Level Up (A5E) Steampunkette's Writing Requests

Current List and Status:

1) Concept Winnowing Phrases (Making Mad-Libs work for newbie players) Struggling for Formatting
2) Heritage Article (Reworking selection of Heritages) Trouble Picking
3) Spiritual Archetypes
(Chaplain Herald, Animist Druid, Spiritualist Warlock) In Progress
4) Artificer Fighting Archetypes
(Gun-User, Gadget-Fighter, Hammer-Style) Planning
5 Tragic Heroes (Various backgrounds and destinies that are dark) Rejected by GPG, In Progress
6) Martial Marshalls (Marshall Archetypes to play on different imagery, Noble Commander, Piper, and Vicious Warmaster) Planning
7) Mirthful Mishaps (Exploration Challenges, Encounters, and Boons that are written as funny asides) Planning
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With regards to #4, how many heritages are you trying to pick through for the GPG? And what are they? curious ;)
It was suggested that I do up a bunch of D&D Heritages from 5e for A5e. The devil of the matter is there's so many, and a bunch of them are intellectual property of Wizards that isn't part of the OGL. Tabaxi, for example, or their particular spin on Kenku.

It's also been suggested I shouldn't do ones that already have an A5e version, even if it's a setting-specific A5e version.

Which leaves me floundering!

It was suggested that I do up a bunch of D&D Heritages from 5e for A5e. The devil of the matter is there's so many, and a bunch of them are intellectual property of Wizards that isn't part of the OGL. Tabaxi, for example, or their particular spin on Kenku.

It's also been suggested I shouldn't do ones that already have an A5e version, even if it's a setting-specific A5e version.

Which leaves me floundering!
It sounds like you are trying to bring over a number of O5e heritages by simply converting them over, how about homebrewing them to get around the OGL issue? The heritages in the Adventurers' Guide aren't 1 to 1 conversions exactly. They're more like a homebrew courtesy of the A5e team.

You mean the heritages in the Adventures in Zeitgeist. Yeah. A lot of the setting specific material is fluff. You can probably replace it with world neutral material. The crunch otoh, once again, might require some homebrewing.

It sounds like you are trying to bring over a number of O5e heritages by simply converting them over, how about homebrewing them to get around the OGL issue? The heritages in the Adventurers' Guide aren't 1 to 1 conversions exactly. They're more like a homebrew courtesy of the A5e team.

You mean the heritages in the Adventures in Zeitgeist. Yeah. A lot of the setting specific material is fluff. You can probably replace it with world neutral material. The crunch otoh, once again, might require some homebrewing.
Well, sure. I could homebrew it...

But this is for -money-.

I'm pitching these articles to the Gate Pass Gazette, which means I can't use someone else's IP. Particularly not WotC's!

And the articles the GPG passes up on, I intend to compile and sell, myself.

I feel like most of the ones that aren't OGL don't exactly have that much depth to them anyway, they're just surface level ideas more than anything significant. Easily replicatable with the serial numbers filed off. Huge strong people named like Spartans or Titans instead of Goliath, Mantis people named Mantoids or something instead of Thri-kreen. With the actual choices Level Up allows for you could easily condense Tabaxi and Leonin into a single Cat based Beast Race.

I feel like most of the ones that aren't OGL don't exactly have that much depth to them anyway, they're just surface level ideas more than anything significant. Easily replicatable with the serial numbers filed off. Huge strong people named like Spartans or Titans instead of Goliath, Mantis people named Mantoids or something instead of Thri-kreen. With the actual choices Level Up allows for you could easily condense Tabaxi and Leonin into a single Cat based Beast Race.
That's what I did when I made Level Up versions of pretty much every 5e race I could think that wasn't already in a A5e product. Catfolk, birdfolk for aarakocra and kenku, etc.

Like, it's lazy and transparent, yes, but for anything we can't get officially that's all we really need? I've never seen anyone play them for the associated lore, just the aesthetic, vibes, and occasionally mechanical synergy.

I feel like most of the ones that aren't OGL don't exactly have that much depth to them anyway, they're just surface level ideas more than anything significant. Easily replicatable with the serial numbers filed off. Huge strong people named like Spartans or Titans instead of Goliath, Mantis people named Mantoids or something instead of Thri-kreen. With the actual choices Level Up allows for you could easily condense Tabaxi and Leonin into a single Cat based Beast Race.
This definitely could explain why the Aasimar and the Tiefling made it to A5e without a name change while the Genasi haven't shown up yet. I hereby rename them, the Jinnasi. :p

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