stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


First Post
Ashlyn frowns at certain salient points in the discussion, then dismounts, walks up to the church doors and simply tries to push (or pull) them open.

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"Let us save breaking down these doors until we really need to. At some point, being able to reclose and relock them might be needed." the huge shifter says. When Ashlyn advances up to try and open the doors, Sir Khensu adds his strength to hers if her first attempts do not prove fruitful. "We will get these doors open. It just might take a few minutes."

James Heard

Janis rolls her eyes. You say a thing and they take it as just so. I'm just as glad I didn't recommend we all stick our thumbs up our noses, lest we stand here arguing about how advised that might be, Janis thought sullenly.

"You all work out what you need to do then, I'll wait."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As the others prepare to open the door, Sir Urik bows his head a moment and chants a strong prayer. However, the chant is sour, Urik stumbling on the words, and nothing happens.
[sblock=Janis]The incantation is different from the familiar Sovereign-based forms, but it appears to be a physical warding spell (shield of faith). It is unclear why Urik shoudl have failed to cast it, unless he is more mentally fatigued than he should be.[/sblock]

The Church


The door opens with little effort, its ancient timbers complaining under the motion. The church interior is in shambles, with overturned and broken benches littering the dusty floor. A claw-scarred altar broods at the north end of the church, directly behind a gapping hole in the rotten floorboards. The hoarse chanting continues unabated from that same direction, chanting the phrases of a nonsense prayer. No one or no thing can be seen in the shadowy light.

[The Church is in shadowy illumination outside of Khensu's everburning torch. Actions?]


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James Heard

Janis takes a moment to summon her strange magical insight again, a plucks another illusion from the dark corners of her mind, making the gestures once more in her oft-repeated gesture as she blurs and divides and multiplies.

OOC: Casting Mirror Image via her Alacritous Cogitation feat.


First Post
Ashlyn holds her holy symbol hanging from her neck, makes a crisp gesture, and speaks a word laden with power. She then draws her sword as she moves cautiously forward and checks out the first room on her right.

[Cast Protection from Evil on herself (3 minutes)]
[Move to I11, draw sword]


As he sees the other paladin checking and taking care of the side rooms, Sir Khensu decides to deal with the person chanting further in. He strides forward and says in his most calming voice almost the same opening line he shouted from outside. "Hello! I am Sir Khensu of the Order of Illumination, along with several members of the Lightbringers and the Thaolist Six." His everburning torch throws light around the interior, and his eyes try to focus in on where the sounds of the chanting are coming from. (Double move into room, heading towards the chanting)

Jarrith follows along less than two steps behind his Lumin Brother, both rapiers out and in hand. The holy symbol of the Silver Flame that is emblazoned on both pommels held outwards and upright.


First Post
Sometimes, I don't know why I bother. The elf thinks. Those two don't know the meaning of the word subtle.

But he moves out in front of his friends, watching and listening, with his bow in hand.

James Heard

Sometimes, I don't know why I bother, Janis thinks. The kicking in the door effect seems to lose itself in translation when one decides to introduce oneself immediately afterwards.

The thought sours on Janis's face and causes her brow to wrinkle unpleasantly.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge

The chanting continues, its nonsense syllables coming at a more rapid pace. The speaker is almost crying them out now, a strong waver in his voice.

The group pushes into the room, Khensu, Jarrith and Sir Urik purposefully, Deallin with more cautious reserve. Ashlyn hovers behind, examining the closed doors. What greets them is a scene from a Karrnathi campfire story: Sitting on the pews, as if rapt in attention to the jumbled sermon, are three of the infected dead. As one, they turn their previously bowed head and silently stand, the hunger of the dead in their eyes!

Church Round 1


J: 22
B: 21
Z: 20
J: 16 [mirror image 70 rounds]
K: 13
A: 11
D: 10 [28/31 hp]
U: 10
M: 4

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, D: Daellin, d: Edi, h: Horse, h: Valo, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, r: raven, U: Sir Urik, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: Mist grants concealment to creatures 30' away. Cyan Border: mirror image, Dark green Border: Sickened, Light Green Border: Entangled, Orange Border: Inspired (+1 save vs fear, charm, compulsion; +1 to hit and damage), White: unconscious, Transparent: Dead, White Border: Paralyzed.

[Round 1 actions?]


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