Some Stories Are True

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Astrid searches the grounds for retrievable arrows, hoping Wrenn will lend a hand, since he is the one who needs them. Afterward, she will search the fallen for anything of interest, attempting to analyze any notable trinkets. She will also assist the wounded.

"We really could use the rest and I do not see any real reason to relocate for it. Even if any retaliation is going to come, I think it will take them longer to organize than it does for our injured to recover. I may not be as strong as you two, Askari and Oorvid, but I am almost half again taller than these Amiradthae, and I will help drag those corpses further away before they start to stink and attract unwanted guests."
OOC: 85

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
As soon as Wrenn is able, he will help Astrid gather arrows, as well as helping her gather trinkets which might hold proclivities; he will ignore his extreme hunger for the time being, because he also intends to help carry off the dead. Then, and only then, will he consider stopping for food.

Looking toward the prisoner, he hesitates for a moment.

Wrenn says, "We should see if she can be reasoned with. If she will agree to flee this area, never to return, then we could let her go. Otherwise, we should make her death quick and painless."

Wrenn looks at the prisoner, and repeats his words in her native tongue. He then watches for her reaction.


Askari will help the other as much as he can.

We all need to rest. Seems like we should have 6-7 hours at least before the ones that ran get back to the main group, and make it back here. I don’t know if they will respond, but it probably wouldn’t be prudent to stay here too long.

If we do release the prisoner, I say we send her down the tunnels. They way we can be sure she won’t be able to know our position or direction.



Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Astrid searches... assist...
... Wrenn... gather... helping... carry... hesitates...
Askari will help...
Forgetting momentarily that the enemy is a newly discovered tribe of Faethrin, the words in Shimadow are almost at a loss, except that she is able to speak a little. She responds, "Me go, yes," and nods her head vigorously.

Askari opens the trapdoor and using mostly gesture he indicates that one free, she is to enter there. She, of course, agrees. Oorvid frees her, though he is ready with his axe should she prove untrustworthy. She shakes her body to get the blood flowing, then goes straight to the opening and climbs down the ladder.
Askari: 31(medicine) + 36(restore) + 77(d100) = 144
Time: 60 days / (144 + 156 + 132 + 118 + 117) = 3 hours
Astrid: 42 + 29 + 85 = 156
Oorvid: 21 + 43 + 68 = 132
Time: 3 hours
Volki: 37 + 31 + 50 = 118
Wrenn: 28 + 29 + 60 = 117
Time: 3 hours
In the normal manner of rendering physical aid, each person is able to help press wounds closed and accelerate the natural healing process. This makes each man even more hungry. Though their bodies are recuperating, a steady throb sets in on each man's head, which all three categorically ignore, because there are tasks to be done.

Astrid and Wrenn find a total of 16 usable arrows, all with Ularin heads. Wren thanks Astrid and uses them to replenish his dwindling supply.

During the process of moving the bodies, the pain in each man's head becomes more than a distraction. The bodies they are moving are dropped, unceremoniously, and vision begins to blur. At almost the same instant, all three men fall to the ground, unconscious. No amount of effort by the two ladies has any effect. They are left with no recourse but to guard them, hoping no enemy returns so soon.

Afternoon wears into night. The men have not moved from where they had fallen, except for what Astrid and Volki could do to make them lay more comfortably. Fortunately, the sounds of the forest indicate that all has returned to normal.

The women get little sleep that night, but morning finds the men whole and waking. The hunger has gone from a dire need to an unavoidable necessity, and all three ravenously devour all available dried rations, both those of the party and those recovered from the enemy. More food will be needed; but for now, at least the head pain is gone and thoughts of other things can be attended.

Apparently the enemy is not to be so rash as to rush back upon an enemy that has proven to be formidable, for no sign of any other people has yet been detected. The items that looked to be of interest have been collected.
GM: A decision should now be considered as to relocating the party or the bodies, but relocating both is a bit moot, under the suspicion of a time constraint. The items can be analyzed later.

Askari:: Body: 4, injured.
Shirt: 34 - 1 = 33 - 3 = 30 - 3 = 27
Astrid: full wellness
Mantle: 25 - 1 = 24
Stones: 20
Oorvid:: Body: 4, injured.
Tunic: 62 - 1 = 61 - 6 = 55
Volki: full wellness
Tunic: 45
Wrenn:: Body: 4, injued.
Tunic: 59 - 1 = 58 - 1 = 57
Ularin Arrows: 6 + 16 = 22
41 marks: currency

(helps Astrid or Hiroshi)
white ingot: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Bat Guano: 6 measures, {heat x2}
black claw necklace: 1, ??
Spider Claws: 5 sets, {toxicity x2}
Spider Fangs: 4 sets, (Cohesion +3)

(helps Volki or Wrenn)
Bandy Feathers: 1, (Strength +2)
Goat Beard: 1, (Will +2)
Heckling Jay Feathers: 1, (Will +2)
Viper Blood: 1 measure, {athleticism x3}
Viper Venom: 1, {toxicity x3}

(helps Askari or Oorvid)
Bandy Skull Talisman: 1, (Strength +2)
jawbone: 1, ??
Teal Skull: 1, (Cohesion +2)
Viper Skull: 2, (Motility +2)
waterfowl skull: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Coal: 7 bricks, {heat x3}
Slate: 1, {sound x2}
Lodestone: 2, {shock x3}
Livestone: 5, (Strength +2)

(helps Volki or Wrenn)
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Mend x2}
Rend Leaves: 2 measures, {Siphon x2}
Flowers: 4 measures, {Restore x3}
Tranquility Flowers: 1 measure, {Identity x3}
Bat Colony: 2
Chain of Keeps Tunnel System
name: Temnyy Veter
Rheini Village
OOC: Everyone receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Wrenn's vote is to relocate the party.

Wrenn says, "Leave them; when their friends return, they can do with the bodies as they please, according to their practices and traditions. We have everything of value. We have our health. We should move on, and do a little hunting. Then we can explore some of the other tunnels, or even seek the others out, if we've a mind to. What say all of you?"


Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Astrid agrees with the unfortunate decision and speaks to the group. "I know these pergolas are square, but I have noticed that they all seem to be situated with regard to geometric direction. We know East and West from the movement of the Daylight (sun). The tunnels underneath are straight. My point is that if we walk this way, which is due North, we should reach the collapsed keep in about 3 hours. I think we will find better trapping their, because of the artificial water source by each keep."
OOC: 73


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Wrenn's vote is to relocate...
Astrid agrees...
Askari nods...
Askari: 31(alchemy) + 25(analysis) + 76(d100) = 132, success
Time: 40 days / 132 = 8 hours, fail
Astrid: 42 + 31 + 73 = 146, success
Time: 40 / 146 = 7 hours, success
Oorvid: 21 + 31 + 65 = 117, success
Time: 40 / 117 = 9 hours, fail
Volki: 37 + 24 + 50 = 111, success
Time: 40 / 111 = 9 hours, success
Wrenn: 28 + 24 + 62 = 114, success
Time: 40 / 114 = 9 hours, fail
While the party travels, each member decides upon an item to fondle while walking. This process does not detract from traveling unless discovery is reached, at which point, the person simply stops walking. Realizing the stop, movement is continued within a few seconds.

The Amiradthae are more prone to carry items of bone than other things, animal parts being readily available in a forest. Each person is able to recognize that several items harbor a proclivity for waylines, but only Astrid and Volki have the willpower necessary to identify that proclivity.
GM: To save space items were added to the party collections


Astrid was correct in her memory. This particular keep is almost completely collapsed and 2 trees had fallen into the artificial pond, which now has vegetation growing in it, though the water still proves to be drinkable, especially since Volki or Wrenn can readily purify small quantities.

Snares are placed along game trails leading to the water source; and since everyone can bend waylines at a distance, party members separate themselves during the night for a greater potential of collecting larger game.

No one manages to collect anything very large, but quite a number of rodents are acquired. During the planned Tenday of recovery, the fourth day brings something unexpected, other people. They come from the East, not the direction of the known enemy.

Sensing the potential of danger, as the party members move themselves into the semblance of a combat formation, there is a distinct tattoo of metallic items being tapped together. It is Volki who remembers this sound. It is a signal of peaceable approach from another clan of Shimadow. She uses her two knives to answer back.

A group of 8 young Shimadow reveal themselves and cautiously approach. The fact that they are 8 instead of 10 suggests some experience in travel. One young man speaks. "We are of the Red Squirrel clan. We see that you have fist claim to this site. We wish to refill our water and we will move on."

Though it seems underwhelming, Shimadow clans name themselves for various rodents of the forest and will adorn themselves with collections of those animals. It is related to their belief system. Wrenn is the one who realizes the response. Thinking quickly, he announces that the party is of the groundhog clan with a recruited Ansylin. He gestures to allow water.
GM: As everyone except Askari is pale skinned and Volki and Wrenn are Shimadow, the group is deferring to the party as if they are a clan of better status. This affords opportunity not only for developmental points but also for information. A group will to communicate is not predisposed to combat.

Askari: full wellness
Shirt: 33 - 3 = 30 - 3 = 27
Astrid: full wellness
Mantle: 24
Stones: 20
Oorvid: full wellness
Tunic: 61 - 6 = 55
Volki: full wellness
Tunic: 45
Wrenn: full wellness
Tunic: 57
Ularin Arrows: 22
41 marks: currency

(helps Astrid or Hiroshi)
white ingot: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Bat Guano: 6 measures, {heat x2}
Bandy Feet: pair, (Confluence +2)
Beaver Incisors: pair, ??
black claw necklace: 1, ??
Hawk Feet: pair, ??
Jay Feet: pair, (Will +2)
Spider Claws: 5 sets, {toxicity x2}
Spider Fangs: 5 sets, (Cohesion +2)

(helps Volki or Wrenn)
Bandy Feathers: 1, (Strength +2)
Goat Beard: 1, (Will +2)
Heckling Jay Feathers: 1, (Will +2)
Viper Blood: 1 measure, {athleticism x3}
Viper Venom: 1, {toxicity x3}

(helps Askari or Oorvid)
Beaver Skull: 1, ??
Bandy Skull: 2, (Confluence +2)
Hawk Skull: 1, ??
Jay Skull: 1, ??
Teal Skull: 2, (Cohesion +2)
Viper Skull: 2, (Motility +2)
waterfowl skull: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Coal: 7 bricks, {heat x3}
Slate: 1, {sound x2}
Lodestone: 2, {shock x3}
Livestone: 5, (Strength +2)

(helps Volki or Wrenn)
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Mend x2}
Rend Leaves: 2 measures, {Siphon x2}
Flowers: 4 measures, {Restore x3}
Tranquility Flowers: 1 measure, {Identity x3}
Bat Colony: 2
Chain of Keeps Tunnel System
name: Temnyy Veter
Rheini Village
OOC: Everyone receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
As the common language of the party has become that of the Shimadow, Astrid has no difficulty addressing the other group. "You came from farther East. You are not employed by the gray color Faethrins? This is good. We have been assaulted by two other clans and were forced to end several of their members. Why would a Shimadow work for another tribe, like disposable soldiers?"
OOC: 87
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