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Star Wars - Better Days


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((Alright, just a preface before this post. Anyone who is NOT going with the main group, make it clear in your next post/ooc. If you're gathering information as per the captains orders, Make the roll. I trust you guys ^_^;

Took a little bit longer to get warmed up than I thought it would, but we're smooth going from here.

Also, Liam is NOT here.))

The journey from the ship to thier contact was not a pleasent one, the lot of them crammed into a group airspeeder, Summer mubling about her head, slowly rocking in her seat next to Red, Captain and crew discussing the do's and don'ts of dealing with hutts. It was no better once the arrived at the palace, though the building was as opulant as could be imagined for such a filthy world, they were given precious little time to enjoy its spacious entryway, the beautiful artwork and tapestries.

No, Captain and crew were shuffled off through a side hallway almost immediately, walked through detectors, searched and disarmed, surrounded at all times by at least twice their number in armed guards of various races.

And finally, at long last the were fed through another series of corridors, to a rather simple door. Inside was an office just as simple, a few chairs, a single painting, couches, A large wooden desk with papers strewn across it.

"Come in my friends, come in!" Came a rather simple voice, tinged with an accent one simply couldn't place. "Joseph, close the door. No more visitors until business is concluded."

Ushered fully into the room, the group would lay eyes on a pair of men as the guards took up positions around the room, their weapons at the ready, though thankfully not aimed. Behind the desk was the one that spoke, blue eyed, blonde haired, a wide grin on his lips making him appear paticularly wolfish, a long brown trenchcoat hanging open, the whole look of him chaotic

Next to him was his near opposite, black haired and much older, his clothing dark, sunglasses hiding his eyes, hands covered in leather, one would guess enforcer, though with the amount of guards that seemed unlikely.

"I am not what you expected I think." The man grinned again, flashing those white teeth. "Durga is a busy hutt, he does not deal on small contracts these days... too much on his mind, so you work for me as you work for him. I am Taylor." He motioned with his hand to the man standing next to him. "This is Mattias. He is Ex-Imperial intellegence, I would not mess with him or me I think, I would be polite I think for I am a very bad man."

With that Taylor paused, drawing attention to a beautiful blaster sitting on the desks edge, stroking it. "But enough of small talk. To business. You come for work, I give you work. A person has requested a... how do you say, big stick" He paused as Mattias whispered to him. "A hammer, big hammer as well. Planetary Ion Cannon. We have most of it, but parts also need to be obtained."

"This is where you come in. There is a base on Kessel. You have made run before yes? Well this base, it is imperial and they have recieved many shipments. Too many to deal with, and too far from oversight, they will not mind if a few bits go missing. We have a contact for you on the ground, you go, you speak to him, He will get you onto the base to take the parts."

"You do not screw with me on this!" The loud voice was a surprise, jolting them to full attention. "I will shoot you for fun, to test my good blaster. And Mattias, Have I told you he is Ex-Imperial?" Again he paused as Mattias whispered. "Oh yes, of course I have. You accept, you talk to Mattias."

((OOC: If you're curious, the accent is russian. My mafia bosses are always russian ^_^))
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James Varboy fought to not roll his eyes.. He's dealt with way too many of these self-styled bad-guys who think they're the biggest trouble around, and everyone should tremble before them.
Ex-imperial. ooh, scary... Scary was the kessel run in a ship that wasn't fit to fly through atmosphere, much less skim black holes.

"Yeah, we'll see what we can do once we've got the details. The Ship may need a few things before we'll want to do a Run, so maybe a little up front payment to ensure safe delivery?" He looks pointedly at Mattias. "Wouldn't want to loose your parts when we get smashed by an asteroid cuz a power coupler failed."


First Post
Summer stands quietly beside Red and behind the captain, looking studiously at the ground with her hands folded in front of her. Occasionally she looks up just a hair and glances around with her eyes, keeping a discrete watch on the guards.

(When they disarmed us, I presume that includes the gloves? :))


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Caros said:
((Alright, just a preface before this post. Anyone who is NOT going with the main group, make it clear in your next post/ooc. If you're gathering information as per the captains orders, Make the roll. I trust you guys ^_^;

OOC: Ace is at base. Err. . . the ship

Ace says, "Now to see if there are any gambling establishments that accept people of my distinguished species, eh? Just something to do while we wait..."

Use computer to search the web, or whatever internet like thingie they use in starwars...

James Heard

Red simply winces in obvious discomfort at the idea of trying to do a Kessel run in the EK.

We're dead men. Or worse, infinitely falling and never dying until the heat death of the universe inside a black hole.

Red sighs.

I wish I hadn't thought of that.


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Taylor was already on his way out of the office, slipping past James with a pat on the shoulder as he went. The entire room save Mattias seemed to let out a sigh of relief as the door shut behind Taylor, leaving them alone to business.

Mattias wasted no time, his head shaking a little as he settled himself behind the desk, hands idly flipping through a few forms thereupon. "We have a contact in the corellian sector near where you are docked, He will inspect your ship for what repairs are needed, and as soon as it is in flying order to get the job done, you will be on your way. He will be the one deciding, I have had enough privateers screw me around for parts for my lifetime so this is non-negotiable. Half of your payment will be wired when we have confirmation from our contact on Kessel, the other when we recieve our payment from our contractor, agreed?"

Mattias looked up then, focusing on the crew. "He is quite the killer, he compensates for his inexperience in business by being more ruthless than any hutt. You fail him, expect Boba Fett. I ask in all seriousness, am I clear?"

((Ace: If you're seriously looking, make a roll hehe.))
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First Post
Caros said:
((Ace: If you're seriously looking, make a roll hehe.))

Ooc: Take ten for 28...

C'mon, Daddy needs a new pair of servo motivators...

He, of course is not going to actually go gamble, at least until he knows he can, just finding the locations - in case. Preferably those known to offer slightly better or at least less crooked odds...
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"This aint my first time dealing with people like him... And I won't fail. Do I have'ta buy my parts from this guy? LIke you said, I'VE been screwed by a few 'appointed' mechanics myself..."

If we're on planet for at least a day, then The Captain would love to go gambling with Ace.. We make a good team. ;)
BTW, Mattias stole my colour!


First Post
"No no, nothing like that." Mattias paused, giving perhaps a more appraising look to the captain, as if impressed the man would actually consider the problem. "You'll have... say two days to search for your best price. The price of the parts is coming out of your fee of course, so good luck finding them. Our mechanic will supply you with a listing of businesses that would compare, though you are free to double check that as well."

"Beyond that, do a good job. This contract pays well for you and better for us, we're willing to go as high as Thirty Thousand credits for prompt delivery of the parts we need, which should be more than enough to feed, fuel and repair you for quite some time. Any other questions? My time is somewhat pressing so I would ask you make them quick." Mattias says simply, glancing briefly at the chrono on the wall above them.


Daddy seems to have found a new pair of servo-motivators. A decent check of the planetary network gave information about an upcomming sabbac tournament. Or rather several different tournaments, the grade of them seeming to depend on the wealth of the participants, ranging from a 5,000 credit pot, to a 1,000,000 pot when all would be said and done.

Voidrunner's Codex

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