D&D (2024) Split the Players Handbook into two books: Lower Tiers and Upper Tiers

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Yeah, I wonder about this, too. Even if not 1-20, if we could have one adventure for 8-20 for every three or even five we get for 1-10 or 1-12, I'd be happy.

They've certainly released PLOTS that ought to run L8-20. I mean, c'mon Out of the Abyss! How is "Captured by Drow, escape through the underdark, run into Demon Lords, finish in Menzobaranzan Archmages, Demons, and Beholders in between? (And did I mention Demon Lords? I think I did.)" How is that not a HIGH LEVEL Adventure?

I just do not see why WoTC don't release 1 to 20 adventures when it appears to work for other systems, has worked in the past, and appears to work for some third parties. I assume other publishers do it because it does make them money and not out of stubbornness.

I think it's a great question.

But personally I love the shorter modular adventures (whether separate floppy ones like 1e or the collections like Yawning Portal). A bunch that did 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20 would be great. Although my suspicion is that there would be an exponential decrease by tier in which came out if they didn't work at it :-(

Would switching to spell points as the default − instead of slots − make the upper tier simpler enough to be worthwhile?

At least for spell slots 1 to 5, and probably 6 too:
• 1+level points can refresh per short or long rest.
• One cannot spend more than level/2 (round up) per casting.
• The spell cost equals its slot. So, a slot-3 Fireball is the same thing as a 3-point Fireball.

The system balances solidly.
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I think level 11+ (or 13+ if you go to 24) would be good to start swapping out features for other features (and not necessarily more complicated ones, but more evocative ones) instead of gaining MORE abilities.

I think you'd find more people willing to play higher levels if you did that.

EDIT: I think one thing that nearly everyone on this thread would probably agree on, is this:

High Level play needs to be Supported. T
To achieve that, it probably needs to be re-thought.

Do Paizo APs go from level 1-20? I never played pathfinder. Wotc adventures seem to make each chapter=1 level. I don't know how they would fit levels 1-20 into one book without it being a) pure dungeon crawls or b) significantly less verbose and with less art than their current products.

Do Paizo APs go from level 1-20? I never played pathfinder. Wotc adventures seem to make each chapter=1 level. I don't know how they would fit levels 1-20 into one book without it being a) pure dungeon crawls or b) significantly less verbose and with less art than their current products.
Bring back Dungeon magazine

The classic 1e adventure series could appropriately stretch out to fit:

9-12: Against the Giants
13-16: Descent into the Earth / Kuo-Toa
17-20: Vault of the Drow
21-24: Demonweb Pits

In 1e Lolth is a "demigod" (17-20), but in 5e more like an epic (21-24).

Do Paizo APs go from level 1-20? I never played pathfinder. Wotc adventures seem to make each chapter=1 level. I don't know how they would fit levels 1-20 into one book without it being a) pure dungeon crawls or b) significantly less verbose and with less art than their current products.
In PF1 era, the APs went into the teens. Typically, stopped somewhere between 14-16. A lot of that had to do with the gonzo math at upper levels and massive resources PCs had. You basically had to have 100 room dungeons to challenge them.

In PF2 they moved into running them 1-20, but also have experimented with 1-10 and 11-20 APs.

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