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If there is still room for alternates, I'd like to play a warforged monk idea ive been kicking around. I'm new to this board and am eager to play as my previous Pbp board dried up on me.

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Lurker (sort of)
My posts over the next couple of days will be few and far between as my little girl was born Friday the 18th at 8:22 AM. She was an extremely healthy and gorgeous 7 pounds 7 ounces and 20.5 inches long. So a new little gamer has been born and her name is Liliana Marie Bailey. So I will get back to normal posting probably on Monday.


Congrats! My son is approaching seven months. You have a wild ride ahead of you. Enjoy it as it goes by fast and change comes suddenly. It will cut into your gaming, but we gotta start raising the next generation of gamers.


Wow how many of us are new parents? my baby boy was born Nov 1, last year so he's what 3.5 months now. Sleeping through the night is such a god-send.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Lorelei (my little girl) was born on... August 30th. She's roughly 5 1/2 months old right now and is an utter joy. I don't actually get to see much of her though as I go to work before she wakes and she goes to sleep hours after I get home. :(

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Not at all, I can easily place you on another ship or do some retroactive editing. Lets just assume that you've always been here, that you share quarters with Jherod's crew, and that you've simply been below decks the whole time... meditating or something. Post away! :D

Tor L'Tha

First Post
Lobo Lurker said:
(OOC: Why aren't you adding in your modifiers to your attack roll? Should be: D20 +2 BAB +5 Strength +1 Masterwork & +2 Inspire Courage. Damage should be: 1d8 +5 Strength. Note, you strength decreases when you're not raging so those scores will be lower when you're not in a rage).

Well there you see. Soooooo used to GM taking the rolling stuff. Embarrassing. :eek:
I will from now on take those modifiers in the rolls and eventually !hit something!

Congrats to you all new fathers! :D
I'm still not having babys but we are thinking on the posibility to have a little one in two years.
uhuhuhuhuh never thought i would write this IM QUITE READY!

Voidrunner's Codex

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