Star Wars Plot?


I have been thinking up some campaigns for Star Wars, probably set in the old legends EU or perhaps in the Knightrs of the Old Republic Timeline. This is mostly because most of my D6 and SWSE is fairly useless unless you are doing an OT or clone wars game.

The new Disney cannon is also in a state of flux and there is no NJO for a force sensitive to belong to. Anyway here are some ideas I have had.

1. Imperial Post Endor pirate campaign.

The PCs are on a strike cruiser whose captain wants to fight a guerrilla war vs the New Republic. Set before Thrawn in legends or before the Battle of Jakku. Replacing the strike cruiser with a disguised bulk freighter is another idea but I want something that can launch TIEs.

2. Rakata Redux
In the Unknown Regions source book they hinted at the Rakata surviving and regaining the use of the force along with building a new star forge. The Starforge might be smaller than the original but can crank out smaller ships or battledroids. If I use the Mandalorioans perhaps they are actually battledroids dressed in ancient Neo Crusader armor manufactured in a small Star Forge.

3. Sith Sisterhood
The Sith are reborn either via a holocron/Korriban or Darth Maul had a secret apprentice. Anyway instead of the Brotherhood of Darkness you have a female Sith sisterhood. Rather than Bwa ha ha maniacal idiot like the Emperor they are more into serving the will of the force and operate in the shadows, more Thrawn than in your face. They claim to serve the "balance of the force" and rather than go after Luke/the Jedi they are content to wait in the shadows.

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An Imperial post-Endor pirate campaign could be interesting. I'd personally run it like the X-Wing novels: the PCs are part of a small, elite squadron of TIE pilots who're given an unusual amount of autonomy now that the Empire is crumbling. Give them a strike cruiser, a bunch of TIE fighters, and a mission statement: go forth and disrupt the New Republic's expansion as much as possible.

One of their first suggested missions? Steal some X-wings and strike at some worlds the New Republic will want. Make it seem like the New Republic is trying to take out their defenses in anticipation of an invasion. Then, come back in TIE fighters with a strike cruiser and that world is going to be far more supportive of the Empire, especially when the "New Republic" X-wings don't return.

I'd have missions to strike and perhaps hijack New Republic supply ships. Take those supplies and move them to other worlds, buying support for the Empire. Sabotage New Republic shipyards and fleet docks. Steal the plans for the New Republic's newest top-of-the-line Mon Cal cruisers and start adapting those blueprints for the Empire.

Start a resistance movement on Coruscant after the New Republic takes it back. Convince shipyards to sell New Republic-commissioned ships to the Empire instead - or, steal the ships as they're preparing to leave the shipyards. Give the PCs the chances to build their forces and become Admirals or Moffs themselves instead of answering to higher-ups.

That's the campaign I'd run.

I'm currently running F&D, and in this AU Darth Vader shoots down Luke at Yavin. So, Vader, with the help of the PCs, performs drastic steps to free himself from the Dark Side of the Force, restore the Jedi, and bring down the Galactic Empire, realizing that the Dark Side of the Force has lied to him all this time. Old Man Skywalker now trains a new generation of Jedi to bring hope to an oppressed galaxy!

I'm currently running F&D, and in this AU Darth Vader shoots down Luke at Yavin. So, Vader, with the help of the PCs, performs drastic steps to free himself from the Dark Side of the Force, restore the Jedi, and bring down the Galactic Empire, realizing that the Dark Side of the Force has lied to him all this time. Old Man Skywalker now trains a new generation of Jedi to bring hope to an oppressed galaxy!

That's an interesting idea. I might've gone with it a little differently - Vader is too late to save Luke at the end of Return of the Jedi. Vader is still redeemed and rejects the Dark Side, but the Emperor kills Luke and Vader survives. Now crotchety old man Anakin has to restore the Jedi from there.

Pretty similar concept, just different timing. It'd be an interesting place to start a Star Wars game.


An Imperial post-Endor pirate campaign could be interesting. I'd personally run it like the X-Wing novels: the PCs are part of a small, elite squadron of TIE pilots who're given an unusual amount of autonomy now that the Empire is crumbling. Give them a strike cruiser, a bunch of TIE fighters, and a mission statement: go forth and disrupt the New Republic's expansion as much as possible.

One of their first suggested missions? Steal some X-wings and strike at some worlds the New Republic will want. Make it seem like the New Republic is trying to take out their defenses in anticipation of an invasion. Then, come back in TIE fighters with a strike cruiser and that world is going to be far more supportive of the Empire, especially when the "New Republic" X-wings don't return.

I'd have missions to strike and perhaps hijack New Republic supply ships. Take those supplies and move them to other worlds, buying support for the Empire. Sabotage New Republic shipyards and fleet docks. Steal the plans for the New Republic's newest top-of-the-line Mon Cal cruisers and start adapting those blueprints for the Empire.

Start a resistance movement on Coruscant after the New Republic takes it back. Convince shipyards to sell New Republic-commissioned ships to the Empire instead - or, steal the ships as they're preparing to leave the shipyards. Give the PCs the chances to build their forces and become Admirals or Moffs themselves instead of answering to higher-ups.

That's the campaign I'd run.

There was an old D6 campaign book called the Far Orbit project. A Nebulon B crew defected to the Rebellion and went a pirating was where I got the idea from. Flipping the script you could do it with a strike cruiser perhaps retreating to the unknown regions and joining the Empire of the Hand/founding the First Order.

X-Wings are not really needed. Better TIEs do exist after all (Avengers, Defenders, Shield equipped interceptors etc).

Another ideas, cyborg Imperial remnant, created new battle droids based off old CSI factions or gets the Dark Trooper project up and running again.
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There was an old D6 campaign book called the Far Orbit project. A Nebulon B crew defected to the Rebellion and went a pirating was where I got the idea from. Flipping the script you could do it with a strike cruiser perhaps retreating to the unknown regions and joining the Empire of the Hand/founding the First Order.

X-Wings are not really needed. Better TIEs do exist after all (Avengers, Defenders, Shield equipped interceptors etc).

I wasn't suggesting using X-wings as a primary ship. But as a ploy to act as an aggressive, bad guy squadron of "New Republic fighters" for one mission, it could be a nice change of pace. Or as an infiltration mission to get on a New Republic cruiser and sabotage it from the inside.

Honestly, in my game, I'd be pushing the squadron to take missions to upgrade from standard TIEs or Interceptors to something like the Defender or TIE Hunter as their standard ships.

I quite like the idea of running an Imperial game, though. In the New Republic, it's too easy to have a squadron hampered by higher ups in the military chain of command, handing out missions. With the Empire broken up and warlords emerging, it'd be much simpler to put the power in the hands of the players and let them guide play.

A defected strike cruiser could be interesting, too. But if it defected from the New Republic, it would logically have Republic ships like X-wings and B-wings rather than the much cooler Imperial fighters.


I wasn't suggesting using X-wings as a primary ship. But as a ploy to act as an aggressive, bad guy squadron of "New Republic fighters" for one mission, it could be a nice change of pace. Or as an infiltration mission to get on a New Republic cruiser and sabotage it from the inside.

Honestly, in my game, I'd be pushing the squadron to take missions to upgrade from standard TIEs or Interceptors to something like the Defender or TIE Hunter as their standard ships.

I quite like the idea of running an Imperial game, though. In the New Republic, it's too easy to have a squadron hampered by higher ups in the military chain of command, handing out missions. With the Empire broken up and warlords emerging, it'd be much simpler to put the power in the hands of the players and let them guide play.

A defected strike cruiser could be interesting, too. But if it defected from the New Republic, it would logically have Republic ships like X-wings and B-wings rather than the much cooler Imperial fighters.

Sounds like an Imperial Wrath Squadron lol.

I think Strike Cruisers can have 1 or 2 squadrons.

I've had PCs use TIEs and TIE interceptors as is before usually as glorified escape pods.

Almost never use TIE defenders I think the PCs got one once and it was a wreck so they had to repair it and find weapon systems for it. TIE Advanced (Vaders TIE) might be the best they can get any time soon.
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Sounds like an Imperial Wrath Squadron lol.

I think Strike Cruisers can have 1 or 2 squadrons.

I've had PCs use TIEs and TIE interceptors as is before usually as glorified escape pods.

Almost never use TIE defenders I think the PCs got one once and it was a wreck so they had to repair it and find weapon systems for it. TIE Advanced (Vaders TIE) might be the best they can get any time soon.

Imperial Wraith Squadron would pretty much be my game premise, really. TIE Defenders are my favorite ships of the TIE line, by far.

There's also the TIE Advanced/v1, the Inquisitor's TIE from Rebels. Hyperdrive and shields on top of looking cool.

Maybe a Gladiator-class? That holds two squadrons and keeps the Star Destroyer aesthetic. The Strike-class cruiser can do three, but doesn't look as overtly Imperial.


Imperial Wraith Squadron would pretty much be my game premise, really. TIE Defenders are my favorite ships of the TIE line, by far.

There's also the TIE Advanced/v1, the Inquisitor's TIE from Rebels. Hyperdrive and shields on top of looking cool.

Maybe a Gladiator-class? That holds two squadrons and keeps the Star Destroyer aesthetic. The Strike-class cruiser can do three, but doesn't look as overtly Imperial.

I don't have the stats for a few TIEs in SWSE, and D6 for example lacks stats for TIE Defenders.

I think I like TIE Avengers the best. TIE Defenders are basically Holy Avengers- everyone wnats one but no lol.

Letting the PCs end up with the TIE equivalent of a ME 262 would be the idea. Defenders are basically prototypes unless you are deep into the NJO.

A shield equipped TIE interceptor with the prototype template might be an option IDK for a TIE Avenger.

I do have the stats for the TIE Oppressor and Aggressor.

I don't have the stats for a few TIEs in SWSE, and D6 for example lacks stats for TIE Defenders.

I think I like TIE Avengers the best. TIE Defenders are basically Holy Avengers- everyone wnats one but no lol.

Letting the PCs end up with the TIE equivalent of a ME 262 would be the idea. Defenders are basically prototypes unless you are deep into the NJO.

A shield equipped TIE interceptor with the prototype template might be an option IDK for a TIE Avenger.

I do have the stats for the TIE Oppressor and Aggressor.

Dropping prototype ships in the hands of the PCs sounds like a fun idea for me. It gets the ship some real field testing, and it's one sign of how elite the PCs are. I wouldn't make Defenders the first mission objective, but halfway through a campaign? Sure, why not. And having them be prototypes means there's an easy option to have them be glitchy or not as perfect as the finished Defenders could be.

I don't play either Saga or D6, so I can't offer advice on stats.

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