D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"You may yet have the chance to do something. Like vengeance. This cloud probably means an attack!" Ordrar calmly empties his mug and heads out to check the sudden darkness.

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Goldenfields/Northfurrow’s End Inn
Round 0

Dren was a bit impressed as Miros crushed the mug. But he calmed himself. “We are sorry for your loss,” he told the man somberly.

And then the sky darkened outside. Dren sat up with a frown, glancing toward the windows, but there was nothing to see yet.

Not one to leave a beer, he took the mug with him as he headed out after the others, quaffing it back quickly. A real shame to have to drink it so fast.

Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:


AC: 16
HP: 34/41 HD: 5//5d8+2
Ki: 5/5/R
Darts 10
Arrows: 20

[sblock=Party Treasure]

Tranio - half-elf death cleric
Fistan - human wizard
Carolina - halfling rogue
Dren - dwarf monk
Bethany - human fighter
Aremus - half-elf paladin
Ordrar - dwarf eldritch knight

Tranio: Miros is caught up in his grief and doesn't notice the approaching storm. He stays inside for the moment, while his bar empties out.

Outside: You step outside and notice dozens of other civilians gawking up towards the sky nervously. Indeed, ominous storm clouds hover above you. It is impossible, from this angle at least, to tell if there are castles on them. However, there is a giant-sized clue in each cardinal directions. Massive wooden poles jut out from the clouds and display colorful banners of either a noble house or army.

Tranio: Miros is caught up in his grief and doesn't notice the approaching storm. He stays inside for the moment, while his bar empties out.

Outside: You step outside and notice dozens of other civilians gawking up towards the sky nervously. Indeed, ominous storm clouds hover above you. It is impossible, from this angle at least, to tell if there are castles on them. However, there is a giant-sized clue in each of the cardinal directions. Massive wooden poles jut out from the clouds and display colorful banners of either a noble house or army.


Having seen the carnage wrought on Nightstone, and having flown on Zephyros' Tower, Aremus assumes that it would be much harder to drop rocks on individual people's heads than it would be to drop them on on obvious targets. Or in otherwords, it's probably safer outdoors than indoors. He runs back into the Abbey and yells "Clear the Abbey! Make for the fields! Giants have come to drop rocks on our buildings! Roofs will not hold! Get out while you can!"


Carolina steps back into the inn and sits next to Tranio. She says nothing, respecting the silence between them, but she offers a look that suggests it might be time to move along.



Goldenfields/Northfurrow’s End Inn
Round 0

Dren mutters a curse as he sees the approaching storm and the banners. This wasn’t good. “Sum’un sound the damn alarm!” Dren yelled, looking for the Watch, or an alarm bell.

Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:


AC: 16
HP: 34/41 HD: 5//5d8+2
Ki: 5/5/R
Darts 10
Arrows: 20

[sblock=Party Treasure]

Tranio - half-elf death cleric
Fistan - human wizard
Carolina - halfling rogue
Dren - dwarf monk
Bethany - human fighter
Aremus - half-elf paladin
Ordrar - dwarf eldritch knight

Voidrunner's Codex

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