Spoilers: Some guy in Friends & Family playtest apparently violates his NDA

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Javelin of fire does sound boring. Why not an iconic spell like acid arrow?

If this is real, the only thing that has me more substantially worried is a thief turning invisible in the middle of combat at level 5. I put up with that stuff in Epic for 4e because Epic is magic sauce. I don't need magic sauce for low level martial characters.

Call it "hide in plain sight"

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If it's not fake, WotC should try to get new playtesters. This one was unreadable, it speaks loudly about his ability.


First Post
I'll save us all some time: that's completely fake.

Got any evidence to back this up?

WotC, if they're smart, will quickly address this as fake, if in fact it is. Because as it stands, until I see real evidence that this is fake, I'm really not at all interested in 5th any longer (but to be honest my interest has been fading with each L&L article Monte writes).


If it's not fake, WotC should try to get new playtesters. This one was unreadable, it speaks loudly about his ability.

Well, we will all be it at some point, but WotC can hardly be blamed for the intelligence of people showing up to DDXP.


I trust u more then a random poster on another board, but on a scale from 1-10 how sure are you?
Completely. It's a beautiful troll, but it's just that.

Got any evidence to back this up?
Nope, no postable evidence at all, so you should feel free to ignore me if you think I may be wrong. That's cool, and I certainly won't be offended. Except... hmm. Looks like he's discussing 4e compatibility modules, classes etc. that DDXP reports said weren't written yet. I'd be awfully impressed if the developers could have gotten back from DDXP, written them, and distributed them to playtesters before any internal testing.
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Got any evidence to back this up?

WotC, if they're smart, will quickly address this as fake, if in fact it is. Because as it stands, until I see real evidence that this is fake, I'm really not at all interested in 5th any longer (but to be honest my interest has been fading with each L&L article Monte writes).

They might not see it that way. In a very short while, the playtest will be out to 1000's of people, and word will quickly spread. So, while this might put you and others off, even though there is no evidence but an unknown poster, WotC probably thinks you guys will come around, once the real playtest is released.

Also, if they deny this one, they will have to deny every single report that surfaces. I can easily see people make "fake" reports, to test them, to see if maybe we have "figured out" the mechanics. I am sure they have better things to do with their time. You know, like publishing 4e and designing dndnext.

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