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Star Wars: We Joined the Rebellion for This?!

Cydarius:[sblock]As you spoke, the humanoid was watching you with a very piercing look. It almost seemed like he was looking into you rather than at you, and it was altogether unnerving...like the way the large cats would eye their prey before striking.

His calm, yet cold voice didn't help the image either, "Yes...work of that type on this planet usually only has three clients: The Rebellion, the Empire, or Jabba," he nodded very slightly beneath the hood, which didn't move at all, and then his tone changed very slightly, "Of the three, only Jabba really cares about new faces. He doesn't like it when someone comes in and gets in the way of...business. His interests and mine overlap in such a way that he pays quite well for what I see and learn. But you...in twenty standard years, you are the only one foolish enough to walk right up to me," a large, unsettling grin grew on the humanoid's features, "I admire that, human."[/sblock]

Everyone Else:[sblock]The Rodian seems to accept the help up to his feet, though his large, black eyes narrow a bit as he looks to Karr. He doesn't say anything, however, and also keeps his hands away from the holster at his hip. Instead, he just makes an odd wave of his hand and, with a high pitched, nasaly sounding grunt, turns and leaves the place.

Kyra watched the Rodian go with a careful eye, and finally lowers her blaster once he had left. By now, most of the rest of the patrons had gone back to their business and weren't paying anymore attention to the brief scene. Stepping over to Karr, Kyra sighs and motions to the door with a free hand, "Captain Tawr Korlan. Stationed at the local Imperial Garrison here in Mos Eisley. Army man, if you ask him...keeps some unsavoury company for a military man and this isn't the first time he's started something in here," she shook her head and said more quietly, probably talking to herself outloud, "Next time I'm shooting him before letting him in."[/sblock]

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Dire Lemming

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"Seems like an unpleasant fellow." Issachar gives Kyra an apologetic look. "Sorry for the trouble... And thanks for taking care of it." Seeing as how everything is back to normal, Issachar turns and goes back to where the entertainers are standing. He waits for them to finish their conversatoin before speaking. "Hey um, Sorry about the interuption... You know, we were never properly introduced were we? My name's Issachar if you didn't can't it. Issachar Hayze."


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"One man's fool is another man's genius," says Cydarius, a slight smile again playinggon his features. "My companions and I have no intention of getting in the way of this Jabba's business. As previously stated, we are simply looking for work. Perhaps you could steer us in the right direction."



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Varren thinks to himself as he hears the identity of the Imperial officer. A brief thought enters his mind, wondering for a second if he is possibly their contact. He then audibly laughs the thought off.


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Karr raises an eyebrow and glances at Varren as he utters a laugh for no apparent reason, then shakes his head and shrugs slightly.

Cydarius:[sblock]There was still an eerie smile on the humanoid's face and one of the two long 'whiskers' twitched very slightly, "You will not find any work here from Imperials...not with so many non-humans as friends," the smile shifts into a somewhat devious grin, obviously meant to show how much he knows about you...or thinks he knows, "The Rebels are always running and they don't have any money anyway...and Jabba. Well...Jabba does not like new faces, if you had not gathered that. Me, however, I might be able to find something for you. It would, of course, depend on the kind of work you are capable of, and the kind of enemies you are willing to make."[/sblock]

Everyone Else:[sblock]Kyra directs a pointed glare in Karr's direction, but says nothing else. Of course, she didn't really need to. The look said it all: Stop drawing attention to yourself. She simply slid the small blaster pistol back into a holster hidden beneath her long sleeve and casually moved back into the crowd.

The entertainers were the only ones left paying any of you any attention, and mostly they had looks of concern and slight annoyance on their faces. Well, the two Bothans and the Twi'lek did...its really impossible to read an expression on the facial structure of an Ithorian.

But the male Bothan nods politely enough when Issachar speaks, then motions to the female Bothan who glared at the hand, "Trey'la, my mate" he then motioned to himself, "I am Borel'an," he then pointed to the female Twi'lek and the Ithorian, "Essa and Olar as I believe you've already gathered."

"Why must you always introduce me as 'your mate'?!" Trey'la cut in, sounding annoyed...and the way her fur rippled only helped to add evidence to that.

Borel'an, however, ignored that and went on, "Your friend there should be more careful. That Rodian probably won't hold a grudge...just one of the local thugs I've seen around. But the human...he is not like most Imperials. He seems to despise human and non-human alike. He's in here all the time, right in that spot, and one way or another he's getting into a fight, or making other people do his dirty work."[/sblock]

Dire Lemming

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Issachar nods to each of the entertainers as they are introduced, smiling easily at prospect of meeting less trigger happy people than he's used to being in the company of most of the time. He attempts to greet them in a way in which they might appreciate based on their species' culture.

"Well, it's great to meet you all."

He nods once again at Borel'an after his comment about the Imperial. "Yeah, he does seem a bit... sleezy, for an Imperial. Most officers would have a gaggle of bucketheads to do their murdering for them. He hasn't given any of you any trouble I hope?"

(OOC: I guess, Knowledge (alien species) +10 (6 ranks, Int +2, misc +2)?)


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Varren chuckles slightly as the male Bothan is scolded by his girlfriend. He listens to the information as it's said. "There's not many Imperials who hate their own race as well as they do others," he muses. He, too, greets the rest of the entertainers, only he simply introduces himself and compliments their work.


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"Well," says Cydarius, "We are a capable bunch, as I am sure you can tell. And we don't mind making a few enemies." The soldier stands, slowly, and shrugs. "We'll be about if you hear of anything. I'm sure you won't have a hard time finding us."

Cydarius:[sblock]As you stand, you can see the humanoid's blaster pistol is still trained on your midsection. The somewhat eerie smile is gone, though, and all you can see beneath the hood is a pale-skinned, neutral expression watching you very carefully, "Yes, you are quite...distinctive. Perhaps I will find something that you and your friends are capable of. But until then, I suggest you watch you back. This is a very dangerous place and it would be sad to see you killed..."[/sblock]

Everyone Else:[sblock]At Varren's speaking up, the four entertainers acknowledge him with a polite nod...though Borel'an seemed to have noticed that laugh and sends a somewhat sharp look in Varren's direction.

Issachar's memory kicks in easily as he goes through the various cultures of the individuals. A bow of respect to the Ithorian, a polite gesture of the shoulders to the Twi'lek, which really didn't work well without the headtails to shift, too, and a very simple, almost curt nod to the two Bothans. It isn't too hard to notice that these rather simple gestures seem to present a slightly less tense air around the entertainers.

"Korlan has only given us the same trouble he has given everyone else,", Olar, the large Ithorian, rumbles.

Borel'an nods and lets out a sigh before shrugging, "I would suggest avoiding him. He comes here at least once a week about this time to talk with the...local thugs, it seems. Getting involved with that is not safe...and your friend has gotten himself involved."[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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