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Star Wars Episode 3 to be darker than any other episode

The Serge

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EricNoah said:
On the other hand, there is SO MUCH stuff to be covered in the prequels, and a lot of it gets short shrift. I would have preferred to learn more about the characters or the universe or the history of the setting instead of seeing the pod race in TPM. I would have preferred more dialogue between Anakin/Obi-Wan and Anakin/Padme to help develop his character, rather than see the big gladiator duel scene. Of course action sequences are fun to see, and in a sci-fi movie like this it's all about eye candy. But I do think you can have it both ways if the movie is done right.
This all gets back to Lucas and his inability to focus on the human/mythological elements of the story. If you check out some of the deleted scenes, the ones that drive home the political situation, the story (what's at stake), you see where he screwed up. Lucas should have hired writers who know how to convey drama without taking up a lot of time and longwinded dialogue. Instead, he fills the screen with CGI marketing pitches...

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KnowTheToe said:
I have read very few spoilers about the thrid film because I just don't care that much, but what is up with the droid Jedi?
General Grievous isn't actually a droid or a Jedi. He's a cyborg leader of the Clone Army, handpicked by Dooku and Sidious. Originally, he was a military leader among his reptilian race but due to an um...'accidental' shuttle crash, his body was ruined.

San Hill, director of the Banking Guild, had the new body built for him, and also made him a bit more controllable for the the Seperatists. He was trained in lightsaber fighting by Dooku, and is easily Dooku's equal in technique. The lightsabers that Grievous has are...trophies from Jedi he's killed. And yes, he has four. And can use them all at once.

All in all, Grievous is just plain cool.


First Post
On the other hand, there is SO MUCH stuff to be covered in the prequels, and a lot of it gets short shrift. I would have preferred to learn more about the characters or the universe or the history of the setting instead of seeing the pod race in TPM. I would have preferred more dialogue between Anakin/Obi-Wan and Anakin/Padme to help develop his character, rather than see the big gladiator duel scene. Of course action sequences are fun to see, and in a sci-fi movie like this it's all about eye candy. But I do think you can have it both ways if the movie is done right.
I'm not too sure I want to learn more about the galaxy and it's history. IMHO one of the reasons Episodes I and II are so lame is because Lucas shifted the focus from the characters to the "whole picture".
Agreed on the pod race, though ;)

KnowTheToe said:
I have read very few spoilers about the thrid film because I just don't care that much, but what is up with the droid Jedi?

I've read a few spoilers (even though I care about RotS ;) ), but I don't know about a droid Jedi... where did you see it/him/her?

Ah, he's talking about Grievous. How could I've known? ;)


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Personally, all I wanted from prequel Anakin was what Obi-Wan told Luke in ANH. Obi-Wan said when he met Anakin he was a great pilot (or words to that affect). The pod race just doesn't qualify that statement to me. And he called him a Good Friend. Throughout Ep. 1 & 2 I'm not seeing any friendship between the two. I see absolutely nothing that would make Obi-Wan nostalgic about Anakin at all. I always thought of Anakin as maybe a couple of years younger than Obi-Wan, a peer who he took under his wing to train because of his natural strength in the Force. 'Annie' just strikes me every time I watch these movies as the antithesis of everything Obi-Wan ever said about him. Now we know that Obi-Wan has a tendancy to embellish the past, but I'm not seeing anything in these first two prequels that would make me think he'd have any fond memories of this Anakin guy at all.

That's my 2 cents.

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