Here is a winged dude with a bow for a supers game.
And this one has a bit of a story behind it.
I met Millie 23 years ago. She became my wife after 4 years of living together. We broke up a year later. But parted on very good terms. I always thought the world of her, but we simply where too young, too different (she is Puerto Rican, I'm a white guy without an ounce of religious upbringing, she comes from a huge family and is a twin, I come from a tiny family. I was a raving geek, she was not etc. etc.)
18 years pass and we meet again and rekindle our romance this last xmas. She is now moving to my home town and I'm very happy to have this 2nd chance.
One of our causes of friction was she thought role playing was "stupid". Now, many years later, and because she is a nurse instructor, she uses roleplaying as case study-teaching aides every semester. When we rekindled, she expressed large interest in trying out this odd hobby of mine (ours).
This picture is her first character, done during play. She played 4th ed D&D this last Saturday and had a great time, wants to do it again. She was very nervous, but my fellow gamers did a wonderful job of embracing her and her character. I had a great time. So... there's the story behind "Midnight aka Serielle, Paladin of Avandra".. Millie's first character.
These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.