Star Wars Saga/D&D 5th Hybrid [OOC/Rolls]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Perfect. :)

For the Gand species, how about using the Kel Dor as a base, swap out the Keen Force Sense for the Transdoshian Natural Armor (to represent the Gand's tough exosketon) and either leave the Darkvision as is or swap in the Zabrak's Heightened Awareness to represent their wide field-of-view compound eyes? Something like:

Ability Modifiers: +2 to Dexterity, +2 to Wisdom, but -1 to Strength
Exoskeleton: Gand's thick, platy skin provides a +1 natural bonus to their Reflex Defense. This bonus stacks with any other bonus to Reflex Defense (armor, class, etc.).
Compound Eyes: Gands have advantage with Wisdom (Perception) skill rolls involving eyesight.
Oxygen Sensitivity: As per Kel Dor

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First Post
Perfect. :)

For the Gand species, how about using the Kel Dor as a base, swap out the Keen Force Sense for the Transdoshian Natural Armor (to represent the Gand's tough exosketon) and either leave the Darkvision as is or swap in the Zabrak's Heightened Awareness to represent their wide field-of-view compound eyes? Something like:

Ability Modifiers: +2 to Dexterity, +2 to Wisdom, but -1 to Strength
Exoskeleton: Gand's thick, platy skin provides a +1 natural bonus to their Reflex Defense. This bonus stacks with any other bonus to Reflex Defense (armor, class, etc.).
Compound Eyes: Gands have advantage with Wisdom (Perception) skill rolls involving eyesight.
Oxygen Sensitivity: As per Kel Dor

That seem reasonable, I like it...

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
I'd like my artefact hunter to know about ancient civilizations/lost languages/ancient tech (the Kwa and Celestials in particular for Dathomir). Is that covered under Galactic Lore or is something else needed?

The Soldier equipment list says "one set of Light armor of choice" but that list includes things like Stormtrooper armor... Are they really all available for 1st level charas?

Oh, and how much to buy llanguages other than Basic for her/his/its vocoder?

Please and thank you. :)


First Post
Depending on your background (Sage/Scientist would make the most sense but maybe Hermit also) I am fine with Galactic Lore covering the Kwa/Kwi/Dathomir, but if you want to speak their language it has to be one of your language choices.

As for Armor look under my update EQUIPMENT - Weapon and Armor. You can get Scout Armor as light armor but not Trooper Armor (which is now medium, as I could not really fit it into Light)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Here's Gand's sheet for comments. Combined two "free" comlinks into one that has video and sold off a "free" power pack I didn't need. Left to do = pick two extra languages.

Re languages I was thinking more along the lines of being able to decipher/translate dead languages rather than actually being able to speak them? I took a datacard on dead languages to reflect that. Should I take a "Dead Languages" or "Deciphering" language slot as well?

[sblock=This Gand]Neutral medium-sized Gand Soldier/Tech Sage 1
Force 5/5 (1d4+1 to a roll)
Init +3
Passive perception 19 visual (otherwise 14)
Languages: Gand, Basic, Binary, 2 others
Species Trait: Exoskeleton (+1 AC), Compound Eyes (Avd visual), Oxygen sensitivity (As Kel Dor)
Defenses Ref 20 (10+1 Exoskel+1 Soldier+5 armor+3 Dex), Fort 15/17 with armor (Advantage vs gas), Will 14
Hp 31; Threshold 15/17 with armor; Second Wind 1d10 (Unused)
Proficiency bonus +2
Speed 12
Melee +2/+5 Finesse (Machete 1d6+3, Finesse, Light)
Ranged +5 (Heavy Blaster 3d8+3, 50/50 rounds, range 40/160)
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 10
Talents: Devastating Attack (-5 dam threshold), Researcher (If you don't know, you know where to find it)
Feats: Armor prof (Light, Medium), WP (Simple, Martial, Pistols, Rifles, Advanced melee), Tool (Explosives), Pistoleer (No disadv at close range; If Attack, can attack as Bonus)
Skills: Perception +4 (Adv visual), Survival +4, Galactic Lore +4, Computer Use +4

Possessions: Dusty poncho with pointed hood (All-temp cloak (100 cr)), Scout trooper armor in dark green, Ammonia breather + Vocoder, Short-range comlink watch with video, Heavy blaster on right hip, Machete/scimitar on left hip, Utility belt (3-days supply of food rations, a medpac, 2 spare energy cell, a glow rod, a liquid cable dispenser with small grapple hook, a couple of empty pouches), A datapad with 10 datacards (see below) and holorecorder cpability (100 cr), a set of common clothes, a credstik with 25 credits.

Datacards (Adv on Wis or Int rolls in):
1. Galactic Lore
2. Dead languages
3. Ultimate Alien Anthology
4. Xenobio and Botanical Almanac (AKA Nature)
5. First aid/Medicine
6. Chemistry and chemical compounds
7. Physics of Space and Time
8. Vehicle maintenance/mechanics
9. Dathomir compendium (including topo maps)
10. Speaking Rancor[/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
Looks pretty good but a couple of notes... Soldiers gain +1 to Reflex, +2 to Fortitude defense so your Reflex is a 20. Also as with D&D 5th, you get your Dex bonus with range attack damage so you do 3d8+3 damage with the Heavy Blaster Pistol

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Corrected. Thanks!

RE background, I'm thinking either he/she/it (thon? contraction of 'that one'?) angled to be hired on the Dathomir expedition to get a free ride to the home place of the Kwa and/or was already partnered up with one of the other PCs?


First Post
Okay, took me longer than I expected to get things straight, and find my Saga book and figure stuff out and get my ideas out...but I like where it's going so far:

[sblock=Kacela The Jedi]Name: Kacela Nejis
Medium Twi'lek Jedi
Init: +; Perception: +
Languages: Basic, Ryl
Destiny Points: 1
Defenses: Fort +16 Ref +16 Will +16
Hit Points: 30
Spd 12 meters
Melee +5
Ranged +5
Base Proficiency Bonus: +2
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 13, Chr 16
1 Block? Clear Mind?

B Force Sensitive
B Force Training

- Adv on Charisma (Deception)
- +2 Fort defense
- Low Light Vision

Use the Force

Force Points:
Force Powers:
- Move Object
- Force Disarm
- Force Thrust or Slam
- Surge
Force Techniques:

Armor: None
Weapons: Simple, Lightsabers
Tools: Land vehicles

Jedi Acolyte

Holdout blaster pistol w/extra cell
Short-range commlink
Aquata Mask
Field kit
- Canteen
- Water filter
- Sunshield
- Rations (1 week)
- 2 glow rods
- Breather mask (24 filters)
Jedi Icon
Credstick: 300[/sblock]

Kacela is one of those padawans who tries to out-Jedi the Jedi. She was found and trained young, lives and breathes the Code, and can be kind of annoying about it. Don't worry, she won't stay that way, but I like it as a starting condition. :)

Still trying to decide a few things, but I've enough to put it up and get reactions/ideas as I finish it off.

Forged Fury

First Post
Er... I need to rethink my concept. A little too close go Shayuri's. Maybe I'll go human. Let me see where our holes are and go from there.

Voidrunner's Codex

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