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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]

James Heard

Like a pale shadow, the enormous form of the summoned dire wolf forms between Ashlyn and the prone bear. With a loud snarl, it snaps its jaws at the throat of the other wounded canine.

Her spell cast, Janis moves quickly through the forest to the middle of the combat, imagining the limits of her circles of power in her mind and gauging the extents once more. OOC: Moving to G10 hopefully, using extra movement if needed to avoid obstacles and unstable ground.

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Seeing the wounds the bear inflicted upon the massive wolf closing e'en as they are caused, Ashlyn frowns as she steps around the wolf and draws her dagger. Light flashes off her silver blade as she attacks.

[5ft step to southwest (C8)]
[Draw silver dagger (free action)]
[Full attack: attack +10/+5, damage 1d4+2/1d4+2]


Jarrith curses inwardly as Ladreth rushes past him to engage the wolf. He had hoped to lure the wolf towards the group so as to make it more accessable to everyone (and ot cut down on the rough travel). With the beast now engaged with the mute halfork, he realizes his hope was in vain.

"It's a magical beast it is!" says the Stalker. "I wonder what will be its weakness?" He drops the wand to the ground, moves forward towards the wolf again and pulls both of his silver rapiers from his belt. He then takes a lunge with one of them at the wolf's right flank. (Free action: drop wand / Move action: to N13 / Standard action: attack w/rapier)


First Post
AC: 21; hp: 47/47

Pleased to have isolated this large wolf away from the others so that it cannot attack anyone else, Ladreth masterfully swings his sword at the great beast's chest. The heat and stench from its jaws only seem to enbolden the warrior as he takes on the challenge himself.

+2 Greatsword +15/+10 2d6+11; 19-20x2


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Tessa finally got a good look at the size of their lupine foes when one of them came after Ladreth, and her eyes widened in shock- that thing was bigger than their horses. Still, an enemy was an enemy, and Tessa did not hesitate to respond. Almost reflexively, she fired her crossbow at the shifter perched in the tree. Then, tossing the crossbow lightly into a convenient bit of brush, she unlimbered her other weaponry and began to close the range to support the half-orc.

OOC: Attack (standard) Fire crossbow at shifter (+5 to hit, 1d8 cold iron), free action- drop crossbow, move action- get around the horses (roughly to J 10), drawing silver morningstar and shield while moving


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Shifter Ambush: Round 2

Too calmly, Marot channels his inner-rage, the part that is Khyber touched. The fiery bolt sears the shifter's flesh, and he cries out in pain! [Hit; 17hp total; moderately wounded]

Jarrith plunges into melee, his silver rapiers in hand. He swears he sees the wolf notice the weapon, and a look of.. hatred enter its eyes. [Sense Motive] The creature barks something. A cursed root, however, caused Jarrith to stumble and overreach. [Nat 1]

At the sound of the bark, the shifter's eyes narrow. "So, you do hunt us! Then, die, interlopers!" Dropping his bow, the hunter bites of a potion in a bracer at his wrist. Now moving with preternatural speed, it drops behind the tree and out of sight.

Dropping her sword for her dagger, Ashlyn also notes meaningful look by the beast. When her second thrust plunges deep, she knows why---the wound smokes as if from a hot brand. The wolf howls in pain! [Second hits; 4hp]

Summoned by spell, a snow white dire wolf appears behind the wounded beast. [There's a tree between A and b]. The great wolf nips at the beast, but to no avail. [Miss] Meanwhile, Janis works her way around. [Double move through difficult terrain]

Wounded by still ferocious, the unnamed bear lumbers to its feet. It is savaged once again for its trouble, and gore and blood mats its fur. [19 hp; near death] The ursine lunges at the wolf, grabbing it in a bear hug. But while it holds it fast, most of its squeezing is ignored by the beast. [Bear grapples; 12hp before DR]

Ladreth smiles grimly as he brings his new sword down, and it cuts easily through the wolf's flesh. He sees the wound closing, but a significant cut is still left. [1 Hit; 20hp before DR] Behind him, Tessa adjusts her aim against the looming wolf, and with luck manages to sink a bolt into its flesh. But elation sours at the bolt falls free, leaving ont a scratch. [Nat 20; not confirmed; no damage after DR] Resolved, the cleric strides forward with her silvered weapon.

Jarrith's wolf, seeing the silver that causes it pain, spins and crushes its jaws on the Stalker's shoulder. The pain is searing, and with a jolt, Jarrith is flung to the forest floor! [16hp damage; tripped] It then steps forward, looming over the smaller Tessa. The other wolf struggles with the bear, who just barely manages to hold onto the wolf. [Fail grapple check]

Shifter Ambush: Round 3

The bear and second wolf share the same space. Don't forget that the bear can be directed by Janis as a free action so long as its a command it knows.

M: 21 [35/41]
J: 20 [15/31, cat's grace, 39 rounds, prone]
S: 18 [moderately wounded]
A: 18
w: 15
J: 15
b: 14 [15/51, grappling]
L: 12
T: 12
W: 11 [L13: lightly wounded and grappled, B7: moderately wounded]

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, b: The Bear, h: various horses, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, L: Ladreth, M: Marot, S: Shifter, T: Tessa, W: huge wolf, w: Summoned dire wolf.


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James Heard

Muttering Winter curses under her breath, Janis unleashes a healing spell (Mass Lesser Vigor- fast healing 1, automatically becomes stabilized for duration 15 rounds) upon herself, her bear companion, and Ashlyn before continuing to make her way to her destination.

"We shall kill you. We shall lift the curse. We shall prevail!" Janis shouts in outrage looking at her newly made furry companion locked with the beasts.


First Post
Marot the Deadly

Seeing the shifter disappear behind the tree, Marot shouts,"Be prepared to finish what you start, Guardian of the Wood - for we will not yield."
He sees the large wolf emerge from the underbrush and closes on it, unleashing another blast of otherworldly energy.


Move to K9 (dismounted in the first round from horse) and use eldritch blast on Wolf at L13 - ranged touch +7, damage 3d6+1


First Post
Ashlyn smiles, but it is a cold hard smile, as cold as the ice of a glacier, frozen for time uncounted. Her voice rings out, as cold and hard as the expression on her face, "We are not here to hunt you ... but we are prepared for whatever we might face ... and we will not step aside for anything. The unlife present in this land will perish. I swear it."
The conviction in her voice is clear and as she speaks, she attacks, her small silver blade gleaming in her hand as it slices towards the grappled wolf.

[Full attack: attack +10/+5, damage 1d4+2/1d4+2; Note that wolf loses Dex bonus to AC due to being grappled]

As she attacks, Ashlyn sends a message to her sable mount, Defend the horses. Keep herd safe., and again Ashlyn's dark horse tosses it's head and whinny's at the large wolf in defiance.


First Post
AC: 21; HP: 47/47

Emboldened by his success, Ladreth sets to slicing two cuts toward the giant wolf. He knows that his friend cannot defend himself well enough on the ground, so he needs to make quick work of his foe.

Full Attack: +15/+10 2d6+11; 19-20x2

Voidrunner's Codex

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