Level Up (A5E) Steampunkette's Writing Requests


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Ok, cool. I didn't know there was a third new class. Can you tell us anything about it (concept at least)?
So... the VRC is designed to be run as it's own thing, separate from A5e. Well, not entirely separate, but, like, you should be able to run campaigns using the VRC with nothing from the Adventurer's Guide on the table.

It's gonna have heritages, cultures, backgrounds, destinies... Classes. Feats. All geared toward sci-fi and separate from the Adventurer's Guide provided options.

So there's gonna be more than 2 classes in the book, since you need to be able to build a party. A whole team of Sci-Fi and Sci-Fantasy characters that aren't Fighters and Wizards. It'll still be 100% compatible with the classes from the Adventurer's Guide.

But I probably shouldn't go into what they are, and, in hindsight, probably shouldn't have even mentioned the Scoundrel.

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@Steampunkette Hopefully I'm not derailing the flow of the conversation too much, but going back to the original post and your request for suggestions, I'd love to see more Destinies but I don't have any inspiration for what they might be. Also, I'm happy to see the preview for Combat Maneuvers for Arcane Knight, I have a player in my campaigns who is always looking for that "swordmage" experience. Thanks!


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
I'm happy to be able to provide a little bit of joy to that player's life! Destinies are things I could do, though I'd be worried about trying to make an article about them and nothing else. The ones that exist in the adventurers guide are really comprehensive! But I'll look at what I can do.


I'm happy to be able to provide a little bit of joy to that player's life! Destinies are things I could do, though I'd be worried about trying to make an article about them and nothing else. The ones that exist in the adventurers guide are really comprehensive! But I'll look at what I can do.
Thanks! Yes, I agree, the Destinies are pretty comprehensive... which is why I couldn't think of any new ideas, but I greedily just want more (maybe I have a problem...) :D


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Thanks! Yes, I agree, the Destinies are pretty comprehensive... which is why I couldn't think of any new ideas, but I greedily just want more (maybe I have a problem...) :D
... several have just occurred to me. And I wonder whether I should use them in a Gate Pass Gazette article or save them for Sins of the Scorpion Age.

Escape/Freedom. The destiny of a slave, or a prisoner. Someone who is on the run and whose motivation for adventuring is all about freeing themselves and escaping whatever Contract or Binding is placed on them. (Great for the Repentant Warlock)

Fear. Similar to escape, only there is no escape except the destruction of what chases. Of what horror pursues them. (Great for Cursed characters)

Moral Duty. A Philosophical Need to do what must be done, to be the hero the realm needs because the realm needs it. (Any heroic identity, really)

Bet I could come up with some good Tragic Destinies, too.

Like a "Martyr" Destiny, where your destiny is to die for some great cause or another, and in that death inspire those who serve that cause. Or being destined to fall to evil, though you resist as long as you can. How about a destiny to be accursed, rather than the background I did in the Living at the Edge of Night article?

What about a GPG article on variants of the Aasimar and Tieflings gifts for the Planetouched heritage? Currently both gifts focus on planetouched individuals who are the descendants of Angels and Devils. But these two aren't the only kind of Celestial or Fiend to be found in O5e and A5e. On the Celestial side, you have Archons, Guardinals and Couatls. The Fiendish side has Demons and Daemons. All of whom can also produce their own planetouched versions of the Aasimar and Tiefling.

The gifts then could be lineage gifts. The Aasimar gift and the Tiefling gift from the Adventurers' Guide could be renamed Angelic Lineage and Infernal Lineage. ;)


What about a GPG article on variants of the Aasimar and Tieflings gifts for the Planetouched heritage? Currently both gifts focus on planetouched individuals who are the descendants of Angels and Devils. But these two aren't the only kind of Celestial or Fiend to be found in O5e and A5e. On the Celestial side, you have Archons, Guardinals and Couatls. The Fiendish side has Demons and Daemons. All of whom can also produce their own planetouched versions of the Aasimar and Tiefling.

The gifts then could be lineage gifts. The Aasimar gift and the Tiefling gift from the Adventurers' Guide could be renamed Angelic Lineage and Infernal Lineage. ;)
If it's OK for me to plug my book again, the Handbook of Heritages has ten new planetouched gifts to represent a variety of fiendish and angelic origins--as well as origins in Law and Chaos.

Voidrunner's Codex

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