stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


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Marot the Deadly

Marot looks at the rest of the group and says,"Do we have any more clues on the whereabouts of this blade?"

Looking around the dark forest and high trees, Marot thinks for a moment,"We might need some aerial reconnaissance, looking for any clearing or openings, or structures."

He looks in Janis' direction.

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As she checks Jarrith's wounds, Ashlyn frowns, "Hmm ... that should have fully healed ... perhaps it's due to the wound having been so grievious ... well, I'd like to keep an eye on it over the next few days"

Ashlyn quietly stows the additional equipment from the shifter into the haversack hanging from her mount's saddle before swinging into the saddle. Once in the saddle she looks back at the others, clearly waiting for them before heading off.

As Marot enquires of which direction we should be headed, Ashlyn responds, "All we know it what we learnt from Madam Eva's telling, that it would be in the deep woods and that it might be guarded by a fey creature. I would suggest that we simply head for the deepest woods around."
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"Yup. That sounds about right." On the off-chance that Janis doesn't notice Marot's glance and unspoken question (or just conveniently ignores it), Jarrith asks the pale lady directly. "Janis... any chance you might be able or willing to do a bit of sky high reconnaissance? You've certainy got the best skills for that of all of us."

James Heard

Janis pauses thoughtfully.

"I can, but fey creatures might be able to seek me in the air themselves. I attended myself with spells to that effect this morning, in fact."

Janis represses a shudder at the idea of tiny doll-like people with colorful wings and pointed teeth touching her and calling her "mother."

OOC: Knowledge (Nature) check for Janis to avoid swarms of creepy fey (or anything else dangerous with butterfly wings or such nonsense) and lead the way to "the deep forest" without taking to the air I suppose. Too bad we don't have the bard to strap to her dire eagle form for emotional support any longer, like a little no hit points teddy bear.


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Tessa stood a wary guard as the others attended to their tasks around the clearing- she had faith in Ashlyn's skill as a healer, enough not to second-guess the paladin's assessment of Jarrith's injury. Were-creatures were somewhat outside her training anyway- she knew they could give cursed wounds, but little more than that. As the got ready to move out, she took the time to pat Ladreth on the shoulder encouragingly. "Good work," was all she could think of to say- though she knew without his strength they might have lost several lives here, and while she was not terribly comfortable with the half-orc, she felt she ought to show some gratitude. Then she made ready to follow Janis deeper into the forbidding woods...


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As the plain woman walked toward him, Ladreth stiffened up. She had not spoken to him before, offering only sideways glances here and there, so he was not entirely comfortable with her. When she spoke her words of praise, he laxed his stance and nodded his head solemnly in thanks. Then, as she turned to follow the white woman, he stopped her with a hand to her shoulder, and held up the wand to her in his open palm.


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Tessa looked at the wand quizzically for a moment, but the meaning of the gesture seemed clear enough- the mercenary had something that might help them, but perhaps not something that he, himself, could use. And as unsure as she might be about what purpose the wand could serve, she could save that mystery for later- the gesture she could answer now. With a smile, perhaps her first true smile of the day, she reached out for the wand.

(If Ladreth allows her to take it): with the wand in hand, she asked quietly "is this for me to use, or should I give it to one of the others?"


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Ladreth looks down for a moment and then looks up at her. For a brief instant, his mouth begins to form soundless words, incompletely forming, only a heavy exhalation of air emitting itself instead. He slumps his shoulders slightly and looks down again, finally he resorts to a half shrug, then points to her and the armored woman before shrugging again.


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Tessa watched Ladreth's performance carefully- she felt bad for the fellow, after all. As much as she didn't speak out often, the ability to talk was not something she would want to do without. After a moment, she nodded, hoping she had understood. "I can use this, or Ashlyn, is that what you mean?" Little did the half-orc know, she realized, that he might be the only person in the group who couldn't use it- Jarrith had priestly training, and Tessa did not doubt that Janis and Marot could probably find some way to activate it. Still, one more helpful item might be critical, the way things were going...


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Ladreth nods more enthusiatically, although he bites his lip as he does so. Then to reiterate, he points again at Tessa and Ashlyn, nodding once again to punctuate his statement.

Voidrunner's Codex

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