Star Wars Saga: The Dawn of Defiance [OOC Thread]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Feeling a bit under the westher, so to speak. Rested during the weekend but still not up to par, so expect slower posting until I beat this thing.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
OOC: Can I take a 1 on Perception to be ignorant of Sloor's Intimidation?
I would tend to say that Sloor's success means Mack (and anybody who cares to as well) not only notices the attempt, but feels its intent as well. That's sort of the point of the skill, which doesn't usually grant a Perception-based saving throw (sort of included in the base roll, I would guess). Plus, in this case Sloor is not being subtle and this is a fairly small room...

As I said, up to you how he reacts, but I think he knows.


First Post
I'm thinking it's more of a look of disapproval rather than an outright "attack", at least that's how I interpret it. Act it out like you want to act it out, PM.


Okay, I think I acted how I wanted already, pretty much choosing to ignore/misunderstand the look.

Justification, Sloor is a friend and everyone is acting. So regardless of Sloor's intent, Mack probably would not think it to be real.

I did add in a sentence to my IC post and moved his first dialog up in the post.


Binder Fred said:
perrinmiller said:
No offense, but you really have no business rolling a skill check against another PC.
Get real. If it makes sense in character (and it makes a good story), I have every business shooting Darius in the head without warning. That of course goes triple for anything that's far less lethal.

The PC/NPC distinction that seems to exist in your head does not exist in mine. Not anywhere to that degree anyway. Friend/ennemy/rival, now that's real.
First of all, I am not criticizing the IC actions of Sloor, nor should I be criticized on how I choose to react with Mack. Not really the issue since it is all proper RPing. :)

But traditionally, you do not roll social skill checks against fellow players. While SWSE doesn't specify, the d20 system is comes from did. Normally, you want to intimidate a PC, you write it and they decide how to react. Which is what we did (while I just ignored that BF rolled the dice).

However, if this is a PvP game, that is news to me and I want the GM to say so. Right now we are not on the same page here.

If we are in a PvP game, rolling Intimidate with a FP is a hostile action in my book. I am pissed enough about BF's reaction to this in PMs (since I have no idea why he felt it even necessary use a FP in the first place), that I am tempted to use DP and critical Sloor with Mack's blaster rifle for taking a hostile action out of the blue, betraying their friendship.

Frankly, keeping it real is all well and good, but rolling dice against fellow players is against the spirit of teamwork and threatens to ruin an almost two year friendship.

As a DM I don't allow in my games for this reason, there is no benefit to out-weigh the negative aspects.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
If we are in a PvP game, rolling Intimidate with a FP is a hostile action in my book. I am pissed enough about BF's reaction to this in PMs (since I have no idea why he felt it even necessary use a FP in the first place), that I am tempted to use DP and critical Sloor with Mack's blaster rifle for taking a hostile action out of the blue, betraying their friendship.
... This is what I meant by "get real". Sloor has just given Mack a hard look telling him to "Back off!". I rolled the dice specifically to give us guidelines to judge if it was a terror-of-the-ages, competent, easily ignored or even laughable attempt. I specified, twice, that it was up to you to judge how he reacted, meaning, in my book, that you certainly did not have to run away, but that the roll did indicate that Mack perceived the look and its emotional backing (a "success"). You chose, not to try to ignore the look, but to have Mack not percieve it at all. i.e. you chose NOT to roleplay the situation, hence my initial disapointed PM. To me the roll only quantifies the actions taken, it does not change them in any way: they remain exactly as described (a hard look by Sloor) and this is what your character should/should have reacted to. Why putting a roll next to it is such a big deal for you OOC I have no idea. I have personnaly been Charmed (the spell, which I did not enjoy, granted), and seduced and outwitted and scared away by social skill rolls before, both by PCs and NPCS. I did not consider them attacks when they came from one and normal social interactions when they came from the other. I guess our gaming experiences differ.

Now if you truly believe the proper IC response to a hard look is to shoot the other person dead, a nominal good friend at that, then I fear we have little to talk about. That's so far outside the realm of what I consider normal interpersonal relationships that it leaves me entirely... puzzled. Come on, don't tell me you shot every friend you ever had a disagreement with..? And don't tell me you never had (sometimes strong) disagreements with friends, cause I won't believe you. :)

Fred "case in point?"


First Post
I can see that this little encounter is obviously causing friction and while it's too late to take it all back, I can only do my best to make sure that it doesn't get worse. That said, I'm completely ending this encounter where it stands. You are all able to get past the guard checkpoint without any major penalty.

We've been playing for nearly two years now and I would absolutely hate for it to end like this.

As for whether or not this is a PVP game or not... I'm hesitant to say yes or no: to put it quite simply, if the story demands that a character turn against another character (and I mean legit demands it) it should happen. That said, these situations very rarely should come up in my opinion.


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