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Starkiller Base = Death Star Mk IV

Water Bob

Starkiller base is really the Death Star Mk IV. It's an improvement of the Galaxy Gun.


THE GALAXY GUN: A 7,250 meter-long tube-shaped space station built above Byss. It was designed to serve as a superweapon capable of firing large, destructive projectiles equipped with particle disintegrator warheads capable of destroying an entire planet. It was also equipped with hyperdrive and sublight thrusters.


Each of these projectiles were capable of traveling through hyperspace with a speed equivalent to at least a Class .75 hyperdrive, allowing for quick traversal of interstellar distances and difficulty in detecting them until they struck. Upon exiting hyperspace and homing in on its target, the projectile's automated defenses would activate to deter enemy forces. Automated laser cannon turrets exchanged laser fire with warships while thick armor plating and powerful energy shields deflected even the most advanced ion cannons and turbolasers.


Having reached its target, powered by the missile's power core, the particle disintegrator warhead exploded, triggering immense nuclear cloud reactions that encircled the targeted world's surface within minutes. At the projectile's full power setting, the nuclear reactions were sustained until all matter had been converted into energy, effectively wiping the planet and its inhabitants off the face of the galaxy. However, there were low power settings allowing them to destroy selected cities and military bases while leaving the rest of the planet untouched.


The Death Star, a space station the size of a small moon with a hyperdrive and a planet-killer weapon. The Death Star II, an improved version of the original Death Star, minus the exhaust port weakpoint (they fired that guy). The Galaxy Gun, a much smaller space station (but still a mammoth installation that dwarfed Imperial class star destroyers) that fired a hyperdrive-capable missile that could defend itself at the hyperspace exit point and wipe out an entire planet--without leaving a debris field--a planet-killing weapon that can fire from anywhere in the galaxy!

The next step had to be: Combine the Galaxy Gun technology on a world and have it fire at multiple targets all at once--a weapon that can take out an entire solar system anywhere in the galaxy.

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Yeah, but the Galaxy Gun is part of the old continuity and Starkiller is part of the new. And if Ghostbusters has taught us nothing else, it's that we should never cross the streams. Except for that one time.


If the missiles are capable of travelling through hyperspace, homing in on a target and defending themselves, aren't they basically drone starships? Why do they need a gun to launch them?

Water Bob

If the missiles are capable of travelling through hyperspace, homing in on a target and defending themselves, aren't they basically drone starships? Why do they need a gun to launch them?

Ya know, I never even questioned that. And, the story it comes from, Dark Empire, is my favorite SW comic story.

I'm scratching my head. You're right. Why not just go all Taliban on the enemy and just rig the weapon in the hold of a freighter, manned by droids, and have the thing dive into a planet?

If I wanted a reason, I'd probably look to the weapon itself. I'd say something like the ultimate radiation/energy emitting from the weapon would slag any droid and fry any being close to it. Maybe the warhead starts to disintegrate before it gets to its destination (though....you can spend some real time in hyperspace--weeks).

I dunno.

Got any guesses?


Mod Squad
Staff member
If I wanted a reason, I'd probably look to the weapon itself. I'd say something like the ultimate radiation/energy emitting from the weapon would slag any droid and fry any being close to it.

Then how does it have enough "brain" to fly itself to its target once it leaves hyperspace, and defend itself? The thing is, really, one very large droid.

Maybe the warhead starts to disintegrate before it gets to its destination (though....you can spend some real time in hyperspace--weeks).

How is this made any different by having a 'gun'? Once it is fired it *is* a self-piloting starship.

The best no-prize I can come up with is that the "gun" is really a mobile shipyard. It's function isn't really "firing", but *building* the projectiles. Destroy it, and you destroy the means of producing the weapon.

Water Bob

Yeah, I dunno. I didn't create the thing. And...I really didn't question it or put much thought into it until now.

You guys have some strong arguments for which I have no answers.

Any defenders of the Galaxy Gun out there?

Anybody want to speculate?


Mod Squad
Staff member
Anybody want to speculate?

I think I already did. If you want to use old canon justification for this old canon cannon - the Galaxy Gun contains some irreplaceable tech from the Star Forge, used to create the warheads. Until the Galaxy Gun is destroyed, there's always a threat that they'll be able to kill an entire planet in one shot.

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