The High Aldwin
I think part of the bumbling giant comes from extra extra large does equal slower when it comes to humans. Be it hand speed, staying on one's feet or sprinting 200 yards. I know football linemen are the exception to sprinting, but not really. If you look at other athletes who train just as much and as hard, they are much better. Same is true for hand speed (look at boxers, MMA) and balance (gymnasts). The big athlete can always push more and hit harder. But not the other attributes when compared to someone who trains as hard.
Sumo wrestlers have incredible hand speed, as do linemen, etc. You have to remember when it comes to moving all that weight, that increased your fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are also responsible for speed. I'm not saying bigger people are faster over all (by any means), but it is also a gross misconception that they are necessarily slower at all.