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Star Wars - Better Days


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A Long Time Ago, in a galaxy far, far away....

Episode 1 - Better Days

RUIN! Emerging from the clone wars, the Old Republic has been reborn as the Galactic Empire. Under the rulership of Emperor Palpatine, the empire has begun cracking down on dissidents that allowed the clone wars to come to pass, standardizing its millitary and wiping the Jedi from the face of the galaxy.

Rebellion has begun to surge among the populace, leading to brief skirmishes and merciless slaughters. Through it all the Emperor's right hand, Lord Vader was at the forefront. The descruction of Allderan was a blow to the Rebellion's cause, blamed upon their evil machinations, though slowly the truth has begun filtering through systems, sparking a new run of anger.

And through it all, people lived. So it was aboard the "Errant Knight". A decades old transport flitting about the galaxy. The crew a band of misfits brought together for their talents with the promise of pay, and yet with each passing year new taxes from the empire made honest business less practical for such a vessel, Things tending towards massive haulers than to small privately owned ships.

And so dishonest work was the way things worked these days, Small time capers for crime lords and public citizens, smuggling what they could, robbing where they needed to, doing their best to ride the edge between good and evil....

The Errant Knight, inbound on the Correlian sector of the Hutt world, Nar Shaddaa.

"I just don't see why you have to get work from the Hutts. I understand reputable business is hard to find, but it will be harder still if you get the black mark of Hutt smuggler on your resume." It was the sort of arguement the crew was used to hearing as captain and passenger made their rounds of the ship.

Liam was the oldest resident of the ship save the captain and first mate, signing on for passage mere weeks after they first went airborne, A bit of an oddball, he seemed mostly well liked, quite handsome for an older man, easily in his late thirties if not older, his hair a deep shoulder length red tied back behind him, his clothing tending towards the loose fitting, wide tunics, volumnous pants and the like, mostly dull gray.

His arguements were put up with on the grounds of seniority, and the fact that his contributions by way of fare had kept the ship in the air more than once when, lacking jobs they'd have run dry on fuel or cargo. That is not to say that they were accepted, and even as they strolled through the engine room, their arguement could be heard over vast area's of the ship.

The crew knew where they were settling down, The smugglers moon, and most, now all from the yelling, knew that they would be dealing with the Hutts, a practice that rarely meant good for the crew of such a small frieghter.

((Forgive the rather slow introduction. Was supposed to be in bed an hour ago ^_^;

More will be forthcoming tomorrow morning, in the mean time, interact how you see fit, if you're a passenger you can choose to already be aboard, or to join up on Nar Shaddaa. Huzzah!))

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Brother Allard

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"The Hutts' money's as good as any," Larsshk rumbles as the pair pass through the common area where he sits cleaning the disassembled rifle spread out on the table before him. "And in case you haven't noticed, we aren't exactly in a position to be choosy. Besides, if you're so worried about a mark on your resume, maybe this would finally be the time to find some other crew to pester. I'm sure there's plenty of more reputable ships on Nar Shaddaa as would love to get their hands on the likes of you."

The massive Trandoshan's toothy smile is a generally worrisome sight, even for those who know him best. Especially for those who know him best.


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Cool metal pressing on her arms on both sides. Dim light. The tangy smell of aging alloys, lubricant, sweat and just a hint of what might be blood. The floor was a grill; a bit uncomfortable underneath her and on her feet.

...next time I'll bring a pillow...or...was that last time?

It was easier to focus here, in the cargo bay. People were bright lights to her, stretching backwards and forwards in time, and the forwards part was always whipping around, like a snake held by the tail. Changing, moment to moment, second to second, as their choices gelled in the present and built the past. She could still feel them vaguely even here, but with walls between them and her, she could tune them out. Even so, she wasn't deaf...

"...I just don't see why you have to get work from the Hutts. I understand reputable business is hard to find, but it will be harder still if you get the black mark of Hutt smuggler on your resume..."

It echoed through the vents and around the doors and through the hull itself. Liam. Talking to him was hard. The press of years was strong around him, and it was easy to get swept up, swept away. It was too bad. He was nice. And he had a good point. Hutts hated to give things up, and people were things to them. Once you worked for one, working for anyone else could be harder. It was like a road that vanished behind you once you started walking it. Straight and easy to get on...but you were lost in the dark if you ever wanted to get back.

The metaphor burned in her mind for a moment, capturing her imagination in introspection. There was something else like that...something important.

When she snapped out of it, she realized she was getting to her feet, emerging from between the two cargo containers where she'd wedged herself. It was almost time for her to be somewhere else. She didn't want to be late.


Ikluk's domed head appears from a maintenance hatch "I don't care much where you get the money from, but I keep telling you I can't keep fixing the power couple of the quantum regulator without a replacement. We need a new one, and these aren't cheap"


Captain James Varboy (Jim to friends & Crew) nodded at Ikluk "Thank you for that stunning round of support... Just make sure we don't crash before we Get there, k?" He then turned back to Liam "Look, I told you when you came aboard that you're free to express your opinions, but I'm the Captain, and I make the final decision, and it's allready been made. We've got nowhere else to get the money right now.. Unless you guys wanna start Pirating?" He looks around, and everyone realizes just then that they've formed a sort of circle around the pair when they stopped moving.
"The point is, if they're willing to pay, I'm willing to do the work. Anybody else got objections?"
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"We could set down on Nar Shaddaa for a week, build some contacts that aren't liable to..." He paused, head shaking before both hands eventually flew up in front of him. "Fine, the crew backs you so I don't have a leg to stand on, just mark me when I say I have a bad feeling about this, that its not going to be pleasent when Durga the Hutt desides to drop the heavy end of the very big stick on you."

He gave a light sigh as a charm sounded through the ship, the announcement that their arrival was pending. Fifteen minutes from now they'd be settled down on the smugglers moon.

"I hope you know what you're doing captain." Liam said simply, turning and making his way through the wide corridors towards the cargo hold, returning Larsshk's toothy grin with a simple one of his own as he passed. "Much as I'm sure you'd like to be rid of me, but unless we're being chased off world by blaster fire, its too much trouble to move my things."

Leaning over the balcony of the cargo hold's second floor, Liam was perhaps the crew's only member who wouldn't start at Summer's sudden appearance. It had always been like that, for all her hiding and skulking about the ship, Liam seemed to always know when the girl was going to leap out at random, good eyes and ears one supposed. "Sleeping in the hold again little mouse? Well you woke just in time, few minutes and you'll be able to feel the biggest crush of people and noise in the outer rim."

[sblock=Shayuri]Since you're going with the untrained but somewhat powerful force sensitve, what he said isn't exactly true. You can already feel the crush of people, millions. Billions, all full of strong emotion. =) [/sblock]


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Summer regards him with her wide unblinking eyes, then looks around. In appearance she looks like she always seems to. A pretty, almost waifish girl wearing a simple dress belted at her waist, with long straight, dark hair and the round, shocked eyes of someone who's seen too much...with bags suggesting that sleep is an uncommon visitor to her. She's a bit skinny for her height, though far from catastrophically so.

"We haven't landed yet?" she asks quietly, clearly dismayed. "Everyone's so loud. They're pounding on the walls like drums, drums like hearts, and I can't sleep." She pauses to gaze owlishly at the others as a reason for being here crystallizes, though she'd arrived in advance of it forming.

"I want some water."

With that, she pads onward into the room, but stops and looks back at Liam. "Thank you for trying."

She resumes her trip to the water dispenser, avoiding the eyes of the rest of the crew.

James Heard

On her way to the dispenser, a bleary-eyed, massively moustached figure rumbles along the hallway carrying a platter full of sliced delicacies and another one stacked with bulbs of "fruit" juice, the powerful, mysterious concoction Red managed to coax somehow from one of alien dispensers he'd managed to trade for on a previous run. It wasn't exactly pleasant, but it had a powerful kick without exactly being alcoholic or poisonous, whatever it was.

Before her face finishes making the customary frown, the steward reaches behind himself into a sash and presents Summer with a bulb of pure water. Raising an eyebrow and pausing as if to dare her to comment, Red makes a delicate turn of the shoulder and continues to make his way to the common area. Wearing the brightest pink mumu imaginable, covered in yellow prints of some ferocious-looking cephalopod, he floats into the room.

" I like the Hutts. They're honest liars... Juice anyone?"


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Summer hesitates, then takes the bulb of water and stays where she is to drink it. One good thing about approaching Nar Shadda was that the crew was quiet and pale compared to the noise of the world they were coming close to.

A small, wretched comfort, but one she clung to regardless.


[sblock=ooc]Who's the Pilot, btw? And we only have myself, Shayuri, Brother_Allard, and James Heard in the RG.. seems we're missing Someone (Pun intended).[/sblock]

"Of course I know what I'm doing.. I'm the captain, aren't I?" James Varboy laughed, looking a lot more confident than he actually felt. They COULD do what Liam had been suggesting (Vocally and often) over the last little while, but they needed money NOW, and he was sick of not being able to provide for his crew.. Everyone on that ship was his responsibility, and he was going to get them some Creds, damnit!
"Look, we'll be there right away, anybody know where the girl is?" Jim asks as Red comes in "Juice! Love some, can't get drunk before meeting with 'his massiveness', but I need something to kick me... and NOT you!" He adds the last part hurridely, turning to Larsshk before grining at the loudly dressed Red Dunn "You dealt with Hutts before?"

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