Level Up (A5E) State of the Archetypes - Jan 6, 23



With the release of GPG 11, Berserkers receive their first GPG archetype since GPG 1 (Hopefully we’ll get more than one every ten editions going forward). Meanwhile, Fighters hit the 12 benchmark, and alongside Warlocks are now tied with Marshals for the most GPG archetypes.

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Alright, makes sense, thanks, why are archetypes levels different in all classes I wonder
That's an artifact of base 5e. A5E did experiment with a normalized schedule for archetypes, but ultimately abandoned it to maintain compatibility with existing published archetypes.


That's an artifact of base 5e. A5E did experiment with a normalized schedule for archetypes, but ultimately abandoned it to maintain compatibility with existing published archetypes.
makes sense, have found it strange about 5e as well, but I understand that compatibility is important, it's how I ended up finding Level Up


makes sense, have found it strange about 5e as well, but I understand that compatibility is important, it's how I ended up finding Level Up
As much as I would have loved a normalized schedule, I'll admit that being able to port in O5e subclasses so easily was a big reason I switched and why I was able to convince my players to switch.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I'm working toward the point where I can cut the O5e stuff entirely myself, converting any remaining bits to the (IMO) superior Level Up standard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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