While I like the mechanics behind Brute, do we really need another generic fighter? Champion already does that pretty well.
Agreed. I love these subclasses, but it's primarily because they're doing some new and different things. Auto-reaction damage? Wildshape as a short-rest rage-type buff? Flat dice bonuses to damage and saves? (I'm not really into fighters, but I love the brute.) At-will wild magic? (It needs much better than an 8% chance for a double-cast to be worth it, but I like the thought.) Keep it up, WotC. I'm enthused.The immediate impression I get from this UA is that they had a whole handful of various game mechanics they wanted us to give our opinions on whether we liked them or not... all to be used in their various other classes/subclasses coming up. But because they weren't ready to show us the full work-ups of those classes/subclasses... they "created" these three subclasses to use as a flavor clothesline from which to hang all the mechanics from.
Well, moving isn't an action, it's just something the zombie does. But it can't Dash or Disengage or the like, because those are the actions its prohibited from taking.Although, a friend pointed out something to me...with the way the Circle of Spores’ Fungal Infection is worded, it seems like the zombies it creates can’t move...oversight maybe?
While I like the mechanics behind Brute, do we really need another generic fighter? Champion already does that pretty well.
Is it me, or does Brute actually favor Dex fighters, specifically dual wielders with Elven accuracy? Bonus dice favor more attacks, and devastating critical is a strong incentive to go crit fishing.
I personally find the champion weak and uninteresting. The champion's big thing, expanded critical, is randomly triggered. The champion in one of my games went 4 sessions without it ever making a difference. This keys every hit. Remarkable athelete is pretty lackluster, since every champion I've seen is proficient in Athletics anyways, which it doesnt even then improve (and even then is a whopping +1 for most of the game range people play). If you're going to have a boring "kid brother" button masher fighter subclass, at least Brute gives some bigger numbers attached.