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"SPACE FIGHT!" Starship combat boardgame


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I've read through the rules and it seems like there are a few things that need clearing up:

1 - Where are the breakpoints for things that happen "per round"? For example, an aura damages all the ships in it once "per round" - when in the round does that happen? And shields protect against a certain amount of damage "per round" - when is the beginning and the end of the round in that case? Probably the easiest thing to do for shields is to make a round be from the shielded ship's turn to the next ship's turn. That way shields basically work like temporary HP in D+D, and whenever the player activates their shields they set their "temp HP" to the shield level.

In general I would suggest rewording everything that requires you to spend APs "each round" to just be spend the APs to get an effect that lasts until the start of the ship's next turn. That way there is no confusion.

2 - Am I correct to assume that you can only activate each ship system once per turn?

3 - Can two or more ships occupy the same hex? If they end up in the same hex (say because a ship gets crippled and can't thrust, and its speed moves it into the same hex as another ship) what happens?

4 - I don't see much reason for ships to form up into squadrons. It seems like it makes them strictly less powerful offensively - if they each fire individually they can do their full damage per shot (usually around 1d4 per fighter) while if they are squadroned they will do at most 1 damage per fighter per shot. Just about the only reason to squadron up would be to protect against auras and other AoEs (because they would only get hit once).

5 - You say that in a boarding action, a ship is captured once "one force" is defeated. I assume you mean the ship is captured when the "defending force" is defeated.

6 - What's an "area burst"?

7 - If the Bold Captain moves from ship to ship, does that affect the initiative order? (This also applies to if the Seasoned Admiral is killed or switches sides.)

8 - Is it possible to heal defending forces during or after boarding actions?

9 - What does "capacity 6" mean on transporters?

10 - Does the Saboteur have to be on the ship it is sabotaging?

11 - When it says ships can defend with "combat forces detailed in its stat block" that means forces that are listed as forces that it can send to board other ships with, right? (I can't find any examples of other combat forces that are listed in stat blocks.)

12 - As written the laser tower will never be able to use its repair ability, because as soon as it gets knocked down to 2 or less hit points it will be at zero AP (because 25% less than 1 is 0.75, rounded down is 0). This is probably also an issue with other craft that have 1 AP - probably you want to say that the number of AP per turn can never be less than 1.

13 - What's a "Raptor" (Colonial Battleship power)?

14 - The Colonial Support Vessel's "8 marines" - are the stats per marine? Same question for the Spartan Scout's boarders.

15 - If a ship's shields have been activated this round, but all its damage absorption has been used up, does it still count as "shielded" for the purpose of effects such as the Alliance Warship's Neutron weapon?

16 - How do you know whether a weapon is an "energy weapon" for purposes of the Shadow Battle Spider's ability?

17 - Can a ship with a boarding power send boarding forces over to a friendly ship to help that friendly ship fight off enemy boarders? (In general what happens if there are more than two groups of forces on one ship - I assume each group decides which other group to attack.)

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First Post
Oh, and a couple more things I noticed after I wrote the above post:

1. What do tractor beams do? There are several ships that have them, but no rules for them.

2. When a ship is captured by boarders, it says it operates as if it's crippled but can be repaired as normal. Does the ship's hit point total actually get reduced after it is captured? If so to where (the top of the crippled range? the middle?) If not, this must mean that the "damage track" state is no longer directly tied to the hit point total, so how does the repairing work to move it up the damage track?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
1 - Where are the breakpoints for things that happen "per round"? For example, an aura damages all the ships in it once "per round" - when in the round does that happen? And shields protect against a certain amount of damage "per round" - when is the beginning and the end of the round in that case? Probably the easiest thing to do for shields is to make a round be from the shielded ship's turn to the next ship's turn. That way shields basically work like temporary HP in D+D, and whenever the player activates their shields they set their "temp HP" to the shield level.

Correct. One thing I need to do is really standardise the terminology (also, some terms like "AC" or "Aura" won't stay).

2 - Am I correct to assume that you can only activate each ship system once per turn?

Yep! I'm glad you spotted that; sometimes I'm so familiar with it that things seem obvious to me when in fact they haven't actually been explicity said.

3 - Can two or more ships occupy the same hex? If they end up in the same hex (say because a ship gets crippled and can't thrust, and its speed moves it into the same hex as another ship) what happens?

They can. One of the design goals was so that I could have fighters racing along the hulls of battleships. A ship entering another's hex is either above or below it.

4 - I don't see much reason for ships to form up into squadrons. It seems like it makes them strictly less powerful offensively - if they each fire individually they can do their full damage per shot (usually around 1d4 per fighter) while if they are squadroned they will do at most 1 damage per fighter per shot. Just about the only reason to squadron up would be to protect against auras and other AoEs (because they would only get hit once).

You've hit on the area I'm least happy with and which I've been struggling with since the start. Needless to say, the squadron rules need a serious overhaul.

The design goal there is simply one of simplicity. I want to allow large battleships to deploy fighters numbering up to 80 or so in some cases, and it's just not feasible to expect players to track each one, or for each round to last 80+ turns. The squadron concept is intended to make that manageable. But it's not in a good state right now, as you've correctly surmised.

5 - You say that in a boarding action, a ship is captured once "one force" is defeated. I assume you mean the ship is captured when the "defending force" is defeated.

Yep! Well spotted.

6 - What's an "area burst"?

Not in use yet, but will refer to large-yield weapons. Nukes and so forth will use the rule. It'll be a burst 1,2 or 3 area which the weapon damages. I haven't yet designed any weapons which use it yet, though I will!

7 - If the Bold Captain moves from ship to ship, does that affect the initiative order? (This also applies to if the Seasoned Admiral is killed or switches sides.)

I hadn't intended it to; that should probably read "at the start of the battle".

8 - Is it possible to heal defending forces during or after boarding actions?

Yes, but that hasn't been written yet. Basically, a sick bay's repair rating will be able to be applied to a combat force aboard that ship. Also, a future Hero (the Medical Marvel) will be able to affect this.

9 - What does "capacity 6" mean on transporters?

It defines how many people the transporter can transport.

10 - Does the Saboteur have to be on the ship it is sabotaging?

Yes. Heroes have to be on ships they affect or on the same ship as other Heroes they effect. I envisage something of a sub-game going on where Heroes are effectively battling each other, and the movement of Heroes will be a factor in that.

11 - When it says ships can defend with "combat forces detailed in its stat block" that means forces that are listed as forces that it can send to board other ships with, right? (I can't find any examples of other combat forces that are listed in stat blocks.)

That's right, yep. Otherwise it has a standard (not as effective) security force defined by its size.

12 - As written the laser tower will never be able to use its repair ability, because as soon as it gets knocked down to 2 or less hit points it will be at zero AP (because 25% less than 1 is 0.75, rounded down is 0). This is probably also an issue with other craft that have 1 AP - probably you want to say that the number of AP per turn can never be less than 1.

Good catch!

13 - What's a "Raptor" (Colonial Battleship power)?

It's a Colonial Support Vessel. I had them called "Raptors" previously (based on the BSG ships), and must have missed that reference.

14 - The Colonial Support Vessel's "8 marines" - are the stats per marine? Same question for the Spartan Scout's boarders.

Nope, that's the entire force. It's not enough to worry a big battleship, but a small vessel won't want them charging aboard! Bear in mind, though, that the stats there were pretty much thrown in; I haven't thought seriously about boarding party stats yet.

15 - If a ship's shields have been activated this round, but all its damage absorption has been used up, does it still count as "shielded" for the purpose of effects such as the Alliance Warship's Neutron weapon?

And for transporters and the like - good point. Yes, it does.

16 - How do you know whether a weapon is an "energy weapon" for purposes of the Shadow Battle Spider's ability?

At the moment, it's common sense, but weapons will eventually have categories. Basically it's any beam weapon - phaser, laser, blaster, disruptor, etc.

17 - Can a ship with a boarding power send boarding forces over to a friendly ship to help that friendly ship fight off enemy boarders? (In general what happens if there are more than two groups of forces on one ship - I assume each group decides which other group to attack.)


Regarding the multiple forces - I actually updated the document about half an hour ago with that very detail!

1. What do tractor beams do? There are several ships that have them, but no rules for them.

Not written yet. I'm not completely sure how I want to handle them. I think I'll be giving them a power level which negates thrust.

2. When a ship is captured by boarders, it says it operates as if it's crippled but can be repaired as normal. Does the ship's hit point total actually get reduced after it is captured? If so to where (the top of the crippled range? the middle?) If not, this must mean that the "damage track" state is no longer directly tied to the hit point total, so how does the repairing work to move it up the damage track?

I envisaged the actual HP total being reduced - the crew has been massacred, consoles blasted, and so on.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
The latest update (uploaded prior to the above post) contains a couple of new things. One is a brief section on faster-than-light drives.

More importantly, in an appendix at the end, I've put a new concept design for the ship stat block/cards. I think it looks a lot cleaner than the old design.

It also contains an additional column, "Crit", which will deal with the to-be-written critical hit rules. In addition, systems are separated a little more to make it clearer what a Saboteur can actually sabotage. Comments welcomed!



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There is one!

Ah, clearly a sideways-scrolling failure on my part.

I suppose I might have found it at home where I do have a 16:9 monitor, but at work I "just" have two 4:3 monitors.

Might want to consider that, though. 4:3 ratio is still a little more common, and no one likes to scroll sideways...


First Post
9 - What does "capacity 6" mean on transporters? It defines how many people the transporter can transport.
This part seems incomplete. The only time you're actually transporting individual people is with heroes, and it seems like you'll never even get close to needing to transport 6 heroes at a time. There's also transporting boarding parties, but boarding parties are just one entity in game terms and aren't composed of individual people, so transporting "6 people" wouldn't make any sense.

By the way, here's a suggestion. It seems to me (although I haven't played so I don't know for sure) that the boarding party mechanic has a couple problems:

1. It seems unnecessarily complicated. You have to keep track of two hit point totals - the "boarding defender" hit points and the ship's hit points. Which is strange because it says that the ship's hit point total partly represents "crew complement." And it's even more strange that damage to defenders doesn't hurt the ship at all until the last HP is taken off, unlike the ship's hit points. And it adds this extra attack step to every turn.

2. There's nothing a ship can do about boarding parties once they're on board. There's no way for a ship to divert resources to fighting off the boarding parties or even repair the damage they do. The only thing they can do is wait for another ship with a boarding ability to come rescue them, get an Indomitable Leader on board, or hope they roll well enough to kill them with their default defense.

Here's a possible suggestion:

1. There's no "defending force." Boarding parties do damage to the ship's HP every turn (like ongoing damage in D+D) until they are destroyed. (May need to rebalance damage values.)

2. Ships have systems (security droids, armory, etc.) that can be activated (using AP) to attack boarding parties.

3. If a boarding party reduces the target ship's HP to zero, it can choose to capture it instead of destroying it. The ship then has 1 HP and can be repaired by the new owners as normal.

What this does, essentially, is make the mechanics a little simpler and also give defending ships more options (do I want to spend lots of AP trying to fight off the boarding parties, or do I want to keep spending them on weapons and such and do as much damage as I can before I'm captured?)


Also, I had an idea about how to handle squadrons. Don't consider them as separate ships that can be formed into squadrons, just consider them as one unit which has a "squadron template" applied to indicate that it is really lots of ships. The squadron template gives the unit the following abilities:

- Only damaged 1 point by any effect other than auras and AoEs.
- Weapons not limited to one activation per turn (only limited by number of APs). This represents that there are lots of copies of the weapons (one on each ship).
- Does not suffer damage track effects other than AP loss.

For example a squadron of 12 Rebel Fighters might look something like this:

Rebel Fighter Squadron
HP 12, AP 4, Thrust 8, Agility 5, Size Tiny(15)

Weapons (1 AP each):
Quad-Linked Laser Cannons (+2 to hit, 1d6 damage, range 4)
Dual Proton Torpedo Launchers (-2 to hit, 2d6 damage, range 5)

Repair (1 AP):
Astromech Droid (Repair Rating 1)

Now each HP represents one "ship", but it's all one unit. When the squadron is at full strength it will be able to make 4 attacks per round divided up however it wants between laser cannons and torpedos. (Each ship only has one of each weapon, but there are lots of ships, so they can make lots of attacks.) Once it's down to, say, 2 hit points, now it's "crippled" - but really that means there are 2 ships left, so since there are fewer ships they can make fewer attacks (hence the lower AP) but they can still use all their systems.


Oh, and by the way: the Plucky Pilot and Seasoned Admiral's "free turn" powers - does "turn" mean "rotation", or does "turn" mean a whole ship's turn?


Also I'm a little confused - pages 7-8 talk about being careful not to collide with anything - but you've said you can't collide with other ships unless you intentionally ram them. So what can you collide with and how do those collisions work?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This part seems incomplete. The only time you're actually transporting individual people is with heroes, and it seems like you'll never even get close to needing to transport 6 heroes at a time. There's also transporting boarding parties, but boarding parties are just one entity in game terms and aren't composed of individual people, so transporting "6 people" wouldn't make any sense.

Boarding parties still have a man-count. For example, the Colonial Supoprt Vessel can only carry 8 people. You couldn't stick a 20-person boarding party on there, only an 8-or-less boarding party.

For example, a Federation Cruiser is boarded via an Imperial Assault Craft, which contains 12 Imperial Soldiers and a Dark Lord. If control of the Federation Cruiser is achieved, the Imperials can use the Federation Cruiser's transporters. However, it can't transport all 12 soldiers with a capacity 6 transporter.

I'm not completely sold on making that important, of course. I may just standardise it to "a boarding party" and not worry about the actual numbers except as fluff text.

1. There's no "defending force." Boarding parties do damage to the ship's HP every turn (like ongoing damage in D+D) until they are destroyed. (May need to rebalance damage values.)

Hmmm. I'm not convinced on that one! :)

2. Ships have systems (security droids, armory, etc.) that can be activated (using AP) to attack boarding parties.

Now that I like!

What this does, essentially, is make the mechanics a little simpler and also give defending ships more options (do I want to spend lots of AP trying to fight off the boarding parties, or do I want to keep spending them on weapons and such and do as much damage as I can before I'm captured?)

I like the decision-making process that the target ship would find itself in. I'll definitely try to incorporate APs into shipboard defence in some way!

Also, I had an idea about how to handle squadrons. Don't consider them as separate ships that can be formed into squadrons, just consider them as one unit which has a "squadron template" applied to indicate that it is really lots of ships. The squadron template gives the unit the following abilities:

- Only damaged 1 point by any effect other than auras and AoEs.
- Weapons not limited to one activation per turn (only limited by number of APs). This represents that there are lots of copies of the weapons (one on each ship).
- Does not suffer damage track effects other than AP loss.

For example a squadron of 12 Rebel Fighters might look something like this:

Rebel Fighter Squadron
HP 12, AP 4, Thrust 8, Agility 5, Size Tiny(15)

Weapons (1 AP each):
Quad-Linked Laser Cannons (+2 to hit, 1d6 damage, range 4)
Dual Proton Torpedo Launchers (-2 to hit, 2d6 damage, range 5)

Repair (1 AP):
Astromech Droid (Repair Rating 1)

Now each HP represents one "ship", but it's all one unit. When the squadron is at full strength it will be able to make 4 attacks per round divided up however it wants between laser cannons and torpedos. (Each ship only has one of each weapon, but there are lots of ships, so they can make lots of attacks.) Once it's down to, say, 2 hit points, now it's "crippled" - but really that means there are 2 ships left, so since there are fewer ships they can make fewer attacks (hence the lower AP) but they can still use all their systems.

That could work! Nice thinking!

Oh, and by the way: the Plucky Pilot and Seasoned Admiral's "free turn" powers - does "turn" mean "rotation", or does "turn" mean a whole ship's turn?

It means a whole ship's turn, but that is too much. Instead, I've changed it to extra APs (the Admiral can give one ship of size Medium or larger an extra 1d4 APs that round).

Also I'm a little confused - pages 7-8 talk about being careful not to collide with anything - but you've said you can't collide with other ships unless you intentionally ram them. So what can you collide with and how do those collisions work?

Asteroids, mainly. :)
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