Star Wars Saga/D&D 5th Hybrid [OOC/Rolls]

Forged Fury

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My initial thought was a Twi'lek Scout who is Force Sensitive. Background is that she worked for a galactic corporation (possibly Czerka) as an explorer, discovering new planets/satellites/asteroid belts and performing basic testing to determine if it was worth the corporation's time to exploit. Maybe she heard of what was going down on Dathomir and decided to reassess her life decisions. This is all assuming we get sufficient interest and no one else plays the Jedi. I could probably do a Jedi instead with a few minor tweaks.

Does everyone get a feat at 1st level like 3.5 D&D (w/humans getting two)?

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Yes at 1st level everyone gets a free Feat (basic feats are not as powerful as they are in 5th) and humans get an extra Feat and a extra Proficiency in one skill. Force Sensitive is a feat and with it you automatically are allowed to pick Wisdom (Use the Force) as a skill proficiency (its not free but if you have Force Sensitive you can use the basic abilities it grants without proficiency) and any of the Force Talents listed under THE FORCE section.

At first level all characters gain Skill and Tool proficiency listed under Species, Class and Backgrounds, a bonus Feat, and one Talent listed under their starting class (or if they have Force Sensitive a Force Talent if they want). Some classes and species grant bonus or conditional feats and skills.


First Post
Kewl... and well even if it is only two I am willing to give it a go. If you have any questions let me know. Also Shayuri are you familiar with Star Wars Saga at all? All of my hourserules are just trying to make the saga system work with the basic mechanics of D&D 5th ed.


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I am, and I have the core book for it. If I didn't have that, I probably wouldn't want to give it a go. :)

But yeah, I rather liked Saga though I never had a chance to play it much.


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I enjoyed Saga but the modifiers and Skill Focus Use the Force Jedi were killer at low to mid levels. I ran a all-Jedi game up until they hit 10th level and boy the guy who focused on lightsabers was a putz compared to the Use the Force focused Jedi...


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I agree they probably erred in making ALL the Force stuff key off of essentially one skill. I never had a chance to see how it played, but the inner munchkin in me was definitely hopping up and down and pointing wildly at that. :)


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It was partly that but also your Defense's where not that high at low levels. With Skill Training and Skill Focus you got +10 + your Cha mod + 1/2 your level for Skill rolls. Most people's defense was less then 20 and most closer to 15 or so until you started getting higher levels.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Is this still on? If so, how about a (so far) nameless neutral Gand artifact hunter? Probably soldier class with a Sage background.



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Maybe... not much interest and I can sort of understand as its a bit... nontraditional :) but if people make characters and are still interested, then yes 100%

I don't have the rule set with Gands... but I am sure we could work something up from Wookiepedia and just judging on other species...

Voidrunner's Codex

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