Special Conversion Thread: Moldvay's Undead

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Monster Junkie
20 will probably work.

I meant to comment on the psionics earlier. I think we should move them to a "sidebar" describing a psionic variant. Maybe "the zombie overmind"?

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Extradimensional Explorer
Good idea on the psionic variant.

Any SLAs for this guy? Seems like DR should be DR 15 or 20/magic (& a special material?). But I'm not sure about anything else. Do we want to tie him to normal zombies in some way?


Inventor of Super-Toast
Good call on the divine as arcane spells. I think the DR should be slashing + special material (how about silver?)

Demiurge out.


Extradimensional Explorer
Well, the original took +1 weapons to hit, but DR/magic is probably not worth much at the likely CR. I could see DR/slashing & silver; that's got a good tie to normal zombies. How much DR do you think it should have?


Extradimensional Explorer
Summarizing: 22nd level sorcerer casting w/cleric & some domains as arcane spells
DR 20/slashing & silver
Sidebar for psionic variant
SR converted as usual from 25%

It is able to control all skeletons and zombies (and all their undead variants), being a sort of lord of the undead.
Rebukes/commands undead as 20th level cleric or a special ability to control all skeletons/zombies within a certain distance?


Monster Junkie
Let's try to come up with some ability scores for this fella.

Int is Supra-Genius, so at least Int 19-20.

Cha needs to be at least 19 to cast its highest-level spells.

Looking at other zombie creatures and templates for inspiration:
Zombie: Str +2, Dex -2, Int -, Wisdom 10, Charisma 1
Juju zombie: Str +4, Dex +2, Int -4 (minimum 1), Cha +2
Corpse Creature: Str +4, Dex -2
Tyrantfog Zombie: Str 13, Dex 10, Con -, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13


Extradimensional Explorer
He does a lot of damage with his melee (slam?), so let's give him decent strength, too. AC is also good, which argues for good Dex, unholy grace, or a combination of the two. How about Str 23, Dex 19, Con -, Int 27, Wis 18, Cha 28? Dex and unholy grace then gives him the right AC, though we could easily boost it with something like mage armor.


Monster Junkie
I'll try to Homebrew him shortly with those scores and we'll see how they look.

Something to chew on:

If he want to make him the king of all zombies, not just the shuffling single action kind, we could borrow some abilities from the variants. Here's a few of note...

Speed: In addition to its land speed, a juju zombie gains a climb speed equal to one-half its base speed if it does not have a climb speed already.

Immunities (Ex): A juju zombie is immune to magic missles and electricity damage.

Blood Drain (Ex): If the bloodthirsty zombie scores a critical hit with its bite against a living creature, that creature takes 1 points of Constitution damage.

Disease (Ex): Any successful melee attack by a diseased zombie exposes the target to a disease (filth fever). Any creature making a successful unarmed or natural attack against a diseased zombie is similarly exposed (a character who grapples with a diseased zombie gets a -4 penalty on the save made to resist infection).

The fast zombie gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC.

Hunter zombies have the scent ability and gain Track as a bonus feat.

An unkillable zombie gains fast healing 5.

Sickening Cloud (Su): The fog that lingers around Tyrantfog zombies saps the endurance of creatures within it. A character who comes within 5 feet of a Tyrantfog zombie must make a DC 13 Fortitude save or take 1 point of temporary Constitution damage. A single character only needs to make one saving throw per encounter with these creatures. The save DC is Charisma-based.

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