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[Spaceship Zero] Q-Ship (actually updated 19 May 2007)


Hey all. Just a quick heads up that there will be no update this weekend, and probably a reduced rate of updates from now until mid-July. I have some other commitments that are likely to cut into my writing time.

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"Total Escape" - Part 10

Archie scuttles his builder bot body behind a computer console. He deploys the bot's tiny laser cutter, excising a small hole in the rear of the console, then extrudes a wire inside. Within seconds, he is linked to the camp's computer systems and accessing the available data. The screen goes blurry as Archie and a metallic female voice converse in voice-over.

"Specify numbers of camp personnel."

"40 guards, 4 science staff, 1 commander."

"How many prisoners?"

"Clarify command."

"Specify numbers of prisoners."

"565 dosed and awaiting treatment. 37 undergoing full treatment as test group."

"Specify nature of treatment."

"Standard combat indoctrination. Treatment will result in troops with high degree of tractability coupled with natural aggression."

"Specify nature of 'dosing'."

"Standard sedation to reduce volatility and inhibit mental acuity."

"Specify chemical composition of sedative."

"Sedative used is chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride."

"Specify effect of chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride on Targ physiology."

"This chemical acts as a strong tranquilizer on Targ subjects."


"Clarify command."

Instead, Archie cuts the connection with the Targ computer and scuttles further along wall until he reaches a point where he can safely view the Doctor's cage.

"Doctor." he sets his voice synthesiser to the lowest possible setting, "Do not look around for me."

"Of course I vould not do such a zing." Gustav whispers, stopping himself in mid turn.

"Of course." Archie agrees, with what sounds a lot like robotic sarcasm, "Captain Fury is here as well. As soon as it is dark, I shall contact him and we shall rescue yourself and the Princess."

"Didn't you hear?" Gustav whispers back, "Ze Captain has been discovered by ze enemy. Zey must have already captured him by now. Perhaps vhen it is dark you should release me and I vill go rescue him."

Archie considers this for all of a picosecond,

"I will release Captain Fury, and then we will rescue you." he states firmly, "You are too valuable to be risked unnecessarily. Besides, your captor may return to interrogate you further."

"Oh, I zink I have given her all she needs for ze day." Gustav sounds just a tiny bit smug, "But if you zink it would be best, Archie ..."

"I do." the robot says, "After all, who knows what horrors the Targ are visiting upon Captain Fury as we speak?"

Which is an excellent excuse for a cut to the exterior of the building.

Captain Fury strides out into the camp, doing his best to look like he belongs. He makes it only a few paces, however, before Targ gards swarm in from all sides, ringing him in a deadly net of disruptors. Fury begins to wish he'd spent more time paying attention in Gustav's Targ lessons. He starts wishing it even more when a Targ commander appears and barks something at him.

When Fury fails to reply, the commander smugly addresses him in Venusian. The Captain, who only knows about four words in that tongue (none of them suitable for an 8pm broadcast time), stands mute. With an irritated gesture, the Targ commander waves for him to be taken into custody.

S'Ondra clenches her fists as she watches events unfold.

"We have to help him." she tells H'Ro, "He's one of my friends."

"The guards have lightning sticks." H'Ro reminds her, "They killed many of my tribe with them. They will kill us too, if we try to fight now."

"You're right." the Princess subsides. She bites her lip in concern as she watches Fury get dragged off into the guards' barracks. Trying to distract herself from the Captain's possible fate, she idly seizes on H'Ro's last comment. "What tribe are you from, anyway?"

"I am of the Kelvor."

H'Ro suddenly finds himself thrown to the ground. S'Ondra straddles him, her hands tightening on his throat and her eyes wild with anegr as she snarls,

"You killed my parents!"

Which sounds like the worst (and thus best) time to switch back to Fury, as he is dragged down a long grey corridor and hurled into a tiny, bare room. The door slams shut behind him with a hollow clang. Wearily, he slumps against the wall and stares into space for a moment. After a few seconds of this, however, he reaches into his pocket and produces a small rubber ball. He stares at it for a moment, then bounces if off the floor into the opposite wall and catches the rebound in one hand.

Thud. Thud. Catch.


Well personally I blame the writers. Off moonlighting at ITV, from what I heard. Damned commercial television and its excessive pay scales!

I heard rumors they might have just finished the project they were working on, though. At least for a while. So maybe an update in the next week or so.


"Total Escape" - Part 11

Night falls over the camp.

S'Ondra sits in the corner of the room, legs pulled up to her chest and arms wrapped around them. The Princess's expression is stony, her eyes hard as she glares at H'Ro.

For his part, the young Venusian male is watching his new companion with a confused expression.

"How can I kill your parents?" he asks, for what is obviously not the first time. "I never meet them."

"It wasn't you 'you'. It was your family 'you'. You were probably only a few years old, then. If there was a you at all, back -" S'Ondra breaks off as H'Ro's expression merely becomes more confused, "Look, I already said it was complicated, and I don't want to talk about it anymore."

H'Ro considers this,

"No more talk and no more strangling?"

Despite herself, S'Ondra laughs.

"No more strangling." She agrees.

"Good." H'Ro rises up on his haunches, and peers out of the window, "Dark now. Time get food with no bad stuff. Not get body sick."

The Princess nods her agreement and gestures for him to lead on. H'Ro quickly boosts himself out of the window, then drops down into the shadows outside. S'Ondra follows, the camera lingering on her shapely legs as she swings them over the window sill.

H'Ro leads the way to the rear of the prisoners' barracks, where a few rather miserable-looking tufts of purple foliage can be seen. He digs in the dirt for a few seconds before retrieving what looks suspiciously like a beetroot with red splotches painted on it.

"Gunga fruit." He passes the object to S'Ondra, then digs up a second of his own before kicked dirt back into the hole, "Not look like much going on up top but plenty under the surface."

"A bit like Fury." S'Ondra muses, "The first half, anyway."


"A friend. The one they caught."

H'Ro nods,

"Do you have many friends? Strong ones?"

"You'll be surprised that my friends can do." S'Ondra assures him, without actually answering his question.

"If they like you, I am sure they strong."

"Thank you." S'Ondra smiles, genuinely pleased with what is obviously a sincere comment. She clasps H'Ro's shoulder, "And you as well."

Her touch turns H'Ro slightly toward her, and the Princess is suddenly aware of how close the two of them are sitting, and how honest H'Ro's eyes are and how kissable his lips would be, and --

"Am I interrupting something, Princess?"

S'Ondra squawks and tries to pull away from H'Ro, but loses her balance and ends up sprawling inelegantly in the dirt.

"Archie!" she hisses, fixing the builder-bot's body with a glare as it emerges from under the barracks. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry, Princess." The robot cheerfully lies, "I didn't realise I was. I'm not using to being small and quiet."

"None of us are." The Princess assures him with obvious sincerity, "The sooner you're back to your old self, the better."

"I have located Captain Fury." Archie continues, apropos of nothing.

"Is he okay?" S'Ondra frets, then immediately plays it cool. "Because, we're going to need him to pilot the ship at some point."

"He appears well." Archie is oblivious. "Nonetheless, we should free him and the Doctor. We need to come up with a plan to rescue these people."

"Yes, you're right. I'll come with you." The Princess turns to H'Ro, "Wait here. We go to free friends, be more powerful."

The Venusian nods silently, and S'Ondra and Archie slip quietly across the camp toward the guard building.

As they scuttle from shadow to shadow, the robot whirrs thoughtfully,

"Who is that young man?"

"H'Ro?" S'Ondra nearly stumbles, "Oh … just another prisoner. No-one important."

On those words, we cut to Gustav, as he languishes in his cage. Suddenly, a shadow falls over him. He looks up to see H'Ro. The Venusian looms close to the bars, a heavy, jagged rock clutched in one hand.

"Are you the one they call the Doctor?" he hisses.


"Total Escape" - Part 12

Gustav, who apparently finds nothing untoward about half-naked men approaching him in the middle of the night, nods his head.

"Ja. I am Doctor Gustav."

H'Ro raises the rock in his hand, ready to bring it crashing down -

- and we cut to a rubber ball as it bounces off the wall and into Fury's hand. The Captain prepares to throw it again.

tink tink tink

Fury pauses and cocks his head to one side.

tink tink tink

He turns and presses his ear to the wall.

tink tink tink

"Who's there?" he whispers hoarsely, directly into the wall.

tink tink tink

"Archie? Is that you? One tink for yes, two for no."


"Is everyone else okay? Can you get me out of here?"

tink. tink.

Fury frowns.

"Was that one tink twice or two tinks once? Wait!" he holds up a hand, even though there is no way for Archie to see it. "Don't answer that. Just answer this: can you get me out of here?"


"Then do it." Fury backs away from the wall, confident that any rescue from Archie is going to involve pyrotechnics of some kind.

Sure enough, a fountain of sparks suddenly jets out of the wall -

- and we cut back to a shower of sparks as H'Ro slams his stone down on the padlock of the Doctor's cage. The metal buckles and tears away from the powerful blow, and the cage door swings open.

"I am H'Ro." The Venusian taps his chest, "Friend of S'Ondra. We go find her now."

And as the audience howls at all the cheap theatrics this episode employs, the camera switches again.

Clinging to the wall with the builder-bot's feet, Archie uses his laser cutter to complete an oval incision in the building's side. For a moment the panel sits in place, then it pops out as Fury shoves it free. It lands on the ground with a lack of impact that screams 'painted polystyrene'.

"Good work, Archie." The Captain nods to the robot. "And the Princess, I see. Or is this her copy?"

"Hurry up and get out of there so I can put the panel back." S'Ondra's stern reply leaves little doubt as to her identity. Fury complies, then dusts off his hands as he stands outside.

"So what's the plan?"

We must recover the Targ sedative from the store room." Archie explains, "Then we can drug all the guards in the same manner as they drug the prisoners. This will leave them unable to resist us and we can seize control of the camp with help from the Princess's friend."

"You made a friend, Princess?" Fury gives a fake smile, "What's his name?"

"That's hardly important right now, Captain." S'Ondra tosses her hair.

The threesome make their way across the camp, ducking from shadow to shadow, and then pause at the door of the large iron shed. Archie issues instructions.

"There may be guards inside. Princess S'Ondra and Captain Fury, you need to overpower them before they can raise the alarm. I will then open the drug storage room so that we can retrieve the Targ sedative."

"Couldn't we just cut our way in from outside, like we did to rescue the Captain?" It's possible S'Ondra puts a little extra emphasis on the word 'rescue'.

"Unfortunately not, Princess." Archie demurs, "That wall of this building is in view of two watch towers. The risk of detection is too high."

"Let's do it." Fury is anxious for action.

The spacefarers burst into the shed. A Targ guard standing near the door goes down to a spinning heel kick from S'Ondra. Fury races onward, leaping up the stairs toward a second guard standing on the gantryway who - in a piece of remarkable narrative fortune - is facing away from the door.

The Captain rushes up the stairs and along the gantry, nearly clothes-lining the surprised guard right over the railing. The Targ hangs on however and manages to stumble to the side as S'Ondra also comes flying up to tackle him. This sudden movement makes the Princess's lunge go wide, and she flips right over the railing. Only a desperate grab of her hand prevents her from falling into the giant vat of brown goo below: her grasping fingers snatch onto the top railing, leaving her dangling by one hand over the twenty foot drop.

Fury takes another swing at the Targ, but the guard is on his toes now, and dodges aside of the blow. Shouldering the Captain aside, the Targ slams the butt of his disruptor down on S'Ondra's fingers. The Princess lets go reflexively, but her bruised fingers catch again - this time on the very gantry itself.

"Princess!" Captain Fury drops to his knees and grabs at S'Ondra's arm, trying to pull her up to safety. The Targ guard takes the opportunity to slam his disruptor over Fury's back, the jagged alien weapon tearing the Captain's shirt to shreds.

Using the help provided by Captain Fury, S'Ondra hauls herself upward and grabs the Targ's ankle with her hand. A savage yank later, and the guard staggers backward as his foot is pulled out from under him. Arms flailing, he hits the railing on the other side of the gantry and backflips over it, plunging down with a choked off cry of alarm into the seething brown goo.

Fury grans the guard's disruptor, which fell safely onto the gantry floor, and the two spacefarers rush back down the stairs to meet Archie at the door to the drug storage room. The robot quickly has the door unlocked. The three adventurers are just about to enter the room when -

"Leibchen? Is zat you?"

"Father?" the Princess turns to find Gustav peering into the shed. Quickly, she rushes over and embraces him in a fierce hug. "How did you get free?"

"Your tall Venusian friends wiz all ze muscles came to help me." Gustav points into the darkness outside, "He is keeping vatch for us."

"Quickly!" Fury interrupts the reunion, and not incidentally the praise of H'Ro. "We need to get this drug out of here!"

All three humanoid crew members snatch up a box of the grey space sedative, under the directions of Archie, and then the four of them head out and begin to make their way back across the camp toward the guard barracks, sneaking as best they can with the heavy boxes in their arms.

They have made it only halfway back, however, when the blinding beam of a searchlight shines down from one of the Targ watch towers, illuminating S'Ondra in its baleful glare.

Voidrunner's Codex

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