D&D (2024) So Will 'OneD&D' (6E) Actually Be Backwards Compatible?

Will OD&D Be Backwards Compatible?

  • Yes

    Votes: 114 58.8%
  • No

    Votes: 80 41.2%


Morkus from Orkus
Well we know character creation will be different - it already is with more recent supplements. So by that measure we are already incompatible!

I think that is to narrow of a definition of compatibility.
I go the other way. "It's compatible if the DM puts in the effort to make it work" is too broad. By that measure(the one people here keep telling me is correct), every RPG is compatible with every other RPG. With enough effort I can make any two RPGs compatible.

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Morkus from Orkus
I agree - look how much it has already changed since 2014. There has never been fixed character creation in 5e. Feats have gone from optional to expected to (soon) mandatory, there are way more sub-classes, a whole class has been added, new optional abilities for every class (some quite consequential - rangers), spells, etc.

DDB handles all of it quite smoothly. I haven't seen anything yet on the One tests that will be hard for it to incorporate.
Extra subclasses, spells, classes, etc. are not changes to how characters are created. The OPTIONAL extra abilities that you can sub in are changes...........if the DM makes those changes. Feats have always been optional. Tasha's gave optional stat bonus changes.

Up until now there have been no actual changes to RAW character creation.

The playtest moving feats into backgrounds is going to be a major change. Removing stat bonuses from race and moving them to background is going to be a minor change. The changes to the classes themselves have been pretty significant.


I'll definitely be interested to see those. It seems like they could be refined quite a bit.

It might be a hot take, but I don't think 5e monster design is very good. They're kind of complicated, IMO, and at the same time mostly a bag of HP that deals damage. I'm looking forward to any changes they might want to try. I'm not sure what I think is the best way to present monsters, but I think I'll know it when I see it. (A few steps toward 4e monster design - math not included - is a few steps in the right direction, IMO.)


I go the other way. "It's compatible if the DM puts in the effort to make it work" is too broad. By that measure(the one people here keep telling me is correct), every RPG is compatible with every other RPG. With enough effort I can make any two RPGs compatible.
DMs don't have to do any work.

Players just use the old PHB or the new one.


I go the other way. "It's compatible if the DM puts in the effort to make it work" is too broad. By that measure(the one people here keep telling me is correct), every RPG is compatible with every other RPG. With enough effort I can make any two RPGs compatible.

I could fuse two games (or two editions), sure. But I think what would make 1D&D "backwards compatible" TO ME, would be if I can trust that my players can do it, too. I have some pretty casual IRL players. If I have to step in and "fix" their characters for them so that we can play, then no, it's not properly backwards compatible. But if they can do it themselves, then it is.

It seems to me (and I could be wrong) that they'll be able to handle it. Time will tell.


Morkus from Orkus
DMs don't have to do any work.

Players just use the old PHB or the new one.
Compatible means 2014 stuff works with 2024 stuff. Already if I want to have 2014 classes with 2024 classes, I have to do work and add in feats to the 2014 backgrounds, if a 2014 PC wants to customize a background, I have to pick a feat to go with it. If the 2024 classes are superior to the older versions, I will have to do even more work to even things up.

Just from what we've seen in the playtest, there is no backwards compatibility.


Morkus from Orkus
I could fuse two games (or two editions), sure. But I think what would make 1D&D "backwards compatible" TO ME, would be if I can trust that my players can do it, too. I have some pretty casual IRL players. If I have to step in and "fix" their characters for them so that we can play, then no, it's not properly backwards compatible. But if they can do it themselves, then it is.

It seems to me (and I could be wrong) that they'll be able to handle it. Time will tell.
Sure, but I don't agree that the players can do so right now. The 2024 PCs are objectively superior mechanically. The class abilities are better, and they have a free feat. I'd have to let the players do class design to even things up, and that's not something I put in player hands.


Sure, but I don't agree that the players can do so right now. The 2024 PCs are objectively superior mechanically. The class abilities are better, and they have a free feat. I'd have to let the players do class design to even things up, and that's not something I put in player hands.
Take a level 5 new cleric, and face him off against a level 5 old cleric.

See if that extra feat makes up for spiritual weapon being a concentration spell.

See if a ranger with the new sharpshooter can beat the old one with the old sharpshooter.

I will say that the new classes are better designed, have more options, and smoother to play. But I haven't seen anything to say they are more powerful.


5ever, or until 2024
@TerraDave What do you mean by that? What do you feel is wrong with the monster math? I have my issues, but I am guessing yours are different.

FYI, they have already previewed the '24 monster design, so...
The numbers in the book often don't match that table in the DMG, and are frequently lower.

There is also the bigger issue of encounter building and stuff per day, which almost certainly will be touched on. But there is also MM math.

Preview? You mean in some recent book(s)? They have also made proposed changes to what is in those books (see elves). And they still have to deal with MM monsters. They have said monsters will be in the playtest. And they will want people to buy the new MM--or the D&D beyond equivalent, so there has got to be changes.

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