Trailer Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster - Official Launch Trailer

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Really, still sprite-based but just with upscaled resolution and textures? Call me back when it's remade in the Jedi Outcast engine at the least.

Really, still sprite-based but just with upscaled resolution and textures? Call me back when it's remade in the Jedi Outcast engine at the least.

No way! That would completely change the style. I love me some good old 2.5d games. Doom and Blood were great, but Dark Forces was my favorite by far. I played it for hours, and even downloaded custom levels from the internet (on a 14.4k modem).

I wonder if the gameplay holds up.

I got the original on Steam a little bit ago. IMNSHO, the level design is still top notch. Creative layouts, minimal repetition, and good puzzles. Weapons are fun. Enemy AI isn't great by current standards but is acceptable. No surprise, the graphics don't hold up; I can forgive pixelation, but the aliasing and tearing are rough.

The real issue with the original, though, is the control scheme. Dark Forces predates the global acceptance of WASD controls. Movement was actually done with your right hand on the numpad/arrows, with firing and other controls on the left. And there was no customization to change it. I can still manage going back to it if I try, but as much as I love the game it is an inferior control scheme and is probably a major barrier to new players. Hopefully the remaster addresses it.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
My biggest issue with the game and its similar ilk isn't even the outdated control scheme, but the lack of vertical aiming. We're still in the era where "move" and "look" are locked together. The games with verticality (this one and Doom both spring to mind) account for this but automatically firing at higher targets as long as you're on the right x-axis, but that's such an extremely old convention at this point that it's hard to adapt to.


I had always thought the original Dark Forces was a top down game, not a shooter. Have I been dropped into an alternate timeline?

Voidrunner's Codex

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