D&D (2024) Speculating on D&DB 2024 Pricing


Jedi Master
Pure speculation here, but thought it might make for an interesting discussion since this will be the first time that a Core rules revision will be available in a digital format from the start, and with a huge user base. Here's what I'm guessing for the PHB, which is based on believing that converting existing customers of DDB will be very important to the D&D team.
  • 2024 PHB for new users - $29.99 (same as current pricing)
  • 2024 PHB for users who already own the 2014 PHB on DDB - $19.99 (33% discount may seem steep, but will help encourage userbase to convert quickly, and also help push dead tree versions)
  • 2024 PHB for users with Explorer or Legendary Bundles - $9.99 (another steep discount, rewards loyal customers, encourages conversion to 2024 by the most dedicated player base, and again pushes dead tree versions)
Interested to see others thoughts on both this and where the other core books may come in, and also whether you would decide to upgrade based on the above pricing.

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Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Pure speculation here, but thought it might make for an interesting discussion since this will be the first time that a Core rules revision will be available in a digital format from the start, and with a huge user base. Here's what I'm guessing for the PHB, which is based on believing that converting existing customers of DDB will be very important to the D&D team.
  • 2024 PHB for new users - $29.99 (same as current pricing)
  • 2024 PHB for users who already own the 2014 PHB on DDB - $19.99 (33% discount may seem steep, but will help encourage userbase to convert quickly, and also help push dead tree versions)
  • 2024 PHB for users with Explorer or Legendary Bundles - $9.99 (another steep discount, rewards loyal customers, encourages conversion to 2024 by the most dedicated player base, and again pushes dead tree versions)
Interested to see others thoughts on both this and where the other core books may come in, and also whether you would decide to upgrade based on the above pricing.
To be clear, these are all digital prices you're talking about, right?


Jedi Master
With all the “D&D is under-monetized” talk, you can bet everything will be more expensive.
I didn't speculate on subscription access and the VTT add ons, which is where I think the attempts to increase monetization will come in. This is more about getting adoption of the 2024 Core rules as quickly as possible, and everything else builds off of that.


B/X Known World
I didn't speculate on subscription access and the VTT add ons, which is where I think the attempts to increase monetization will come in. This is more about getting adoption of the 2024 Core rules as quickly as possible, and everything else builds off of that.
Sure. But even if they sell a couple fewer units at a slightly higher price, they’re still ahead in the end. They’ll do whatever will make them the most money in the shortest amount of time.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
There is such a thing a "devaluing a product." Discounting sets precedents sets what people expect and how they perceive the value of something. I guess it depends on where WotC's priorities are 🤷‍♂️


Jedi Master
Sure. But even if they sell a couple fewer units at a slightly higher price, they’re still ahead in the end. They’ll do whatever will make them the most money in the shortest amount of time.
Well, that depends on how many fewer units and how much higher a price. If they convert 100,000 users to 2024 at $19.99 but they would have converted only 60,000 users at $29.99, they're better off at the lower price point. Whatever the price is will be determined by what existing users are willing to pay for the upgrade. With the physical books, it doesn't matter if you have 2014 or not, but with digital, the levers they have grow. And keep in mind that for the first few months of release, getting conversions may be worth more to them than a few extra $ in their pocket.

That said, the price points I suggested may be too low. Maybe $30, $25 and $20 would be more reasonable.

Voidrunner's Codex

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