Stormlight rpg

Yeah and it's not like, super-challenging. Also I was terrified to hear ex-FFG designers, but if they've managed to limit themselves to one "funky die" being involved with the game, which can easily be translated to a d6, we may be okay.

(I do think it's dumb the GM chooses which of the three options for a complication - there's no real benefit to that - all it does is make the DM need to do more work, and make things feel more adversarial - particularly "put disadvantage on an another PC not the guy who fouled up the roll" thing is uh, not great. It would be much more interesting to have this choice in player hands - loads of RPGs do it that way, too, so we know it works well.)
My first blush impression I'd that the "Plot die" feels a bit more like Modephius 2d20 than FGG stuff...and I know Sanderson's project manager on this, sometimes pro DM sometimes novelist Dan Wells, has Modephius 2d20 as one of his favorite systems (along with One Ring and Pendragon).

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Slightly confused by the way the Actions are set out. It looks like if you take a fast turn you get 2 actions, and if you take a slow turn you get 3 actions from the >> and >>>.

I think that’s the intent. I kinda like it. You can play your turn before the (fast) enemies, but it will ‘cost’ you one action to do so. With three actions you might be able to move further before attacking (since move can be taken more than once) but all the fast enemies will be playing their turn before you.

That’s an interesting design; on paper I like it. I’m curious to see how it will play out.

I think that’s the intent. I kinda like it. You can play your turn before the (fast) enemies, but it will ‘cost’ you one action to do so. With three actions you might be able to move further before attacking (since move can be taken more than once) but all the fast enemies will be playing their turn before you.

That’s an interesting design; on paper I like it. I’m curious to see how it will play out.
Once Surgebinfing (Magic) Actions are taken into consideration, having an extra Action could be very beneficial.

Lead designer talks about narratice Goals as a leveling mechanic thwt goes along more traditional XP progression, and Radiant Paths [magic Classes].


Polygon has an interview with Sanderson where he talks a bit about how the Adventure Patu from the upcoming Kickstarters, called Stoneward' Adventure (cover painting below), and how it ties into novel canon. Fun note, apparently the first time Sanderson and his friends played WEG Star Wars they accidentally killed Luke Skywalker before the original trilogy story...



Yeah, per Christuan Hoffer, this is actually a more crunchy game than 5E D&D.
I was more talking about things that are standard and DO NOT (IMO) need to be in every line, like reach if it is standard, one target, Attack, etc.
This is, of course, just on person's opinion.....
I've also never quite understood why we need to name the creature in so many traits and abilities, say "they". So many words (I'm a big believer in simplifying blocks).

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