stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


Ireena said:
Enough! Enough, I say! This land will do everything to break us. All of us, myself included, have given to be sheep. Only madmen and outsiders take up for us, long after we have closed our eyes to the wolves at the door. Enough! I will not bare my throat willingly! I will not submit as horror and nightmare became all. I will fight, fight with you, fight and stop this dread curse once and for all!
Jarrith walks into the room just as Ireena spits out her oath to the land and her people. He walks over to her, pulling a few items out from his belt. "Then you're going to want some of these..." he says, as he hands her a pair of wooden stakes and a vial of holy water.


Some time later, after everyone has reconvened together at Ireena's estate to discuss their plans, Jarrith hands everyone several stakes he carved, along with small mallets that he bought. He also offers a few additional vials (3) of holy water to those who want them.

He then takes a seat back down and looks around the room at the size of the group that is preparing to assault the castle.

"So here's the situation... and Lady Ashlyn, please fill in on anything I've missed." He looks at her and continues when she nods.

"Khensu's pack was stolen by another vampire... a female one... and taken we believe to the castle. We need to find it so we can put our three relics together to rid the fanes of the power its giving to the land. Conveniently, the sunsword relic that Ashlyn found needs to be brought to the castle's crypts so that its power can be reinfused. So we can kill two bats with one stone... so to speak."

"Some of us have prayed for the knowledge to locate objects, which we can use when we get to the castle. However, I would suggest our first order of business would be to go straight to the crypts, since we know exactly where we need to go... the brother's tomb. Let's take care of that before we go traipsing throughout the rest of the castle, because goodness knows Sergei is going to hassle us the entire step of the way."

Jarrith looks around the circle for any discussion on the matter, and if/when the final decisions are made, he stands up and is ready to go.

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As Irena's anger spills over, Ashlyn extends a hand as if sealing some agreement, "Your company will be welcome for I believe we will need all the help we can get"

Ashlyn then listens carefully as Jarrith speaks. As he finishes she nods and replies, "Essentially yes, however there is one thing that we must do first. In order to awaken the sunsword, I will require a large amount of platnium. We have a little with us, but I will require many times that amount if the ritual is to work."
Ashlyn turns towards Irena, "I dislike to ask, but if you have any platinum available it would be of a great help to us, otherwise, we must search out some in the castle before we descend to the crypts."


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Avron takes the given items. He takes the stakes and bites into them. "Oaky, bbq...good food..." He smiles and looks up. "Not the undead. Beef...from home."

Taking the water, he stuff it into his belt, ready to fight against the undead. The crazed man laughs outloud at nothing in particular.


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Ravika's ignorance of the situation, coupled with her social inadequaces, leave her silent as the others talk.

"All they ever do is talk, when do we get vengeance?" she thinks to herself, sitting in an out of the way corner, whispering to her spirit friends.


"Avron, that's 'stake' as in S-T-A-K-E... not 'steak' S-T-E--" Jarrith interjects, and then stops... realizing by this point that the befuddled man has already bitten through much of the wood. He shakes his head and gives him a weak smile. "Bon appetite."

Sir Khensu stands tall and proud, and replies to Lady Ashlyn as they await Ireena's response. "We do have a few platinum coins ourselves, I believe... although I do not know if that is enough for what you need. If Ireena has another supply, it couldn't hurt." He turns and walks to a window of the house and looks out into the sun of day. "We should get moving shortly. We do not want to lose the daylight and it's hike back to the castle. Marot? Brother? When we reach the top of the mountain, if you are still feeling a bit... unsteady... I will stay with you at our waypoint on the road while you sober up, if you'd like." The shifter smiles at his friend.


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Jarrith said:
"Avron, that's 'stake' as in S-T-A-K-E... not 'steak' S-T-E--" ]

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were sharing them with us." He holds it out to Jarrith. Saliva glistens on it's tip, now not quite so sharp. "Here, I didn't mean be so selfish."


Jarrith raises his hand and shakes his head. "No, no! Please! Enjoy your meal. I insist."

He turns from the funny little man and addresses the rest of the assembled. "So we have a little platinum to get by. If that's all we need and no one else has anything that has to happen, then let's get going."

He begins to walk to the front door to get the party started.


As Jarrith reaches the front door and opens it, with Avron and Khensu trailing slightly behind... he cranes his neck and addresses the rest of them. "You coming...?"


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Ravika will stand up, eyeing the others to see if they come, and follows Jarrith's lead. She nods to him as she comes close.

Voidrunner's Codex

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