So how do we respond?


I crit!
If we won't make a dent, why boycott? Especially if it's good? I'm all for taking on big business, but you gotta be smart about it. Or take some high ground that really only effects you. Both are reasonable choices.
I won't go see it cause my stomach couldn't take it. Ya know?

Not a big deal. D&D is a big part of my RPG hobby but it comes in many forms.

It was more of a general TTRPG hobby before and can be again.

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If we won't make a dent, why boycott?
because they do not deserve my money
Especially if it's good?
does not matter, there is more good stuff to watch, does not have to be theirs
I'm all for taking on big business, but you gotta be smart about it. Or take some high ground that really only effects you. Both are reasonable choices.
ideally yes, you should be smart about it, but I can only decide for myself so I have little control over the overall response. Ultimately the ‘loss’ (and I use that word very loosely here) to me of not seeing a movie is so minimal to be nonexistent. Saves me $10 with no appreciable downside.


I submitted a ticket to have my D&D Beyond account deleted. WotC has lost my trust, and I don’t want to risk accidentally being tainted by the OGL 1.1. However, it’s been a while since I played or ran 5e, and I don’t care about 6e, so losing my purchases isn’t really a big deal.


Victoria Rules
1. Table Top
2. Video Games
3. Movies
4. Merch

WotC want draconion control of 2, 3, and 4.
And for some inexplicable reason also want draconian control of:

5. Songs/Music
6. Plays
7. Pantomimes

If there's a band out there willing to record and release a song titled something like "Mind Flayers" I'll gladly volunteer to bang out some lyrics for it.


Just WotC, or Hasbro in general?

I very much suspect this is originating from higher up the ladder than the WotC division.
My assumption is Hasbro in general. So on top of D&D, no sharing Transformers, My Little Pony, GI Joe, or the various board games with my sibling's kids, for whom I had just gotten a copy of ABCs of D&D for Christmas. :(

Given I managed to scrounge up $2K worth of 2E books alone as a child, I can at least find comfort that there will be quite a bit they won't get from me and my extended family if they force the choice. Going to be pretty lame not being able to share all that fun stuff with the kiddos, though.

Voidrunner's Codex

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