Trailer Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster - Official Launch Trailer

My biggest issue with the game and its similar ilk isn't even the outdated control scheme, but the lack of vertical aiming. We're still in the era where "move" and "look" are locked together. The games with verticality (this one and Doom both spring to mind) account for this but automatically firing at higher targets as long as you're on the right x-axis, but that's such an extremely old convention at this point that it's hard to adapt to.

Um, actually...

One of the main things that separates Dark Forces from Doom and others is that it was one of the first (maybe the first?) to have vertical aiming. It features aim up/down (done with Page Up and Page Down on the keypboard/numpad), as well as crouch and jump. And while it wasn't as good as current 3d games, it wasn't just a thrown-on-top thing, either. Vertical elements were intentionally built into the level design that I raved about earlier. Vertical elements are a major part of two boss fights (Boba Fett and General Mohc). The arc of thermal detonators (grenades) is taken into account, and one weapon's schtick is actually that it has the super-ability to ignore vertical aiming.

So, I'd suggest trying out the remaster. You might like it more than you think.

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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Um, actually...

One of the main things that separates Dark Forces from Doom and others is that it was one of the first (maybe the first?) to have vertical aiming. It features aim up/down (done with Page Up and Page Down on the keypboard/numpad), as well as crouch and jump. And while it wasn't as good as current 3d games, it wasn't just a thrown-on-top thing, either. Vertical elements were intentionally built into the level design that I raved about earlier. Vertical elements are a major part of two boss fights (Boba Fett and General Mohc). The arc of thermal detonators (grenades) is taken into account, and one weapon's schtick is actually that it has the super-ability to ignore vertical aiming.
Oh yeah, I forgot that that's the way that Dark Forces went. Which is even a bigger yikes...

If the remaster has twin-stick walk-and-look separated like a modern FPS, I'm absolutely down.

Voidrunner's Codex

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