D&D General (SPOILERS for Vecna: Eve of Ruin) Are My Standards Too High for Adventures?

If you asked twenty different D&D players what they like about D&D, you'd get forty different answers and the only shared one would be "dice".
I agree. This sentiment is how we end up with the products that we get. If a publisher is going to build a product by committee i.e. surveys and feed back; what they end up with is a lot of winging and whining. The silent majority doesn't participate at all while the fringe will debate ad nauseum with their "that depends on how you define..." and "well actually" and there is no consensus in the long run. Add to this all of the cultural tribalism, false outrage and gatekeeping and if 2024 isn't a new edition what we end up in 2030 (random date, i have no data) will certainly be not only a new edition but it will be unrecognizable. And that's fine. D&D is a creative endeavor both for the authors and artists who make the products and for the general public who use those products to sit around with their pals making memories that last a lifetime.

I'm not sure at all what my point is but I think what i'm saying is that as a "community" we can do better.

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I'm not sure at all what my point is but I think what i'm saying is that as a "community" we can do better.
Heh heh... ah... no we can't. ;)

Because at barest minimum, it would require every single player to accept and believe one simple truth-- "If I don't like something WotC has made, it isn't a personal slight against me."

But the "community" cannot and will not ever accept that. People have their identities too tied to the game of Dungeons & Dragons to believe that to be true. WotC either has to "give me what I want", or they have to be the biggest bunch of morons for not being able to accomplish this "incredibly simple" task, LOL.

Heh heh... ah... no we can't. ;)

Because at barest minimum, it would require every single player to accept and believe one simple truth-- "If I don't like something WotC has made, it isn't a personal slight against me."

But the "community" cannot and will not ever accept that. People have their identities too tied to the game of Dungeons & Dragons to believe that to be true. WotC either has to "give me what I want", or they have to be the biggest bunch of morons for not being able to accomplish this "incredibly simple" task, LOL.
You're right....now where are my pitchfork and torches? :cool:

An opinion not given is an opinion that will not be taken into account and given how much these books cost you better believe I will give my opinion.

I find it next to impossible to make an adventure that plays the same for every gaming group in existence. A good DM can always find a way to make an adventure their own and bring it to life for their group. The first step is to figure out what doesn't work for you and then just replace it with stuff that you think will be more fun.

I find it next to impossible to make an adventure that plays the same for every gaming group in existence.

But that doesn't eliminate the need to sit down and say "OK, I'm asking people to buy a high-level Vecna adventure for $50. What things might people want and expect from that?"

If the first response from multiple DMs to say "uh, I think I might have wasted my money unless I want to spend a lot of time fixing this adventure," I'd say the adventure hasn't lived up to its full potential.

For $50, the default, no-tweaks version of the adventure should still be pretty satisfying. I think there's reason to wonder if this adventure managed that, between the BIG TWIST OMG and the general lack of Vecna.

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