Spelljammer Spelljammer's Astral Dreadnought & Adult Solar Dragon

In October of this year, WizKids will be launching two big miniatures, both linked to the upcoming Spelljammer setting -- the Astral Dreadnought and the Adult Solar Dragon.

The Astral Dreadnought will be $249.99. The creature lives on the Astral Plane, and is the size of a large dragon.

The Adult Solar Dragon is featured on the cover of the Light of Xaryxis adventure; this mini will be $109.99.


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For $250, I want it to be the correct scale. That means infinitely long.

Seriously, these are $40 miniatures at max. They're 'use once and then put on a shelf to look pretty' monsters, and anyone that can afford these at these prices is probably running out of shelf space.
I paid $40 for the jumbo Rita Repulsa who does nothing but menace All Might and Uravity on my shelf, so...

Also, inflation and the price of shipping and materials.

I paid $40 for the jumbo Rita Repulsa who does nothing but menace All Might and Uravity on my shelf, so...

Also, inflation and the price of shipping and materials.
I think it's got more to do with WizKids thinking they likely won't get their license renewed (after all that legal kerfuffle) and is just trying to get as much as they can, justified or not. I noticed that most of those really high prices suddenly started appearing around the same time.

Seriously, these are $40 miniatures at max. They're 'use once and then put on a shelf to look pretty' monsters, and anyone that can afford these at these prices is probably running out of shelf space.
I think of these big minis like the various statues of comics characters they sell at the comics shops. Those also run into the hundreds of dollars and so are not for me, but I guess someone must love to have them.

I'll stick to grabbing a proxy and putting it on the table myself. I don't know how many times I'd use an Astral Dreadnought in combat (though I now have an idea for the epic side quests that I'm running for part of my group so perhaps at least once!)

WizKids are successfully selling a lot to stores but stores are not moving as much product.

Only 2 of the 5 stores I go to sells Pathfinder Battles still. 1 of them has Darklands Rising and Bestiary Unleashed on deep discount.

I expect Witchlight and Ravenloft will join them on discount on Black Friday this year.

Stores here barely stocked the new WaeLock Tiles Caverns sets too.

That said the next set is Fizbans and dragons are very popular.

The Dreadnought is the size of the Tarrasque too which they are asking nearly $400 for.

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