D&D 5E So why are you buying 5th edition?


Honestly, I'm pretty tired of buying new editions waiting for classes and other things to come out that already exist in other games. It's not dissimilar to buying a new console, the lack of backwards compatibility has now become a major issue with me. I will buy 5th edition, but for collection purposes only. Starting over is extremely annoying. 3rd edition had prestige classes to make pretty much whatever you could think of. 4th edition has multi classing and hybrid classing, pathfinder has archetypes. I can't understand the logic of wanting to begin again, unless 5th edition had full compatibility with all these systems allowing a full range of options from the beginning instead of the what.. 10 or 11 classes that are standard?

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I started with 3rd Edition and currently only own the 3.5e PHB, DMG, MM, and Manual of the Planes. I never felt like buying 4th Edition stuff, playing it, or bothering to learn it.
However, I am not very thrilled about 3rd Edition which has lots of major flaws. Pathfinder is slightly better, but does not adress any of the problematic issues. Any other fantasy RPGs I know about don't do a better job at providing what I want from a game. So 3.5e it is.

But so far 5th Edition sounds like it would at least adress several of the things I dislike about 3rd Edition, so right now it looks like I will buy the 5th Edition PHB, DMG, and MM. If later on they make other books I am really interested in, I might buy two or three of those as well.

Also, I want to publish a setting and if there's some form of OGL for 5th Edition, which seems quite likely, than it's really either 5th Ed. or Pathfinder, and I'd prefer not to have to fiddle around with the later.
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I like to experiment with new editions, but I never go deep down the rabbit hole of splatbooks. I learned my lesson with 2e and never repeated it. I have my shelf of RPG books, but I don't have a shelf dedicated strictly to one edition or another. I prune regularly with what works and doesn't work and what's a useful resource and what isn't.

I also look at other RPG's, and buy a few every year. If new edition of D&D is one of those new RPG's, it isn't any skin off my nose if a new edition of D&D is one of them. In fact, I always look forward to it, because problems big and small with what I currently have tend to annoy me quite a bit.

I don't really understand people who have a rulesystem who they see as "the ideal". That's why I can play 1e/2e for a change of pace (and have in the past year) but I could never join the OSR community. I just can't summon enough devotion from my RPG choice to stop experimenting or stop looking for a new way of doing things, even if it challenges my assumptions of how an RPG should work.

I like new things, I would buy 5e even if only to complain about the new design. I also like to start new games, we here never play long campaigns anymore, 10 sessions or so are enough.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
If it is under the OGL I'll probably buy it and if I like it support it as a small third party publisher and run a campaign or two in it plus run games of it at gamedays and conventions. If it is not OGL, I won't buy it at first but will play it a few times with someone else who has bought it, and if I like it then I might buy just the PH to have for occasional playing in pick up games. Nothing against the game, if it is good, but I'll only have so much time to devote to it if it isn't OGL as I'll have other games that are OGL drawing my time away from it.


First Post
I would love to be buying 5th Edition right now, to the point I could tolerate someone asking me why as I did so. However, I'll have to wait for approximately a year & a half like everyone else.

But when that day comes, my answer will hopefully be "Because a D&D version this good has just got to be played."

Voidrunner's Codex

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