Some Stories Are True

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Wrenn will bend the light around him, making himself blend into his surroundings, in turn, making him harder to see and to hit. He will also crouch lower, to make himself a smaller target. He will target the first of the four whom have targeted him. He will also Toxify that archer as well.

Camouflage = 99 (+84) = 183!! 😎 EDIT: Wait, I saw that Camouflage is a static number. I guess he will attempt to Toxify one of the archers.
Projectile = 88

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Askari will attempt to drain the life...
... Astrid... aluminum... shock.
Wrenn will... blend... target...
GM: NOTE: Wrenn does not bend light. He chemically alters the physiology of his skin to camouflage. Also he cannot bend waylines for two things at the same time. As he has already camouflaged himself, I will go with toxicity.

Askari: Strength & Motility: 32
Astrid: Blur: 32
Oorvid: Strength, Motility & Soullessness: 43
Volki: Athletics & Camouflage: 37
Wrenn: Athletics & Camouflage: 40
Askari: 0 + 200(bending) = 200 + 600(incapacitated) = 800
Astrid: 35 + 200(bending) = 235, 435, 635, 835
Oorvid: 0 + 200(bending) = 200 + 750(incapacitated) = 950
Volki: 8 + 200(bending) = 208, 408, 608, 808
Wrenn: 57 + 300(bow) = 357, 657
Amiradthae: 26 + 270(bow) = 296, 566, 836
Oorvid whispers in a hoarse voice. "Ik ben niet iemand die een leven opoffert voor zijn eigen leven, maar dit is oorlong, en jij bent een vijand."
"I am not one to sacrifice a life for his own, but this is war, and you are an enemy."
Askari: 41(aggression) + 31(accuracy) + 32(fury) +
Oorvid: 34 + 22 + 54(bolster) +

Amiradthae: 24(readiness) + 35(avoidance) + 13(analysis) +
Wrenn: 23(launch) + 28(accuracy) + 40(clarity) + 88(d100) = 179 + 50(range) = 229
Amiradthae: 24 + 40 + 13 + 78 = 155 + 50(range) = 205

Askari: 40(avoidance) + 25(analysis) + 10(buckler) +
Oorvid: 21 + 31 +
Wrenn: 27 + 24 + 88 = 139 + 40(camo) = 179 + 50(cover) = 229
305 - 229 = 76% * 8 = 6 - 2 = 4 x 4 = 16
Amiradthae: 35 + 13 + 78 = 126
229 - 126 = 103% * 10 = 10
Askari: 33(bending) + 32(siphon) + 140(d100) = 205
Astrid: 56 + 32(shock) x 3 + 86(d100) = 238
Oorvid: 27 + 42(siphon) + 124 = 193
Volki: 51 + 37(toxicity) x 2 + 87 = 212
Wrenn: 34 + 40(toxicity) + 183 = 257

Amiradthae: 24(conditioning) + 13(fury) + 114 = 151
238 - 151 = 87% * 6 = 5
174 - 151 = 23% * 6 = 1 x 2
212 - 151 = 61% * 6 = 4 x 2
175 - 151 = 24% * 6 = 1
257 - 151 = 106 * 6 = 6
A1: Body: 6 - 9 = -3 - 1 = -4 - 6 = -10, incapacitated.
A2: Body: 4 - 6 = -2 - 6 = -8, incapacitated.
A3: Body: 9 - 2 = 7 - 5 = 2 - 2 = 0, incapacitated.
A4: Body: 8, hurt. Mind: 10 - 2 = 8 - 8 = 0, unconscious.
A5: Body: 4 - 13 = -9, incapacitated. Mind: 1 - 1 = 0, unconscious.
A6: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated.
A7: Body: 10 - 10 = 0, incapacitated. Mind: 10 - 6 = 4, confused.
A8: Body: 10 - 10 = 0, incapacitated. Mind: 10 - 6 = 4, confused.
Due to their considerably debilitated condition, it takes over 9 seconds for Oorvid and Askari to siphon life from the two incapacitated enemies lying on the ground with them. In that time, Astrid generates 3 electric shocks, Volki poisons a mind 3 times, Wrenn fires two arrows, and the Amiradthae fire 3 arrows, each.

As the incapacitated foes cannot much resist the loss, Askari feel such a surge of life enter him, that he sudden realizes he will be able to stand to his feet, albeit still injured. Oorvid can stand but barely so.

Before one of the archers can release his first arrow, he is severely shocked with mystical electricity. So much so, that his body convulses and he turns to see if he can determine the cause. He cannot and he suffers two more minor shocks before he is incapacitated.

A second of the archers stumbles in his step and sways like he is drunk. He is not, but he might as well have been, as Volki has altered his brain chemistry. He face-plants into the dirt, unconscious.

Unfortunately for Wrenn, this still leaves 5 archers going head to head with him. The first arrow fired up into the tree is not even close. Wrenn's return fire, however, is spot on. The arrow bores into the chest of the first archer to fire, knocking him backward to the ground. He will no longer be moving. Wrenn is able to release one more arrow, taking out another enemy, as the remainder of the first volley find him.

Wrenn suffers severe damage, he falls from the tree, which compounds the problem, but he is still conscious, though unmoving. The three remaining archers hold their second shot, not thinking that they have a target. They look about them at the decimation about the scene, seeing Askari roll from his back to his feet, standing at ready with sword and shield in hand.

Thinking him to be the only target, they draw their bows.
Askari:: Body: 10 - 12 = -2 + 6 = 4, injured.
Shirt: 34 - 1 = 33 - 3 = 30 - 3 = 27
Astrid: full wellness
Mantle: 25 - 1 = 24
Stones: 20
Oorvid:: Body: 10 - 5 - 11 + 1 + 6 + 4 = 5 - 10 = -5 + 6 = 1, injured.
Tunic: 62 - 1 = 61 - 6 = 55
Volki: full wellness
Tunic: 45
Wrenn:: Body: 10 - 16 = -6, incapacitated.
Tunic: 59 - 1 = 58 - 1 = 57
Arrows: 8 - 1 = 7 - 1 = 6
41 marks: currency

(helps Astrid or Hiroshi)
white ingot: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Bat Guano: 6 measures, {heat x2}
black claw necklace: 1, ??
Spider Claws: 6 sets, {toxicity x4}
Spider Fangs: 4 sets, (Cohesion +3)

(helps Volki or Wrenn)
Bandy Feathers: 1, (Strength +2)
Goat Beard: 1, (Will +2)
Heckling Jay Feathers: 1, (Will +2)
Viper Blood: 1 measure, {athleticism x3}
Viper Venom: 1, {toxicity x3}

(helps Askari or Oorvid)
Bandy Skull Talisman: 1, (Strength +2)
jawbone: 1, ??
Teal Skull: 1, (Cohesion +2)
Viper Skull: 2, (Motility +2)
waterfowl skull: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Coal: 7 bricks, {heat x3}
Slate: 1, {sound x2}
Lodestone: 2, {shock x3}
Livestone: 5, (Strength +2)

(helps Volki or Wrenn)
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Mend x2}
Rend Leaves: 2 measures, {Siphon x2}
Flowers: 4 measures, {Restore x3}
Tranquility Flowers: 1 measure, {Identity x3}
Bat Colony: 2
Chain of Keeps Tunnel System
name: Temnyy Veter
Rheini Village
OOC: Everyone receives 5 DP. Everyone improves in Orngaddrin by 1%. State combat intentions. Provide two random rolls.
Last edited:

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Feeling a bit irritated by the lack of desired effectiveness of her mystical assaults, Astrid will burst from cover and charge to engage the nearest archer, hoping to at least give Askari a better chance of survival. She will attempt to tackle the archer and flash blind him.
OOC: 54, 86


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
.. Askari will charge...
... Astrid will... charge... flash blind...
Askari: Strength & Motility: 32
Astrid: Blur: 32
Oorvid: Strength, Motility, & Soullessness: 43
Volki: Athletics & Camouflage: 37
Wrenn: Athletics & Camouflage: 40
Askari: 800 + 200(move) = 1000
Astrid: 835 + 200(move) = 1035
Oorvid: 950 + 200(bending) = 1150
Volki: 808 + 200(bending) = 1008
Wrenn: 657 + 200(bending) = 857 + 800(incapacitated) = 1657
Amiradthae: 836 + 270(bow) = 1106

Askari: 41(aggression) + 31(accuracy) + 32(fury) + 84(d100) = 188 + 32(strength) = 220
Astrid: 22 + 32 + 34 + 54 = 142
Oorvid: 34 + 22 + 54(bolster) + 69 = 179

Amiradthae: 24(readiness) + 35(avoidance) + 13(analysis) + 59 = 131
188 - 131 = 57% * 11 = 6 - 2(deflect) = 4
142 - 131 = 11%
179 - 131 = 48% * 11 = 5 - 2 = 3
Wrenn: 23(launch) + 28(accuracy) + 40(clarity) +
Amiradthae: 24 + 40 + 13 + 59 = 136

Askari: 40(avoidance) + 25(analysis) + 10(buckler) + 84(d100) = 159
Oorvid: 21 + 31 + 69 = 121 + 43(soullessness) = 164
Wrenn: 27 + 24 +
Amiradthae: 35 + 13 +
Askari: 33(bending) + 32(siphon) +
Astrid: 56 + 32(flash) + 86(d100) = 174
Oorvid: 27 + 42(siphon) +
Volki: 51 + 37(toxicity) x 2 + 86 = 211
Wrenn: 34 + 40(ionize) + 86 = 160

Amiradthae: 24(conditioning) + 13(fury) + 76 = 123
174 - 123 = 51% * 6 = 3
211 - 123 = 88% * 6 = 5
A1: Body: -10, incapacitated. unconscious.
A2: Body: -8, incapacitated.
A3: Body: 0, incapacitated.
A4: Body: 8, hurt. Mind: 0, unconscious.
A5: Body: -9, incapacitated. Mind: 0, unconscious.
A7: Body: 0, incapacitated. Mind: 4, confused.
A8: Body: 0, incapacitated. Mind: 4, confused.
A9: dead.
When Askari stands to his feet, Astrid bursts from cover. Since she is uninjured, she is the faster. She manages to tackle one of the three remaining archers, foiling his shot, but the fall does no harm. The mystical flash, however, muddles his mind a bit.

Askari, despite his injuries, reaches another of the remaining archers. They are no match for such physical confrontation. Askari first attacks the archer's bow hand, then his body.

At that time, Volki further confuses the mind of the third functional archer, causing him to turn and run in fear, headlong into the forest.

Not particularly wanting to kill her foe, when the last standing Amiradtha runs, Astrid lets hers up and gestures for him to run, which he does.

Once Wrenn comes to his senses and realizes that not only is he not dead but he is still conscious, there is nothing further for him to do. He lays his head back on the ground with a groan. Oorvid stands, though a bit shakily.

Eight Amiradthae litter the field of battle, four of each gender. One is dead. Three are wounded enough that they would not likely recover before some carnivorous animal were to find them and tear into their incapacitated bodies, though they were still alive. Of the four who will likely recover, one barely shows physical injury and is only unconscious because Volki caused him to be so.
Askari:: Body: 10 - 12 = -2 + 6 = 4, injured.
Shirt: 34 - 1 = 33 - 3 = 30 - 3 = 27
Astrid: full wellness
Mantle: 25 - 1 = 24
Stones: 20
Oorvid:: Body: 10 - 5 - 11 + 1 + 6 + 4 = 5 - 10 = -5 + 6 = 1, injured.
Tunic: 62 - 1 = 61 - 6 = 55
Volki: full wellness
Tunic: 45
Wrenn:: Body: 10 - 16 = -6, incapacitated.
Tunic: 59 - 1 = 58 - 1 = 57
Arrows: 8 - 1 = 7 - 1 = 6
41 marks: currency

(helps Astrid or Hiroshi)
white ingot: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Bat Guano: 6 measures, {heat x2}
black claw necklace: 1, ??
Spider Claws: 5 sets, {toxicity x2}
Spider Fangs: 4 sets, (Cohesion +3)

(helps Volki or Wrenn)
Bandy Feathers: 1, (Strength +2)
Goat Beard: 1, (Will +2)
Heckling Jay Feathers: 1, (Will +2)
Viper Blood: 1 measure, {athleticism x3}
Viper Venom: 1, {toxicity x3}

(helps Askari or Oorvid)
Bandy Skull Talisman: 1, (Strength +2)
jawbone: 1, ??
Teal Skull: 1, (Cohesion +2)
Viper Skull: 2, (Motility +2)
waterfowl skull: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Coal: 7 bricks, {heat x3}
Slate: 1, {sound x2}
Lodestone: 2, {shock x3}
Livestone: 5, (Strength +2)

(helps Volki or Wrenn)
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Mend x2}
Rend Leaves: 2 measures, {Siphon x2}
Flowers: 4 measures, {Restore x3}
Tranquility Flowers: 1 measure, {Identity x3}
Bat Colony: 2
Chain of Keeps Tunnel System
name: Temnyy Veter
Rheini Village
OOC: Everyone receives 5 DP. State intentions. Provide a random roll.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Wrenn will use his leach ability at a distance, on one of the fallen foes who is unconscious, but NOT at death's door. He doesn't want his opponent to die. He just wants to borrow a little health. :devilish:

Three random rolls: 46, 61, 79


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Wrenn will...
Askari will finish...
Astrid... surveys... will lend...
Oorvid rises to his feet. Not seeing Wrenn in his arboreal perch, he begins to walk that direction. Finding Wrenn lying on the ground, but seeing that he is alive, he turns and walks over to a fallen archer who is not conscious but also not dead. He drags the body over to where Wrenn is laying, drops it, then moves Wrenn's hand over to touch the body. "I know we are of a like mind on this, but he chose to make himself our enemy and he is dying anyway. What you can take will be easier on him than if some animal comes upon him before he is fully gone."

Wrenn for his part finds that he can barely move and cannot speak above a whisper, his skin and clothing no longer camouflaged. With his hand on the body he can sense the ebbing life, though he could sense nothing at a distance.

Askari wonders what Oorvid is doing dragging off one of the fallen, until he realizes where he is going with it. Holding some of his rope, he has yet to tie anyone when Oorvid returns to help check all the bodies and help end those who are not likely to recover in any reasonable time. The only one who appears to be little injured is a female. The two men, easily lift her and bind her to a column of the pergola.

No one being comfortable with using a necromantic talent, very little life was siphoned in order to aid in recovering the injured; as such, Askari, Oorvid, and Wrenn are all still injured, though able to function, and will need down time and food. The almost instantaneous restoration of life when siphoned from another leaves the recovered very hungry.

GM: Six bodies lie in battlefield array and one enemy is secured in her binding. Players need to decide what is to be done with the fallen, the field, the prisoner, and the need for rest and food.

Askari:: Body: 4, injured.
Shirt: 34 - 1 = 33 - 3 = 30 - 3 = 27
Astrid: full wellness
Mantle: 25 - 1 = 24
Stones: 20
Oorvid:: Body: 4, injured.
Tunic: 62 - 1 = 61 - 6 = 55
Volki: full wellness
Tunic: 45
Wrenn:: Body: 4, injued.
Tunic: 59 - 1 = 58 - 1 = 57
Arrows: 6
41 marks: currency

(helps Astrid or Hiroshi)
white ingot: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Bat Guano: 6 measures, {heat x2}
black claw necklace: 1, ??
Spider Claws: 5 sets, {toxicity x2}
Spider Fangs: 4 sets, (Cohesion +3)

(helps Volki or Wrenn)
Bandy Feathers: 1, (Strength +2)
Goat Beard: 1, (Will +2)
Heckling Jay Feathers: 1, (Will +2)
Viper Blood: 1 measure, {athleticism x3}
Viper Venom: 1, {toxicity x3}

(helps Askari or Oorvid)
Bandy Skull Talisman: 1, (Strength +2)
jawbone: 1, ??
Teal Skull: 1, (Cohesion +2)
Viper Skull: 2, (Motility +2)
waterfowl skull: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Coal: 7 bricks, {heat x3}
Slate: 1, {sound x2}
Lodestone: 2, {shock x3}
Livestone: 5, (Strength +2)

(helps Volki or Wrenn)
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Mend x2}
Rend Leaves: 2 measures, {Siphon x2}
Flowers: 4 measures, {Restore x3}
Tranquility Flowers: 1 measure, {Identity x3}
Bat Colony: 2
Chain of Keeps Tunnel System
name: Temnyy Veter
Rheini Village
OOC: Everyone receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.

Voidrunner's Codex

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