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So, Wandavision?

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Once A Fool
Plenty of folks outside the US grew up on US television. Our culture has an insidious reach across the globe!
Certainly possible. Hence the “unless...” part.

Also, Wanda's pretty much an assimilated American now after joining the Avengers, and has had plenty of time to catch up on any TV she might have missed. And considering her past, I can imagine that classic American sitcoms might have had a special appeal to her.

In between the Avengers movies, Wanda's been power-streaming all of the classic American sitcoms! :)
That would seem more likely if we had seen it at least once.


So after seeing the third episode last night, I think I get the gist of what's going on:

So one of the "chief" mentions I've heard from MCU fans, when talking about Scarlet Witch/Wanda, is that all she "does" in the MCU is just "shoot red stuff" and that's it. That so far there's been no aspect of her Reality Hacking powers. But so far, it seems like, at least for Wanda's end, this series is now coming to the point where she is actually gaining/awakening her Chaos Magick/Reality Hacking powers. Especially considering how in the third episode she bought the Stork to life, was affecting her house during the birth, and the fact that Vision and the word Illusion were associated together.

Then we have the part where Vision was mentioning about something being off, and then Wanda literally went King Crimson(It Just Works)/copy, cut, pasted that moment to where Vision was saying something completely different, and the whole "No" rewinding moment involving the Bee Keeper. And then we see at the end of the third episode how SWORD has a whole force field defensive perimeter established outside the town/Wanda's Bubble of Chaotic Influence in an effort to keep it from expanding/sending their agents in.
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Also: my one bud pointed out to me the significance of the Rabbit's name. In the story The Devil and Daniel Webster, the Devil went by the name Mr. Scratch in that story.

I am gonna lose it/laugh my donkey off if the Rabbit appears later on and it's revealed it's flipping Mephisto all this time. And with the way the MCU has played with the idea of a minor joke/one off moment suddenly becoming important/relevant ala the Hammer Contest in Age of Ultron, it's possible.


The part where she rewrote Vision's suspicions was particularly unsettling in its implications. Either he really is just another fictional character for her to do with as she likes, or else she's casually mind-controlling him.
I think the idea is that she's not mind-controlling him, but every time Vision suspects something is off, she just deletes that frame, and reality hacks a new frame of the narrative where her idealized fiction continues to play out. He is probably an Illusion of her happiness. As the first episode established, they never got a chance to reach that point where they had an established Anniversary, favorite music, wedding rings and all that due to the events of Infinity War. My buddy thinks that it's possible that Wanda may end up reality hacking Vision back into existence/life with his powers back as a way of bringing Vision back to life into the MCU again. (since there's no Soul Stone around to provide his powers)


Also, I wonder if we’ll get an in-universe explanation as to why Wanda has chosen to model her alternate reality on TV sitcoms and why she is progressing through the decades.

I think, as others have suggested, a quick flashback scene to a pair of young twins in Sokovia watching reruns of American sitcoms would do the trick.

Pietro: How can you watch these things?

Wanda: I don’t know....they’re comforting. Everyone in them is so....normal.

Something like that would do it. I don’t know if it’s necessary, but I think it’d be a cool scene to put in there.


It would be interesting if the show was showing how many people/individuals were interested in Wanda's Reality Hacking/Chaos Magick. You have SWORD currently, HYDRA in the commercials referencing the trauma of her past, then the possibility of Agatha/Mephisto, the voice on the radio in episode 2 was Jimmy Wu/FBI from Antman/Wasp Woman(according to my bud as I didn't see that one yet), and if the rumors end up being true, which seems likely if since its the set up, Dr. Strange. Especially if the point of Multiverse of Madness is to save an out of control Scarlet Witch from nuking reality.


Yes, it is a SWORD logo. A quick search makes that pretty certain.

And that is strange. Because SWORD is focused on extraterrestrial threats. Wanda and Vision are not extraterrestrial. So, why is SWORD invovlved?
Yes but technically one can argue the Infinity Stones are/could be classified as an extraterrestrial threat. Plus it's possible that word of Thanos and his forces, invading Wakanda/or Endgame big battle, could've somehow gotten out and SWORD caught wind of it. The rabbit hole for them then leads them down to two individuals who were directly at ground zero of those events and involved with said classified extraterrestrial stones and threat: Scarlet Witch and Vision.

Dire Bare

Something like that would do it. I don’t know if it’s necessary, but I think it’d be a cool scene to put in there.
It's not necessary. People are overthinking this.

The idea that Wanda, an immigrant from eastern Europe, has fantasies inspired by classic American television . . . . I don't find that odd or in any need of explanation.

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