stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]

James Heard

Her two companions beside her, Janis ducks into the undergrowth.
[sblock=Whispered to Tessa and Ashlyn, and the Bear]
"<We should try to capture them alive I suppose,>" Janis says with some regret.

"<Gnaw! Don't chew,>" the pale women says in an urgent, affectionate whisper to the large bear, ruffling his fur.

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Tessa's reply was just as quiet, though her voice was tense.

Whispered back: [sblock] "I'd guess that that choice may depend on just who, or what, is actually out there. I'll hold my shot until we see, but I've no resources for capturing.."[/sblock]


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Marot the (un)incontinent

Marot looks down at his vest, and notices Anuine's little white head poking out to see what is going on -- the little rat had fallen asleep from the rhythmical swaying of riding horseback, as he always was prone to do.

Now that the movement had ceased, the little rat had decided where they happened to arrive at.

"While we are in a forest, I don't think we've reached our final destination," Marot says to his little friend while he gently strokes the soft fur on his head. "We've just encountered a bad case a lot of bladders overflowing."

The little rat looks around, sees nothing of interest, and then disappears back into his pocket, content to sit this one out.

Marot looks back a Ladreth and says,"Any bets on how long they'll be gone?"


First Post
Ladreth looked at the strange man, the one who tried to trick the rest of the group, and shrugs at his question. He was no expert at women’s schedule for relieving themselves, all he knew in that regard is when his stomach pushed out and ached, it was time for him. Right now, his stomach didn’t hurt, just his legs from riding awkwardly double on this big horse.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As Marot and Ladreth wait, Jarrith manages to make a wide path around to where he can see the women. He's ears tell him before his eyes that they are falsifying their 'business', though they are too far away to hear clearly. The bear, meanwhile, niffs the air, smelling something.

As the group waits, from the tree up the road (the one Janis had noticed), a furred figure emerges---the women from their perch and just make it out. It comes as a bit of a shock to the all that its a shifter! He has clear wolfen features, with an elongated face more akin to a snout than a mouth. Standing on an upper branch, he snarls something at Marot that he cannot understand.
[sblock=Janis]While you do not speak the language, you recognize it. Sylvan.[/sblock]Seeing Marot's look of confusion, the shifter speaks in very broken common, thick with the accent of Barovia. "You women folks chatter too long. Disturb forest. Why intrude, trespassers?" The shifter's greatsword and large bow bespeak a hunter guardian, its attitude is not friendly.

James Heard

My cunning plan worked! Janis thinks with a smirk. Let no one question the power of a well-placed stop to pee ever again.

The pale spellcaster simply glows with self-appreciative serenity.


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Marot the Diplomat

"What the..." Marot exclaims as he hears some rustling coming from above, which does not sound like a female using the facilities.

He cranes his neck upwards to the source of the sound and notices the shifter.

Always glad to see someone who would rather talk first rather than commence open hostilities, Marot sees a chance to perhaps resolve this without a fight.

"We seek not to disturb the forest, gentle guardian, we in fact, look to free the forest from the evil taint of the land."

"We only intrude upon your territory to retrieve a prized artifact, lost long ago, a very special blade, that shines like a sun."

Diplomacy +12


Jarrith continues sneaking through the underbrush until he nears the tree that the shifter is sitting in. He reaches behind him and pulls out his shortbow and an arrow, then waits patiently in case he needs to fire it.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
s@squ@tch said:
"We seek not to disturb the forest, gentle guardian, we in fact, look to free the forest from the evil taint of the land."

"We only intrude upon your territory to retrieve a prized artifact, lost long ago, a very special blade, that shines like a sun."
The shifter snorts, dismissing Marot's words. "Your help not wanted, or needed. We are the forest. You come from village? And now you seek our treasures! More invaders! You not fear us enough!"
DEFCON 1 said:
Jarrith continues sneaking through the underbrush until he nears the tree that the shifter is sitting in. He reaches behind him and pulls out his shortbow and an arrow, then waits patiently in case he needs to fire it.
Jarrith carefully makes his way around, and it appears the shifter is oblivious to him. But as he moves closer he's suddenly face to face with a huge, filthy wolf the size of a horse and too intelligent eyes. It growls as looks hungrily at him!
James Heard said:
The pale spellcaster simply glows with self-appreciative serenity.
As Janis basks in her self accomplishment, the bear suddenly bristles and rears on its haunches, bellowing loudly. Its roar is answered by a nearby howl!

Shifter Ambush: Surprise Round

The the bear and Jarrith get to act this round; I'll be running the bear. Everyone else can give me round 1 actions.

James: I assume the bear knows at least attack and defend as tricks; you'll need to spell out exactly which ones and put a copy of the nameless ursine on your sheet.

M: 21
J: 20
S: 18
A: 18
J: 15
b: 14
L: 12
T: 12
W: 11

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, b: The Bear, h: various horses, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, L: Ladreth, M: Marot, S: Shifter, T: Tessa, W: huge wolf.


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"Dammit." Marot thinks to himself," More senseless killing?"

"You have made the wrong choice, guardian of the wood."


Dismount (move action), Attack shifter in the tree -- Eldritch Spear - Ranged Touch +6, 3d6

I'm assuming that the bushes and trees provide cover and block line of sight? ex: Marot probably cannot see the two wolves, but can see the shifter?

Voidrunner's Codex

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