest Queen. I will follow this path, that she has laid before me and which has led me here.

"You have the thanks of Silverymoon Willow. It is not often we see any of your brethren from the High Forest in Silverymoon. May you continue to walk with the grace of the Forest Queen," Alustriel adds with a nod.

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Alustriel to Silestrea

Erekose13 said:
"Suilanna, High Lady, I am Silestrea Morand, citizen of Silverymoon." she says, trying to greet the high lady in her mother's elvish tongue. Still in awe of her surroundings, she is starting to get a grip on things especially under the gaze of her idol.

Alustriel smiles, 'Elen sila lumenn omentilmo Silestrea. It is good to see another of Silverymoon's own here to bear this burden."

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Enalia Astariat, female elven barbarian 1

Enalia rises when told to do so, still averting her gaze from Alustriel's face. Peace, the Lady says. What a fleeting thing, she thinks to herself somewhat sadly. She stands motionless, waiting for the audience to end, for someone to tell her what comes next.


First Post
Post 010404 – The Future Revealed

Post 010404 – The Future Revealed

After the introductions, Alustriel motions you to join her in one of the side chambers. Within the chamber, a table has been set with various food and drink.

“Please, sit for a while and enjoy a meal, if you can. I must take council in the main audience hall and cannot attend to you, but I shall return after our…discussions. There is much that must be considered and I am afraid that it will be a long night. I have made arrangements for you to stay in the high palace. If there are messages that you need to be carried, I will make sure that this is attended to.”

With that Alustriel takes her leave. In front of you is the most spectacular meal you have ever seen. Now that you have finally taken a moment to relax, if that is possible, you find that you are afforded the most delicious meal, complete with all of the trimmings. While you eat, you can here the discussions taking place in the main hall. You cannot hear or understand many of the conversations, occasionally, you hear raised voices, though you cannot tell the source of them:

“This is insane, let’s just find this dragon and kill him where he sleeps…”

“We are not going to put the fate of Silverymoon in the hands of some whelps…”

“You will stay and you will listen…”

The discussions last for hours, though with the mix of food and drink, it does not seem that long. You are left to yourselves for the most part, attendants do come in to remove an empty plate or refill a glass. At one point, a human male enters your side chamber, along with a helf-elven male. Both exude obvious power. The human male speaks first, “I am High Mage Taern Hornblade, ruler of the city of Silverymoon. High Lady Alustriel is the ruler of the Silver Marches, but my voice holds sway in Silverymoon, though her council and voice is well respected. This is Jorus Azuremantle, leader of the Spellguard of Silverymoon. (He nods to you). We would like to look at those bracers if you don’t mind.” This last is said more as a command than an actual question. Willow is closest to him, and you offer your bracer to him. Both Taern and Jorus spend a bit of time looking at the bracers. At one point, the bracers take on a slight greenish glow. Taern then puts both hands on the bracer and speaks words of arcane power. The bracer starts to feel hot to Willow and slowly the glow of the bracer starts to enhance in strength. You are forced to all shade your eyes before a blast of magical energy knocks you to the floor and sends Taern hurtling back into the main hall. Jorus has a look of absolute amazement on his face. He leaves you for a moment and moves out into the hall. The rest of you manage to get to your feet just as Jorus and Taern come back into the room. Taern looks worn and his voice is weak when he speaks to you. “It seems your bracers are not coming off. Whatever faces us in the morning, it is your burden to bear. I should say that they are made from some dragon scale material and they will afford you some protection (Bracers of Natural Armor +1). For now, I must bid you a good evening." Jorus and Taern take their leave.
In the hall you here voices speaking, some of them once again raised, but you cannot make out the details. After a few minutes Alustriel returns.

“The evening is getting late and from what the High Mage has spoken, there is nothing we can do to remove the bracers from your arms, save removing your arm altogether. We still do not know what the dragon seeks, but know that you have the backing of Silverymoon and the Silver Marches, for this affects us all. It is a difficult burden to bear, especially so young in your lives. But I will do what I can. I will grant you one request, if I can, within the limits of my power, to aid you in this quest. There are limits to my power as the Silver Marches is ever pressed from within as well as without. So, tell me friends, before you retire, let your requests be known to me.”

What do you ask and what do you do before retiring for the evening?



Enalia Astariat, moon elf barbarian 1

Enalia is ushered into the room. Once inside and unattended for a moment, she allows herself a moment of peace, and takes a deep breath. Releasing it slowly, she loosens her pack and sets her belongings on the ground gently. Her longsword she keeps strapped to her back, as if unable to remove it. She is still faintly awed by the entire circumstance and wanders around the room for a few moments before settling at the table, where she eats as can be expected of one with her nature--well and heartily, enjoying every bite.

When the first voice penetrates clearly, Enalia starts and strains to hear the words clearly. As the hours pass, she tunes out the voices, realizing that any decisions will be made regardless of her feelings.

When the two mages enter the room, Enalia perks up, hoping for a chance to speak with them privately about her rage, and also in hopes that they can remove the bracers. As they concentrate their attentions on Willow's bracer, she shrugs and goes back to the meal, keeping on attentive eye and one equally attentive ear on the proceedings. When the blast of light blinds the group, she frowns faintly, a frown that deepens at Jorus's expression. So there is no getting around this then.

When Alustriel returns, Enalia drops into a low bow before rising and hearing her words. After she is done speaking, Enalia looks around the assembly and waits for someone else to make a request, not wanting to ask for something ridiculously expensive or, on the other hand, ridiculously simple.


Silestrea Morand, half-elf sorceress

Silestrea takes a few bites from the meal in front of her. Things are still too big for her to have any appetite. Raised to proper manners in her mother's household, she does manage to eat a few things so as not to offend her host. Though the warm bread does get the better of her and she eats a large piece slowly. As Lord Hornblade and his associate enter the room, she looses interest in her food again and watches curious of everything they do. She tries to pay attention to the magics that they use and also to make a good impression on Jorus as she wishes to be in his employ in the future.

When Willow's bracer flashes a bright green, she looks away shocked at the power this dragon wields. She hopes that she and those gathered around her are up to the whatever task the dragon puts them too tomorrow. Lady Alustriel's return causes her once again to forget the feast in front of her as she looks upon the high lady. She listens with rapt attention and when offered a request, the only thing she can think of, "Lady, if you would be so kind to see that a message of what is happening reaches my mother and brothers. I don't want to worry them too much, but I know that with all the talk around town they will want to hear from me."


First Post

Dain steps forward and bows. "There's a lot I want, but I realize you're asking us for what we could use to further this quest and save your city. Gratitude could come later, if we are successful. It is difficult to know what to ask, since we know not of our quest. I am but a simple dwarven warrior. I would ask a wizard such as yourself for help in the defense against these dark arts, such as what the dragon has already used against us. Perhaps a blessing or amulet of some kind to protect me and my mind from enchantments, so that I can continue to strike with my axe at my enemy. Thank you, Madam."


First Post
Erekose13 said:
She listens with rapt attention and when offered a request, the only thing she can think of, "Lady, if you would be so kind to see that a message of what is happening reaches my mother and brothers. I don't want to worry them too much, but I know that with all the talk around town they will want to hear from me."

Alustriel nods, 'So shall it be done, but I had promised to send messages. If there is anything else I could do and it is within my power, I shall."



First Post
Aram, half-elf monk

Aram, being a monk, is not used to fancy meals and while he eats well he won't eat much more than he normally would. Once finished, and while the heated discussion is taking place in the main hall, he seeks solitude - and a pen with some paper - to write a message to his master at the Order of Mystra explaining what has happened to him. He gives the message to one of the servants and asks, that it would be delivered to the Order of Mystra.

He joins others just in time to witness the failed effort by the High Mage to remove the bracer from Willow. I didn't think it would be that easy, he thinks while recovering from the bright flash, surely the dragon knew all too well who is present and what they could do in this short time we have.

"High Lady," Aram begins when it is his time to speak, "I am Your humble servant and but a simple monk, a student and keeper of the arcane. I cannot ask You anything as it is not proper by the the teachings of my order. And even if I could, I wouldn't know what to ask because like my dwarven friend wisely said, we know very little about the path ahead of us," Aram says pointing his hand at Dain. "Like me, you are a follower of Mystra and the wiser of us, so I will leave aiding me in this quest to Your consideration. Whatever You decide is Mystra's wisdom to me," Aram says bowing to Alustriel.


First Post
Manzanita said:
Dain steps forward and bows. "There's a lot I want, but I realize you're asking us for what we could use to further this quest and save your city. Gratitude could come later, if we are successful. It is difficult to know what to ask, since we know not of our quest. I am but a simple dwarven warrior. I would ask a wizard such as yourself for help in the defense against these dark arts, such as what the dragon has already used against us. Perhaps a blessing or amulet of some kind to protect me and my mind from enchantments, so that I can continue to strike with my axe at my enemy. Thank you, Madam."

Alustriel smiles a bit and chuckles to herself, 'I have known many dwarves Master Dain, and they have been legendary in thier stubborness and resistance to even the slightest of my political persuasions. But, I undertand that which you speak. There are many tokens which can protect one from the many dangers of the world. There is a ring made from a rare iron ore, that has something of a bit of magic in it to do just as you ask. I shall make sure this is brought to you."

Later that even, one of the attendants brings you a solid black iron ring. It does not have a beautiful design but even your dwarven eyes can tell it is expertly made. Putting it on, it feels cold at first, but soon it begins to warm your soul. (Ring of Iron Will, +2 Will Save, as per the feat.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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