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Star Wars: Rebels with Style Part I


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Kay changed into a new outfit as the joyride group prepared to leave, something more appropriate to clubbing. The ex-cop pulled on a pair of tight pants that looked to be possibly painted on, though they left a line of ovals of bare skin running up the outside of her legs, showing off well-toned and well tanned legs. For a top she had a sleeveless blue shirt with another row of oval cut-outs, this one running straight up the front, but strategically spaced to not reveal all of her chest.

"Ok, lets get going. Isty lt us know if anything happens." Kay tells the heiress and then heads out with her bodyguards to start enjoying the night life.

She led the trio into the Blue Moon ad smiled, this looked like just the place for Rima to blow off some steam. Tonight would hopefully be low key, so they really could just dance and enjoy themselves. She started herself off with a shot of Whyren's Reserve, a Corellian whiskey, something enjoyed galaxy wide, and famous for it.

OOC: I'd suggest that Garrett actually comes in civies rather than armor since that would fit in much better with this crowd, totally up to you though. Deurr of course needs his armor and even in it he looks exotic so thats the type of thing the rich look for in their body guards.
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Setting up her computer, and running a line out to K2, Istara got to work. She wasn't just a good slicer, she was one of the best in the Empire. And she had the best tools for the job that were merely expensive instead of costing as much as a starfighter.

So she set to work convincing the local Holonet that she had every right to use it, and then to pull out the information they needed.

OOC: Use Computer +19, and K2 will Aid Another to make that +21.

Nightclub Group:

As a whole, the patrons of the Blue Moon were exactly what they appeared to be on the surface. They were loud, annoying, didn't care about anyone or anything around them, and mostly drunk. This meant that while many did immediately notice Kay and attempt to strike up 'idle' conversation, most of it was unintelligible or devolved into some idiot off-duty Imperial trying to impress his buddies.

Apparently, even this deep into the Core, people got drunk just like the typical seedy patrons of smaller Outer Rim cantinas. The only difference seemed to be that in the Blue Moon, most of them were human and they actually dressed nicely. Beyond that, the place could have easily just been a brand new nightclub in one of the less reputable parts of Corellia.

Currently, Kay was being accosted by a man that claimed to be an Imperial pilot. From the way he kept bragging about his skills, the young man did seem to have the right attitude for a pilot. But he was definitely young. Very young, even. Probably not even twenty standard years old. The way his face was good and red seemed to imply he held his alcohol with that much experience, too. Well, that and the fact that in his attempts to brag, he was probably saying things he shouldn't have been, "You'd be surprised...be very surprised how much action my squadron sees here. Don't just sit around and fly in boring circles all day. Lots of combat, even here! Those bastard Rebels get dumber every day! Comin' into the Core and trying to shoot down civilian transports! 'ey deserve worse than jus' getting shot down."

Deurr:[sblock]You seem to be attracting as much attention as Kay, but obviously for different reasons. Though you can see a few other bodyguards for various patrons in armour, none of it is as elaborate as yours, and that seems to be the important point. Even just standing there, eyes watch you carefully. Humans are odd at times, but you can see a little bit of contempt mixed with worry...and even jealousy on a few faces. Interestingly, however, no one approaches you. Even those that attempt to drive Kay crazy keep their distance, trying to put her between the two of you.

In looking around the crowded place, though, you are able to clearly pick out the handful of non-Humans. Beyond the few in the band, there are probably only a half dozen others, total, in the entire place. Not too surprising for a Core World, really. But one of the non-Humans does catch our eye. Off in the back of one of the adjacent rooms that is surrounded by holoscreens, you can see a Kel Dor. Unlike most of the patrons, he has no drink and instead seems to be only vaguely paying attention to a shockball match on a holoscreen in front of him. In fact, he seems more interested in you...carefully glancing away whenever you catch him looking your direction. Even with the fact that he wears a pair of black goggles over his eyes, you just can't shake the feeling that he's assessing you.[/sblock]

Garret:[sblock]Though Kay seems to be getting an inordinate amount of attention, likely due to her choice of clothes, most in the Blue Moon seem to be missing you entirely. Admittedly, you do blend quite well. It would be easy to mistake you for just another in the crowd, especially this crowd of military men and women, bodyguards, and a few of the more fit upper class of Corulag.

Thanks to this, you're able to get a good look at most everyone around. To your surprise, almost everyone looks to have at least a small blaster pistol somewhere on their person. Truthfully, most are concealed in some way, but never very well. Well-armed patrons is not exactly something that seemed normal for a Core World, especially in a place like the Blue Moon.

But despite this, you don't get the feeling of any immediate danger. Most of the people seem too drunk to remember what a blaster pistol is anyway. Well, most. You do notice one figure off to the side, out of the way, that makes you oddly uncomfortable. Maybe its because you can't see his face, which is hidden beneath a rather nice looking hooded-robe. But even then, somehow you just know he's watching you, as if you can feel the look burning in the back of your skull when you look away. The oddest part of it is the figure's attention seems entirely focused on the small drink in front of him, rather than you...but still...[/sblock]

Apartment Group:

OOC:[sblock]Use Computer for Istara is a 32...even with a penalty for the attitude of the computer you're working 'against'. [/sblock]

It takes an hour of failure to get anywhere, safely escaping dead ends without being detected, and very close calls with questioning security protocols before Istara is able to make any headway at all. Somehow, though, and with at least a bit of help from K2, you are able to convince the Holonet that the access code you've given it is, in fact, an Imperial authorization code, even if the security program doesn't agree.

Once in, you're immediately flooded with information. It takes a few more minutes to filter it all and start finding anything useful or interesting, but eventually you do find a series of reports that catches your interest. In some reports that were relayed from one of the orbiting Star Destroyers to the military command on the ground, you find mention of three incidents in the last few days. Specifically, a lone Y-Wing and then a pair of them an hour later. But while it does confirm that the pair were shot down, you find no mention of the first encounter beyond a cryptic statement:

...the local TIE Squadron engaged the starfighter immediately upon detection, pursuing it into the atmosphere of Corulag.

And then it stops. There is no mention of whether the fighter was shot down, captured, or anything at all...just that it was chased after. In fact, even the simply mentions of the other two Y-Wings being shot down is surprisingly blunt and minus the detail you would have expected from an Imperial report to one's superior officer.

Also odd is that further digging brings up nothing at all. No response, no relaying of the message to another authority, or anything at all. If there is more information to be found in the Imperial database, it doesn't look like it can be accessed on the Holonet...that is, unless you're just looking in the wrong place.

While Istara is working, the rest of the apartment remains surprisingly calm for Lia. Its definitely a nice break from the insanity of living aboard the Nova Runner and all that comes with that. Even if you're currently in the Core, surrounded by Imperials and danger at all turns...at least its relaxing for an hour or so.

Of course, that could never last. And it doesn't. Not long after Istara breaks into the Holonet, Lia's comm beeps before Sya's comes through, "Erm...anyone there? You guys alive? If you are uh...got something odd here...If you're not, feel free not to respond and we'll understand."


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Garret (Sniper 6)

'Things can never be easy, can they?' Garret says to himself.

Having taken the time to ensure that a blaster is well hidden on him, not a rifle mind you which would have made him feel so much better, just a blaster, he slowly works his way over to Duerr to point out the hooded-one (without pointing or speaking). Garret will move to a different part of the club where he can see watch their stalker and the rest of the group.

There is one figure off to the side, out of the way. You can't see his face, which is hidden beneath a rather nice looking hooded-robe.

[OOC: I am assuming that our weapons license would not cover bringing in a blaster rifle. Of course, if it does I would rather have that with me. :eek: :uhoh:]

[OOC: I am assuming that our weapons license would not cover bringing in a blaster rifle. Of course, if it does I would rather have that with me. :eek: :uhoh:]

OOC:[sblock]Knew I should have mentioned something else...but yeah, pretty much the correct assumption. And since you're technically posing as bodyguards you can get away with a bit more on the being-armed end...a bit more.[/sblock]


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Deurr was feeling uncomfortable. He didn't like attention. As Garret tells him of a stalker he just shrugs and replies. Kel Dor in the corner also. Likes me too much.

He moves closer to Kay and takes intimidating pose, to remind the human-male of not doing anything suspicious. All the while keeping eye on the Kel Dor. Good thing about the helmet, you never could tell the exact direction where one looked.

[sblock=OOC]Deurr is merely armed with his special force-pike and a simple blaster, if it's okay for me to have acquired one.[/sblock]
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First Post
Kay's fake smile of invitation became a genuine one as the imperial fly boy started to brag, maybe that farmer Skywalker has something to this Force thing she thought. "OOOhhh, so you really fly a star fighter? Wow, what kind of ship do you fly...is it a fast one?" she gushes, tapping him playfully on the shoulder. "That is so stellar. I bet you are like totally an ace, am I right?"

"Bet those stupid rebels didn't even know what hit them when you showed up." Kay said, her words sloshing a little around the edges as she faked a bit of a happy alcohol buzz. She gestures the bar tender over to refill the pilot's drink and her own, and tosses it back happily. "I'm so grateful that your out there to protect us. People reallly don't show their appreciation enough to the brave men who protect us." she confides to the imperial not half so drunk as she was letting on. After her first whiskey she had swapped to a shot of Coruscanti whiskey that was transparent. The first two beverages were for effect and she made sure to get a drop or three on the bare skin of her throat and chest to give off a slight scent of the alcohol, and switched to mineral water, something those who got closer would assume was the Coruscanti whiskey from the scent. It was just another trick she had picked up over time.

"You are...I am just really grateful for all you've done. Tell me about the fights you've been in, I'll bet you'v shot down a lot of Rebels, have you?"

Nightclub Group:

OOC:[sblock]It is, indeed, okay for Deurr to have a basic blaster pistol on him. Can chalk it up to one of the extra supply from the Vortex.[/sblock]

The young pilot paused a moment as Deurr stepped closer to Kay. There were a few seconds when he just drunkenly stared at Deurr's rather unique looking armour, an odd look on his face, before his brain seemed to completely switch off Deurr's presence and he turned his full attention back to Kay.

"Fly the best fighter in the galaxy, of course!" the Imperial pilot grinned broadly and then quickly motioned for another drink from one of the server droids passing by. He then raised a hand as if it was supposed to help his point, though it just looked more like he was vaguely motioning at nothing in particular, "Can't talk 'bout the ship, though...you un'erstan'. Classified and all that. But you'll be seein' em soon and you won't believe em!"

He trailed off as his drink arrived, and it looked like some kind of Corellian Brandy, though the kid looked like the type to just demand something with alcohol rather than anything in particular. After downing about half of it, he shook his head a few too many times, "Dun get to take 'em into combat yet. But I've got me some Rebel scum painted on my fighter. Almost an ace, even! Just send me one more like they did last week an I'll have it! Got two kills inna row that night."

Deurr:[sblock]You found it was just as hard to tell where the Kel Dor was looking as it must have been for anyone else to see for you. Sure, your entire head was covered by your helmet, but the Kel Dor's ridged head was also well protected by an elaborate breathing mask and then a set of jet-black goggles. To make it worse, he was at an angle so that while he head was facing a few of the holoscreens, his eyes could easily be watching you.

After a few more minutes, though, the Kel Dor got to his feet. He removed something from inside his jacket and left it on the table, about the size of a credit chip but you couldn't really make out any details, before casually beginning to make his way towards the Blue Moon's exit.[/sblock]

Garret:[sblock]You're able to find a rather comfortable place on the other end of the main bar where you can watch both the group and the odd robed figure. He sits a couple of meters away, alone at a table near the wall, with his left side facing you and still casually paying attention to his drink. Still, that uncomfortable feeling that he's watching you remains.

In a few short minutes of nothing happening, you spot a Kel Dor at the opposite end, likely the one Deurr mentioned as you see no others. He is on his feet, navigating silently through the crowd of people and heading for the exit. He passes you by without even a glance, but you do notice that when he passes the robed figure, the hood moves for the first time since you'd been watching him. The figure beneath the robe can be seen slowly turning his head and watching the Kel Dor exit, and once the other is gone, turns his head and looks back to where the Kel Dor had come from.

Now, beneath the hood, you can see part of the man's face again. An unkempt look to the lower half of his face, but about all you can make out beyond that is his mouth. You can see him bite his lower lip gently then shake his head before going back to his drink.[/sblock]

Apartment Group:

There was a short silence from Lia's comm before Sya's voice return, "Glad you guys are still alive. Listen, I've kept most of the systems warmed up here just to get a look around with the sensors as best I can from down here. Sara was yelling at me for wasting time and energy, but I think I've got something. I've never seen anything like this before, though...definitely a ship or an airspeeder of some kind, a few kilometers north of the city. Its not maneuvering like anything I've seen in atmosphere before, though. I'd get out for a closer look but I'm pretty sure Sara would shoot me in the back...it could all be nothing, but there's a Sienar Facility up that direction so it might be what we're here for."


First Post
"I'll let the rest know," Lia says. "Thanks for the info." Lia closes the line and calls on of Kay's "bodyguards," hoping that she wouldn't interrurpt anything important.

"Deurr, this is Lia. I just got a message from Sya up above. She says that she's spotted something strange up in the skies about a few kilometers to the north of the city. She says it isn't moving like any of the Imperial craft we know."

Voidrunner's Codex

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