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Stat yourself... Off topic?? dunno.


First Post
So, I took the test from the link and got Human Paladin-1 /Cleric-1 str.17 dex.18 con.18 int.18 wis.18 cha. 16 But I still think my self stats are more realistic athough I would have one level in Paladin! "Repent for the day of judgement is at hand!" ta ta.

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Human Gestalt Wizard 2//Bard 2 / Rogue 1

Str: 8
Dex: 10
Con: 10
Int: 16
Wis: 14
Cha: 14

I'm a college student in my junior year, aiming for a Philosophy doctorate; I am a poet; I am amiable, but not beloved (or hated) by everyone I meet; I am physically quite slim; While I do well under long-term physical duress, I don't like pain (it hurts); and finally, I have an IQ of 154. Notice I didn't go in any particular order, but I think you'll get it ;).

PS: I have a tendency to acquire things without realizing it; then again, the former owner never realizes it anyway.

I guess there is also an Necromancer level, apparently.

"*sigh*. I'm evil."

Profession: Socratic Scribe
Favored Skills: Bluff, Gather Information
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First Post
I actually did a D20/modern write-up for a job app to WotC. So I'm going to be lazy and regurgitate. Just to drive home the Technician(Computer Use), I actually had this text block stashed 1) on google notes, 2) on my Hard Drive, and 3) on a thumb drive - all because it was 'job search related'.... and yes, I claim proficiency in wind instruments, archaic weapons, and thrown mechanical pencil.

Daniel Rothman, Technology Executive (Smart 3/Charismatic 2/ Field Scientist 3/ Negotiator 1):
CR 8; Medium-size Human; HD 3d6+2d6+3d8+1d8; hp 39; Init +1; Spd 30;

Defense:17 Flatfooted:13 Touch:17 (Class +3, Dex +1, smart defense +3); Atk +4 base melee, +4 base ranged; +5 (1d2+1, Mechanical Pencil, Masterwork); +4 (1d2+1, PDA Stylus); +4 (1d8, Longbow);

AL CG; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5;

STR 13, DEX 12, CON 11, INT 16, WIS 12, CHA 14.

Occupation: Technician (Computer Use, Craft(electronic), Research)

Skills: Bluff +9, Computer Use +20, Craft(Electronic) +7, Craft(writing) +13, Diplomacy +12, Gather Information +9, Investigate +9, Knowledge(Arcane Lore) +4, Knowledge(Beh Sci) +4, Knowledge(Business) +8, Knowledge(Civics) +5, Knowledge(Current Affairs) +5, Knowledge(Earth and Life Sciences) +7, Knowledge(History) +4, Knowledge(Physical Sciences) +12, Knowledge(Streetwise) +5, Knowledge(Tactics) +4, Knowledge(Technology) +16, Knowledge(Theology and Philosophy) +6, Listen +3, Perform (act) +7, Perform (wind instruments) +6, Profession +5, Read/Write Language (German), Repair +9, Research +16, Sense Motive +9, Speak Language (German), Spot +3, Swim +4.

Feats: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Alertness, Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Attentive, Creative (Writing, Perform(wind instrument)), Educated (Physical Sciences, Technology), Gearhead, Studious, Trustworthy.
Talents (Smart): savant (computer use (+3)), plan (Int+3)
Talents (Charismatic): coordinate
Talents (Field Scientist): smart defense, scientific improvisation
Talents (Negotiator): conceal motive
Possessions: Identification papers; Traveling papers; Traveler`s outfit; Professional outfit; Mechanical Pencil, Masterwork; various personal possessions. [currently understocked in archaic weaponry]


Whisperfoot said:
I don't necessarily believe that's true. Let's presume that Hawking started life as extremely intelligent, so he had the maximum intelligence possible for a 1st level character, or 18. Now, let's assume that he's an epic level astro-physicist. He would have the maximum Intelligence for someone at level 20, or 23 (18 + 5 (1 for every four levels up to level 20)). He might even be higher than that if the DM is allowing him to use an optional rule that would allow him to reduce points from his Con and add them to Int. That's a far cry from the person who says they have an Int of 18. They may have the potential to become a figure like Professor Hawking, but they aren't there yet and likely will never be.

Stephen Hawking is not an epic level physicist. See here: http://www.thealexandrian.net/creations/misc/d&d-calibrating.html

STR: 13
++ I am mighty! Friends ask me to help move, including a foldaway couch-bed with metal frame. I rearrange my own furniture when I get bored.
+ I exercise regularly.
+ I can roll my muscles.
- I get winded quickly.

DEX: 13
+ I'm one of Atlanta's best tangueros.
+ I sneak up on people.
+ Regularly balance on things.
+ Good at archery, darts, and shooting.
- Oddly, I'm bad at throwing balls.

CON: 15
+ "Red/dangerous" hazard levels go up into the hundreds for parts-per-million. Our pollen goes into thousands every spring, and I have no allergies.
+ I scavenge food.
+ I walk for miles; at least an hour every day (to/from work).
+ I'm usually the last to fall asleep and first to wake up at sleepovers.
+ I donate blood regularly, and am never deferred for low iron or blood pressure problems.

INT: 15
+ I have a college degree.
+ I have a good memory for detail.
+ My job involves problem-solving and programming.
+ I love arcane vocabulary.
+ I scored the highest in my school on PSATs... as a sophomore.

WIS: 9
+ I often notice things others don't.
+ People say I have a good intuitive sense.
+ I have a deep spirituality.
- I can be spacey.
- I can be impulsive.
- I can be easily swayed.
- I sometimes do things because I feel I have to, regardless of the actual benefit. Like filling this out.

CHA: 15
+ I have 600+ facebook friends.
+ I was elected senior patrol leader for 4 years straight.
+ Pets instantly like me.
+ I am usually dating, and have been described as "cute" and "forkable" by several people.
+ People usually feel calm around me.
+ I'm a total social butterfly.
- I mumble sometimes.

Halfling bard, maybe? Definitely neutral good.

Voidrunner's Codex

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