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Stupidest things PCs/DMs have done

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back in the day: Top Secret game. My agent had a flamethrower. (hey, I was in high school) Our team was by some docks, a warehouse area, and the bad guys find us and start shooting from rooftops. I respond with FIRE. I set several buildings on fire before I'm hit and the GM has the tank hit and I explode.

End Top Secret game, back to DnD...

same age, playing DnD: we were hired by elves to help repel an orc army, led by wizard, their new weapon is a magic version of gunpowder they load in barrels and hurl with catapults. We sneak up to their lines, find the seige engines and attack! My wizard decides to huck a FIREBALL at the neaby wagons. That was their ammo supply. After several large explosions we defeat the orcs, but set the elven forest on fire and burn half of it down. They were mad. We had to start a tree nursery to make up for our success.
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I've just seen something that I think qualifies in a vampire session

He as a physcologist already had the notion that these 2 NPC's were one vamp, any how they are suspossed to be twins

He'd been manipulated by one "twin" lets say "J" to throw a spanner in the others (lets call her "T") plan to get influnence and power.

He'd woken up in an unfamilar location in the underground system (rather than his nice haven) so he knew he was a target.

He gets a message setting up a meeting with "J" cause "T" has found out about last night's spanner and it's not at the elyssium.

she doesn't reply to the text suggesting meeting at elyssium.

The other players all have minor research projects at the elyssiun which doubles as a library

He went alone - got ambushed by 3 gangers with guns. (no flame rounds)

for the record the character made it out, by the skin of his teeth. To cover the draining of a mortal (done whilst in the throws of frenzie cause he'd used every point of blood to heal or boost an attribute) and thus a break in the maskerade he had to cause a fire to consume the bodies.
That's a pretty shameless rip of the video game Bloodlines: the Masquerade. :devil:


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I was once in a party with an alchemist who liked to throw bombs at enemies while the rest of us were flanking them.

1 bombed enemy
3 or 4 bombed and angry allies

Someone came close to death practically every encounter because of him. After three levels and a new character rolled up as a result of death by "friendly-fire" the other four of us asked the DM if we could kill him (none of our characters were particularly forgiving types). The DM agreed.


jumping on top of a stunned beholder, for extra damage = good.
riding the beholder around once it wakes up. = questionable.
Not getting off when the beholder floats over a lava stream = dumb.
Being dunked as beholder takes a quick dip in refreshing lavas (base hp 392) = dead & out of recovery range.


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Warlock who had all the treasure used his flight ability to cross over a chasm of lava at the devil-lich

one rolled 1 and a finger of death later, we were rule dipping to save treasure.

we figured it out, the shifter rogue grabbed my lifeless form and pulled it onto the floating adamantine fortress...

and the dumbesrt thing I've ever seen a DM do is make traps not using the rules.
Why tell the players to bring someone who can open locks if all the locks are trapped and 'cannot be disarmed because of the magic used' and then have them do 5d6 electricty damage...we were first levels, there was no save.


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Well, last week (4E), we had a player roll multiple times on his thievery and bluff skills, which were his worst skills.

It was fun though.


Spycraft - Player has his PC steal a van, drive to the stakeout, and then crawl under it with his sniper rifle. He couldn't understand why the cops came and arrested him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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