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Song of Ice & Fire Discussion:What do you want in the next 3 books? (SPOILERS)

Teflon Billy

Here are the folks I'd like to see with viewpoint chapters...

  • Bronn: Not going to happen. Best straight-up D&D fighter in the series :(
  • Sandor Clegane: In a series of books of morally grey characters, he is the baseline grey reading:)
  • Littlefinger: The cleverest man in a series of books about the machinations of clever men.
  • Robert Glover: Whom I think holds Moat Cailin and is still loyal to Dead King Robb.
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I am currently re-reading the series, and something came to my mind that I forgot:

I want Sansa to die a slow, agonizing death. I despise that character.


It's interesting how some people hate characters that others adore.

I really like Jon Snow for example, but at least one person can't wait to see him die. I feel sorry for Sansa, but Berandor wants her dead too.

Ah well, thems the breaks.


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I cant wait for the Mointain's death, not because I hate him, but because I think it will be awesomely written.

I dont mind Sansa, I hate, like just would like to have the character cut out of the books.... well, really no one. I think they all help make the story.. but I am less interested in what Dany is doing, much like the "new" catlyn...

Cor Azer

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Teflon Billy said:
Here are the folks I'd like to see with viewpoint chapters...

  • Bronn: Not going to happen. Best straight-up D&D fighter in the series :(
  • Sandor Clegane: In a series of books of morally grey characters, he is the baseline grey reading:)
  • Littlefinger: The cleverest man in a series of books about the machinations of clever men.
  • Robert Glover: Whom I think holds Moat Cailin and is still loyal to Dead King Robb.

Interesting list. I couldn't see Bronn getting a PoV chapter... he's too much of a "working for someone else character"... although, I guess it would be an interesting way to show what someone important is doing, by having Bronn at his side.

A Sandor PoV would be cool... but only after it's slowly hinted at whether he survived after Arya left him (which, I guess, he'd have to if he was getting PoV chapters).

I wouldn't want a Littlefinger PoV - the man is constantly scheming, and I don't think we readers should ever really know what he's thinking and planning.

Glover could be interesting. I never really gave his character much thought, but I figured the region you're guessing he'll cover I think is being covered by Maege Mormont.


Olive said:
It's interesting how some people hate characters that others adore.

I really like Jon Snow for example, but at least one person can't wait to see him die. I feel sorry for Sansa, but Berandor wants her dead too.

That's why I loven this series so much. Martin gives us a lot of things to love, or to hate, a lot of great characters good/bad/mostly grey... but he doesn't tell us which is which! Most books clearly show one character as being the one to identify with, or the one to loath. Here you can sort of choose your own favorites and least favorites on your own. You can discuss, debate, even argue whether Jon Snow is a good or a bad guy for returning to the watch, you can despise Littlefinger or adore him, you can feel pity for Sansa or not, etc.
And I still wouldn't rule out that Martin makes me reconsider my opinion of Sansa, although it's improbable. She just hasn't shown any ability to learn from her experience at all so far. But with Littlefinger's help, she might become the new Queen of Thorns, and I would *love* to see that, even more than I would like to see her beaten and killed for all the stupid, egoistical and dumb things she did and did not learn from :)


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I'm actually afraid to choose a favorite character, because Martin will then kill them off! I liked Ned, and boom off with his head, I like Roibb and thunk, pincusioned. Jon is ok,Bran... eh I get tired of all the dreams, I like Tyrion to a degree, and I am starting to like Jamie. I do like Arya. I cant stand Sansa, and Catelyn infuriates me. Lysa is on my crap list too, as is Littlefinger, although he is one of the guys you love to hate, kinda like Tywin. Oh and I don't like Dany, her chapters were always a good place to take a break.


I kind of don't want to see Chersi POV chapters. It might make me like her better, and I don't want to like her. Every story needs "good" bad guys.


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Teflon Billy said:
[*]Littlefinger: The cleverest man in a series of books about the machinations of clever men.

I'm 90% sure that Littlefinger will not live to see the end of the series. Heck, I think he might wind up dead in a coup in the Eyrie by the end of book 4. He's bit off more than he could chew, and it's going to cost him, and probably hurt Sansa.

You know, I kind of think Sansa might off Littlefinger.



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drnuncheon said:
I've got a friend who is convinced that not only is Jon a Targaryen (as many people think), but Tyrion is one as well. If I remembered all of his evidence, I'd put it here, but there was some indication that one of the Ts had been sleeping with Tywin's wife, and the fact that Tyrion's mismatched eye was the right color for a Targaryen.

He's thinking that Tyrion, Jon, and Dany wil be the riders and will kick the Others back up North where they belong.

I believe that Jon is so much I am willing to bet on it. Eddard had too much honor no matter the circumstance to break that. I think he was protecting his sister because of the affair she had with the Targaryen, forgot which one, but is described in book 3) Her last words, and Ned's sternness of not talking aobut it, and Robert's hurt and anger about it. (though he thinks it was rape). I am almost positive that Jon was a result of Lyanna's affair. I think somehow that will come out and Jon and Dany will unite (maybe even in Targaryen incestral tradition)....
I believe Tyrion will somehow become involved as well, he has too many wits about him not to.
I kind of hope Brienne comes back and her and Jamie have a moment, and I do believe he is redeeming himself, after his perspectives in the last book, I finally started to like him.
Arya is going to rock, I imagine she will reunite with her wolf and become a very good assasin like character.
Rickon will be a wild one, there is no doubt about that.
Bran does have so much potential, I can't even speculate on that one.
I would love to see Cat do Cersei in. I want to see that death more than anyone else at this point.

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