"Hmmm... Ominous, but ever less terrifying. Fistan says after a while,
"Though that could be what they are hoping for - people will get bored and stop being careful. He thinks quietly for a few seconds.
Is the cloud within 1200ft? If it is Fistan will propose getting someone up there
[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]AC: 12 (15 with mage armour, 17/20 with shield)
Initiative: +2
HP: 30/30 (HD: 5/5d6)
Arcane Ward: 14/14 THP
Spell attack: +7 to hit Spell DC: 16
Quarterstaff: +2 1d6-1B
Luck: 3/3
Healing Potion
CANTRIPS (3): FireBolt, Light, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand
LEVEL 1: (4/4): *Mage Armour, *Shield, *Fog Cloud (C), *Thunderwave, Sleep, Unseen Servant (R), Alarm (R), Find Familiar (R), Comprehend Languages (R)
LEVEL 2: (3/3) Flaming Sphere (C), *Misty Step, *Levitate (C), *Web(C)
LEVEL 3: (2/2) *Counterspell, *Fireball[/SBLOCK]