stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


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Ashlyn stops by the caravan and ensures everything in order. Purchases in hand, she stops by the inn to see the state of her companions. Marot is soused. Some of the others are thinking about it. Khensu, however, is still alone in his vigil in the square.
As she walks through the square, Ashlyn pauses a moment before walking up to Khensu. She does not try to interrupt his vigil, she merely stops before him and performs an elaborate, formal Cyran salute, acknowledging his dedication in combating his own weaknesses.

She speaks quietly, her words intended for Khensu alone, "The undead are fearsome foes, not because of what they are, but because their powers often lead others to self doubt. Do not doubt yourself."

That said, Ashlyn leaves Khensu to his vigil as she continues to the inn.

Seeing several of the others drinking, Ashlyn says nothing other than to inform them of that she and Tessa will be staying with Irena and suggesting that the others could join them at the manor. Seeing Ladreth at the end of the bar, Ashlyn moves over to him and nods slightly, before she asks about his charge downstairs, "How is your charge below? Have the caravan's artificers been able to do anything to cure his condition yet?"

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Marot follows, or is helped upstairs by Jarrith,"My thanksss for the aid in packing, I probably would leave a sssock or two under the bed in my current ssstate."

"You run a good establishment here. And you deal with the problems as they arise with a steady hand and an easy smile. I and my brothers thank you for your hospitality. The Flame bring you peace." Jarrith bows gracefully to the room, gives the inn a blessing from the Flame, and then walks with the horses towards Ireena's home.

"Whoa, brother," slurrs the warlock slightly,"I might be in my cupssss, ssso I could be misssstaken, but I don't think there isssss anyone reallllly there."

Once outside on his horse, he does his best to keep the animal under him,"My horsssey sseemsss to be ssspinning today."

"Whoa there horssey."

"Good horsssey.'


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Ravika will follow Jarrith to their new location, not having the slightest clue why they'd be moving around.

Must be something these city-folk do" the shifter thinks to herself.


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Ladreth shakes his head sullenly at the warrior-woman Ashlyn's question, a look of disappointment and resignation on his face. But he straightens himself up and looks at her squarely, "I c-c-c c-c-c-c," the large half-orc stops his deep bass and takes a deep breath. "I c-c-can help." His eyes betray the question hidden in his stuttered statement as he stands, overcoming his insecurities as he offers his services, and as he is well aware, most likely his life.


Marot said:
"Whoa, brother," slurrs the warlock slightly,"I might be in my cupssss, ssso I could be misssstaken, but I don't think there isssss anyone reallllly there."
Jarrith's eyebrows furrow as he digests what Marot is telling him. He then opens the door to the tavern to look in. Then leans back out and closes the door. Then reopens it and looks in a second time. His view lingers on the interior for a few moments, then Jarrith closes the door once more. He turns to the warlock with a sheepish half-smile...

...then immediately opens the door to the tavern again to look inside. After a solid 30 seconds of glancing around, Jarrith firmly closes the door. "Must have gone to the back." he says... completely no-selling the idea that he must have been seeing things.

And from that point on for the rest of his life... whenever someone brought up the idea that he had been talking to nobody in the room... Jarrith would always make up an excuse. "The guy was taking out the trash...", "Ducked behind the counter...", "Hidden behind the fern...", "Was a ghost and still tending bar...", "Drank an invisibility potion, but I had Lenses of Seeing on..."
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Tessa tried to keep a reassuring smile on her face, but she was more than a bit nervous to be left alone with Ireena. After a few moments of awkward silence, she had an idea. "My lady, if you would permit it, I might be able to use the power of the Sovereign Host to bring you some measure of comfort..."

OOC: since nobody else seems to be in desperate need, Tessa will volunteer her Lesser Restoration slot for Ireena- while it will do little for ongoing vampy-ness, it should alleviate fatigue.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tessa is able to assist Ireena with some of her magic to alleviate her lack of rest. She knows, however, that the damage to her health requires stronger magic to heal.

OOC: ethandrew—Ashlyn addressed Ladreth above. I'll answer for him.

The halfork shakes his head at Ashlyn's question, he downcast face saying it without a word. Vincent still suffers his curse. With Eyre full for the next two days, it has been a trying task to keep him bound.

The others soon arrive at the manse. Ireena has made herself more presentable, but the worried look on Tessa's face indicates something is not right in the house of Koylana.


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The look on Ashlyn's face as Ladreth answers her is iron and granite.

A long moment passes and one could be forgiven for thinking that the Lady knight had missed the halfork's question, but a moment later she replies, "Your help would be most welcome. I fear we will need all the help we can muster for what is surely awaiting us. We plan to be in town for a few days as we recover and resupply, but then we return to the heart of the darkness"

"Will you be guarding Vincent until the curse subsides with the passing of the full moon?"

Before she heads back to the manse, Ashlyn checks in on the matron and on Sir Urik, the latter of whom she informs of their current plans.

Once she arrives back at the manse with the others, Ashlyn moves aside to speak with Jarrith and Marot in spite of their slightly inebriated state, "Jarrith, Marot, I believe we have an obligation. Some time ago, we bought a scroll of restoration from the caravan's artificers. That scroll was originally intended for Vincent, the caravan guard who was infected with lycanthropy, and we later used it on Janis. It is now within our power to help the guard, and I believe we should attempt to do so."
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Ashlyn said:
"Jarrith, Marot, I believe we have an obligation. Some time ago, we bought a scroll of restoration from the caravan's artificers. That scroll was originally intended for Vincent, the caravan guard who was infected with lycanthropy, and we later used it on Janis. It is now within our power to help the guard, and I believe we should attempt to do so."
Jarrith heeds the wisdom of her words and nods. "Aye. That is a good view. I can see what I can do."

Over the next day or two, Jarrith prays for and casts any and all spells that might be useful to break Vincent's lycanthropic curse. (Remove Disease, Lesser Restoration, any others? Can't remember what was going to be required, but Jarrith will do what he can, as well as work with Tessa if she has other capable spells.)


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Hearing of the plight of the person cursed with lycanthrope, Ravika will offer whatever healing support she can to the cause, stopping to pray for healing spells as directed by Jarrith.

Voidrunner's Codex

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