stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]

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Ladreth nods his head at the Lady Ashlyn's question, his answer clear in his determined yet tired eyes. When she left he stood still in the empty inn, alone when moments before it was filled with laughter that traveled through the air in infectious waves, a much needed respite from the horrors the night brought in this cursed land. Slowly the lumbering hulk began to move again, cleaning up the bar without a barkeep.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The days pass slowly.

25 Wir, Zarantyr, 998 YK

The group manages to find lodgings in Ireena's manse, still empty with the fled servant missing, dead, or not returning to work. Her composure is better, but all can tell something disturbs her. She looks at the drunken Marot with scorn, however; that much has not changed.

It is then that everyone remembers no one has yet told her of her brother's... change.

Now healed, Urik assist Ladreth in watching Vincent. Both are only slightly winded.

26 Zor, Zarantyr, 998 YK

The matron recovers, thanking the others for their assistance. She is a bit tired, but able to continue her work. The first is attending to Urik and Ladreth's wounds, which she will have to do for the next two nights—even with Tessa and Jarrith's effort, the curse hang onto Vincent until Eyre and Zarantyr both begin to wane.

Khensu's armor is resized; task made more difficult by his refusal to leave his vigil.

Arik's body is laid to rest. Ireena leads a quite funeral, but there is little attendance. He had no family.

Ashlyn spends her day in contemplation and prayer over the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. With Urik's help, they manage to return it to its full glory.[sblock=Ashlyn]Ashlyn is bonded to the symbol. She looses 4hp (from her max), a -2 to Fort, and a -1 to attack rolls; this is the cost of the binding. As additional benefit, she casts light, dancing lights, and flare at will; she can detect undead w/in 60' as a standard action (nothing new for her); but, all attacks bypass the DR of undead as long as the symbol is worn. Finally, 2/d, Ashlyn can use halt undead as a spell; when doing so, the symbol flares with light as a daylight spell for the duration of the halt undead effect (CL 10, DC 13+Cha mod)[/sblock]
27 Far, Zarantyr, 998 YK

Ashlyn, Urik, Tessa, and Jarrith make a search of the fallen Church. Abandoned in the rectory they find some blessed cloths that will help ward taint, if Tessa's teachings are correct.

A bear with a white streak in its hair is seen on the outskirts of town.

28 Sar, Zarantyr, 998 YK

Tessa and Jarrith finally break the curse on Vincent. The despondent Blademark, however, remarks that he would be better off dead after all the blood on his hands.

Ladreth is rewarded with a strong and enchanted bow. If he had had it two weeks ago, maybe Tobias would still be around?

1 Sul, Olarune, 998 YK
The first of Olarune finds the people of Barovia rebuilding. Almost a week with out attacks seems like something new to the newcomers, but Barovians were used to occasional lulls. But talks of large bats or wolves with glowing eyes watching the town at night, baying at windows, were ever present. Something was keeping an eye on the town.

Jarrith is rewarded with a updated blade. It almost thrums in his hands with power. Meanwhile, Avron finished scribing his spells successfully.

No has yet asked Ireena for diamond dust.

OOC: Planning time. You have some relics to find, rituals to perform, etc.
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First Post
Marot the hung-over

When Ashlyn asks for help to free Vincent, he offers to do all within his power.

"If you need me to decipher and use one of the scrolls we have found so far, I am your man."

[d] aaa[/d]

Marot attends the funeral for Arik.

Standing silently off to the side, he contemplates the true meaning of this, whether Arik is better off now on the other side.

Afterwards, he walks over to Ireena.

"I know we have not seen eye to eye in the past, but know this -- your loss will not be in vain."

"By the Flame, it. will. not. be. in. vain."

His fist clenches with white hot anger over the plight of this land. A swirl of white energy circles it, causing a slight thrum to be heard.

He nods to Ireena, then heads back off to the manse to wait for the others.


1 Sul, Olarune, 998 YK

As Jarrith is handed his rapier back, he feels the new energy within it and it intermingles with the tingling in his fingers. "By the Light... this is... exquisite." He looks back to the artificers and flashes them his customary half-grin. "You have outdone yourselves. You have my thanks. As well as my gold." He slides the weapon back in its sheath, then glances over at the set of Khensu's armor currently hanging up on a rack, finally resized to fit his large shifter frame. "Here... let me take that to my Brother. He will be very glad to feel the work you have done."

Jarrith hoists the armor off the rack and leaves the wagon area to return to the center square. As he arrives, he sees his Brother standing up and looking into the sky... the first time he's stood up since he began his vigil. "Brother!" the Stalker calls out, and the Inquistor returns the gaze and smiles. "Hello, Templar Bronns. It is a good day, is it not?" "Indeed, Brother. Indeed." comes the reply... and Jarrith notices a return to the calmness of wisdom and serenity within Khensu's eyes. He walks over to Khensu with the armor over his shoulder. "Here. Brought you a little present. Small reward for your five days of pain."

Khensu smiles happily as he is handed his new suit, and the two friends spend several minutes getting the paladin dressed. When the last buckle is tightened, and the shifter takes some practice movements within the metal plates, he nods in satisfaction. "This is good. My mind is clearer, my will is clearer, our purpose is clearer. It has been a good week." (Switched Cleave feat for Iron Will feat)

Jarrith smiles at Khensu and clasps him on the shoulder. "Aye, my Brother, it has. And now... we have work to do."
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First Post
Avron finally emerges from the study, his time spent scribing complete. Many times, strange noises emerged from behind the closed door. He was not disturbed though, he insisted that visitors could not enter. "What is the plan, even though it matters not."


First Post
Tessa spent the few days of relative peace very nearly in a daze. By day, she assisted the others as best she could- whether helping Ireena with the rites at Arik's graveside, or combing through the ruins of the church, or wielding the powers of the Host to heal the afflicted and accursed. Wherever she went she seemed wary and tense, distracted with concern- they had already been accosted in the very middle of town, so how could they expect to be allowed to proceed unmolested?

Her nights were spent closeted in one of the house's small rooms- she pored through the Tome, page by page, making sure no details had been missed, and when that was done she went on to read anything else she could find. While she was focused on the pages, she could avoid jumping at every stray sound... Her brief hours of sleep were haunted by visions of fire, consuming scenes and faces both foreign and familiar- but for all that, she woke rested and refreshed each morning. The only time that her normal smile and composure seemed intact was during and just after her ritual of prayer each morning- no matter what visions or worries afflicted her, the comforting power of the Sovereign Host still ruled her mind.

There was work yet to be done, it seemed.


First Post
On the eve of the 26th day of Zarantyr, after having spent most of the day in ritual, Ashlyn rejoins the others at the manor. Both she and her raven glow with a warm light that radiates out from them, banishing the shadows and perhaps lifting the mood slightly.

Ashlyn appears satisfied and there is something slightly different about her now. Anyone of her companions taking a long hard look might observe that the symbol she wears about her neck somehow seems to belong there now, almost as if it had always been hers.

Seeing that Irena seems a little better rested, although still disturbed by something, Ashlyn quietly takes her host aside and speaks "Irena, there is something that we must speak of. This which seems to afflict you. To put it bluntly I believe that for some reason a vampire has taken an interest in you and is responsible for these dreamlike sequences that you have described. Furthermore, I believe that it is very likely that these events did in fact take place and that you have been enspelled as was Sir Khensu a few nights ago. That you remember anything at all speaks for your own mental resilience"

"There is something else ... it is particularly unpleasant and it is directly related to this. The other night we fought against vampires in the village inn. I recognized one of them ... it was your brother - He has been turned into one of the undead, and recently too, for he was very much alive when I first met him."

Ashlyn then waits for Irena's reaction and she will try to help the young lady deal with this in any way that she can.


First Post
A wave of exhaustion rushed over Ladreth as Vincent's curse was lifted. Much havoc had been wreaked and who knows how truly useful the half-orc had been in preventing more, but the mere fact that he no longer had to stand nightly vigil over a living, breathing incarnation of the evil this land held released that ever-growing doubt and worry in his head. Or at least part of it. There would be more trials, he knew, trials where he might have to see friends fall, or watch as his own life-blood spills before him, staining this accursed land with the crimson he held so dear.

The loss of his brother-at-arms, Tobias, still stuck with him. He'd seen friends fall before, but never had he been stricken with so much guilt at still being alive while his friend perished. But Ladreth was strong and good with a sword. Despite only one usable eye he was adept at a bow too, and the reward of a stronger, more accurate bow lent to the notion that perhaps caution might be beneficial, in lieu of a rushing charged attack, sword raised, belly exposed.

The half-orc walked over to Vincent, broken and vulnerable, self-loathing and cursed. He put a strong hand on the man's shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Ladreth, the one who had seen all the horrors Vincent had created, who had beaten him down countless of times, who had in turn been near death by the man-beast, gave his support to this dejected man the only way he knew how: silently, firmly, resolute.

And with that he went upstairs, found a bed, and slept a dreamless sleep that seemed to last for days.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
"Irena, there is something that we must speak of. This which seems to afflict you. To put it bluntly I believe that for some reason a vampire has taken an interest in you and is responsible for these dreamlike sequences that you have described. Furthermore, I believe that it is very likely that these events did in fact take place and that you have been enspelled as was Sir Khensu a few nights ago. That you remember anything at all speaks for your own mental resilience"

"There is something else ... it is particularly unpleasant and it is directly related to this. The other night we fought against vampires in the village inn. I recognized one of them ... it was your brother - He has been turned into one of the undead, and recently too, for he was very much alive when I first met him."
Ireena's mouth tightens at Ashlyn's words, but she does not deny them. She seems to have come to as much the same conclusion, even if she does not want to admit it.

At Ashlyn's news of her brother, Ireena stands stock still. Hers is a face cold, a face of anger, a face of hatred. Enough! Enough, I say! This land will do everything to break us. All of us, myself included, have given to be sheep. Only madmen and outsiders take up for us, long after we have closed our eyes to the wolves at the door. Enough! I will not bare my throat willingly! I will not submit as horror and nightmare became all. I will fight, fight with you, fight and stop this dread curse once and for all!
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