D&D (2024) Subclasses


So for Barbarian I think your list is probably what we will see. I would love to see Beast instead of Zealot.

Fighter my money would be on Rune Knight over Echo Knight just to distance from Mercer expecialy with there new game systems coming out.

Sorcerer I think we will get Shadow over Divine Soul.

Warlock I am hoping for the Undead or the Genie making it in.

Wizard I have a feeling they will put the Bladesinger in but to me it is a toss up between a conjurer and the illusionist.
Beast Barbarian and Undead Warlock are both high on my "It'd be cool if..." list. Shadow Sorcerer is cool in concept but needs some series rework. Having played one I think Echo Knight is a bit too weird, but Rune Knight might fly.

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So for Barbarian I think your list is probably what we will see. I would love to see Beast instead of Zealot.

Fighter my money would be on Rune Knight over Echo Knight just to distance from Mercer expecialy with there new game systems coming out.

Sorcerer I think we will get Shadow over Divine Soul.

Warlock I am hoping for the Undead or the Genie making it in.

Wizard I have a feeling they will put the Bladesinger in but to me it is a toss up between a conjurer and the illusionist.
Divine Soul is getting in. WOTC had seen the Sorcerer as the successor of the Favored Soul since the start of 5e

It's Echo Knight or Rune Knight depending on how much theywant to keep away from Mercer. Mercer's new game might edge Rune

The patron level of monsters are Fey, Fiends, Celestials, Giants, Genie, and Far Realm stuff. That's a toss up.

Bladesinger's been printed twice already!

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Sorcerer: Divine Soul, Draconic, Wild Magic,and Something New or StormSorcery

Divine Soul is a lock for displaying how their new spell list work.
I am hoping that they do what they did for Bards, and let Sorcerers pick any spell list at level 1. Again, most will take Arcane, but it allows a version of Divine Soul that can then interface with any subclass. That would give a choice at level 1, which Clerics, Druids, and Bards are all getting now, even as the subclass kicks in at 3.

I am hoping that they do what they did for Bards, and let Sorcerers pick any spell list at level 1. Again, most will take Arcane, but it allows a version of Divine Soul that can then interface with any subclass. That would give a choice at level 1, which Clerics, Druids, and Bards are all getting now, even as the subclass kicks in at 3.
I don't hate the Sorcerer being able to choose between spell lists. I do want the Wizard to stay with Arcane, though. That said, I'm not sure how I feel about Warlock. Do the Celestial and Fey patrons warrant allowing the Warlock to choose Divine or Primal instead of Arcane?

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
I don't hate the Sorcerer being able to choose between spell lists. I do want the Wizard to stay with Arcane, though. That said, I'm not sure how I feel about Warlock. Do the Celestial and Fey patrons warrant allowing the Warlock to choose Divine or Primal instead of Arcane?
Yes, I'm only suggesting it for the Sorcerer. In the same way that the Cleric's Divine Order baked-in options for the war cleric or knowledge cleric (less so knowledge cleric with UA6), so too the choice for Sorcerer bakes-in the Divine Soul, making it accessible if that's the build you want to pursue. Sorcerer then becomes the class that brings metamagic to any of the lists.

My conception of warlock is something else.


I am hoping that they do what they did for Bards, and let Sorcerers pick any spell list at level 1. Again, most will take Arcane, but it allows a version of Divine Soul that can then interface with any subclass. That would give a choice at level 1, which Clerics, Druids, and Bards are all getting now, even as the subclass kicks in at 3.

I'm more on the fence about this, but if the Sorcerer were to get their choice of spell lists, I'd see the Divine Soul just getting sunsetted, because most of that subclass is access to the Cleric's spells and flavour around that. Also ... I'd probably either give different unique spells to each list (So, Sorcerous Burst would be the Arcane cantrip, but then you'd get a different cantrip with Divine and with Primal) ... or attach different riders. Like maybe the Arcane Sorcerous Burst has the exploding damage dice, Primal adds a control rider and Divine adds a buff rider.

In that case, what I'd like to see for Sorcerer Subclasses is Draconic, Wild, and either Shadow or Storm (probably Storm because it does feel like the weakest), and a new subclass.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
I'm more on the fence about this, but if the Sorcerer were to get their choice of spell lists, I'd see the Divine Soul just getting sunsetted, because most of that subclass is access to the Cleric's spells and flavour around that.
Yes, that's what I'm hoping for.


Crown-Forester (he/him)
So the necromancer was confirmed by Crawford on one of the videos as a side note saying how much fun the new necromancer was and how they had to balance things so you could get undead at lvl 3 so you could feel like a necromancer but still not be to powerful.
THANK YOU. Finally someone answers my question. I watched all the videos but I must have missed that line while I was cooking one day while watching.

However… it still doesn't mean that the Necromancer is necessarily in the PHB, if they do the Death Domain Cleric and Oathbreaker Paladin in the DMG again. They could easily have an "evil" / monstrous / villainous subclass for most of the core classes in the DMG:

Path of the Zealot or Path of the Beast Barbarian
College of Whispers or College of Spirits Bard
Death Domain Cleric
Circle of Spores Druid
??? Fighter
Warrior of the Long Death Monk
Oathbreaker Paladin
Monster Hunter Ranger (those who fight monsters…)
Phantom Rogue
Shadow Magic Sorcerer
Undead Patron Warlock
Necromancy School Wizard

Fighter is honestly the only one without a truly villainous subclass in core already. The only one in core adjacent that comes to mind is Morgrave Miscellany's Bone Knight Fighter, which does villainous divine undead version of Eldritch Knight stuff.


THANK YOU. Finally someone answers my question. I watched all the videos but I must have missed that line while I was cooking one day while watching.

However… it still doesn't mean that the Necromancer is necessarily in the PHB, if they do the Death Domain Cleric and Oathbreaker Paladin in the DMG again. They could easily have an "evil" / monstrous / villainous subclass for most of the core classes in the DMG:

Path of the Zealot or Path of the Beast Barbarian
College of Whispers or College of Spirits Bard
Death Domain Cleric
Circle of Spores Druid
??? Fighter
Warrior of the Long Death Monk
Oathbreaker Paladin
Monster Hunter Ranger (those who fight monsters…)
Phantom Rogue
Shadow Magic Sorcerer
Undead Patron Warlock
Necromancy School Wizard

Fighter is honestly the only one without a truly villainous subclass in core already. The only one in core adjacent that comes to mind is Morgrave Miscellany's Bone Knight Fighter, which does villainous divine undead version of Eldritch Knight stuff.
My favorite dark fighter is the Living Crusible from Grimm Harvest, it's an alchemical themed fighter kinda reminiscent of Jeckle and Hyde.


I'll bet you it's Evoker, Necromancer, Illusionist, and Diviner.

If we're looking at schools I would go with evoker, necromancer, enchanter, and diviner as iconic wizard archetypes.

Does anyone else think it is important for arcane spell schools to have a decent number of spell options, at least one of every spell level? What good is a discount on scribing spells of a particular school if there are no spells of that school for a particular spell level?

The way school subclasses work there are several non-school spells to fall back on but there does need to be enough spells that the subclass features matter.

I am hoping that they do what they did for Bards, and let Sorcerers pick any spell list at level 1. Again, most will take Arcane, but it allows a version of Divine Soul that can then interface with any subclass. That would give a choice at level 1, which Clerics, Druids, and Bards are all getting now, even as the subclass kicks in at 3.

Absolutely. Selecting the spell list for sorcerers makes a lot of sense.

Voidrunner's Codex

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